Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Manga: Chapter 564 (SPOILERS!)


Maybe I ruin myself by setting my expectations really high for this chapter. Ever since I started to follow the manga, I have been told to expect big things when Oda takes breaks so I tell that to everybody else too. I am sorry if you are disappointed and I am going to try not to be too excited but still believe that Papa Oda will always come back with a gift when he comes back from break.

Wow....That so contradicted what I just said.

Still as you can see, I wasn't too impress with this week's chapter. I was a GOOD chapter and well worth the wait but it wasn't as awesome as I thought it was going to be. Though I was impress a lot throughout the chapter. Had a lot of moments that surprised me. A good chapter overall.

So now for some play by play?

Franky, I don't know about Franky. Recently he is beginning to look very strange to me. I am not sure if he is being drawn differently or it is just me. I am not talking about how he looks in the manga but as in the anime too. In the last One Piece episode, he looked a bit different to me. A little bit dense if you catch my drift. Maybe I am not use to him without his sunglasses? It just that something looks off to me.

So after all the drama that has happen, Whitebeard finally gets into the battle. And how the battle went is how it goes. Seems like even after all that has happen with Squardo, people are still loyal to Whitebeard. Though we only saw the people who still believed in Whitebeard, I don't think that many ran off. To tell the truth, this little lie to Squardo that the Marines pulled only made the pirates even more upset and wanting Marine blood.
"We won't forgive you Marines!"
-Some Pirate that is with Whitebeard
I am glad that those guys are still so loyal to Whitebeard. I would have appreciate to see some pirates running away or saying something about Whitebeard but this is good. Seeing all of this emotion from Squardo as he realized what he has done. I think that this guy has realized that he basically tipped the first domino that could lead to Whitebeard's death. Still Marco goes in there to pick up Squardo so I am sure we won't be seeing the last of Squardo. Just look farther along the chapter where Oars Jr. gets mention. We all saw that Oars Jr. fell to the ground and looked pretty done but apparently the big guy has a bit more in him to slow down the Marines a bit.

Though here is when I started to notice something about this week's chapter. Everything looked a bit different. Maybe it is the drawing style that was used for this chapter or maybe it is the scanlations themselves. I think the scans I got first may have made them a bit lighter because I compared them to another set and they were darker. To tell the truth I like the first set better since they look cleaner in detail. Still maybe that is me but I also do think both sets look a bit different.

And now we finally get some Luffy action! Kind of! Still I guess I was wrong. I was kind of hoping that Luffy would have been running to the platform while the whole Whitebeard drama was happening. I was so expecting to laugh in this chapter because I was expecting that Luffy would appear out of nowhere on the platform.

I wanted to see Luffy just standing on the platform and Sengoku looking at him saying, "What the heck are you doing here StrawHat Luffy?"

Then Luffy would be looking at Sengoku and said, "Well I just climbed up here while you guys were watching Whitebeard."

Ace, Garp and Sengoku stares at Luffy as he makes his way to Ace.

"Hey there big bro!" smiles Luffy as he stares at Ace's handcuffs having no idea where the key goes.

haha And that is how I was hoping it would play out during this chapter. haha Still it didn't play out like that but I was so going to bust my gut laughing at that. Though it seems like Jimbei is or has started to get really close to Luffy now. I mean the big guy was right there at Luffy's side for the whole chapter. Whenever you see Luffy, Jimbei wasn't too far away from him saying "Luffy-kun" and then something old, wise and cool.

Then we finally get the great Whitebeard to fight! Against Giant John! Well that was kind of unexpected and kind of lame. Giant John is cool and all but I just don't understand what makes him so awesome as people say he is. So he is a giant. Is that suppose to impress me? No offense to him and all but all he has is just his height while in this series we have people that can shoot magma. I'll be more worry about Mr. I-Can-Make-Magma then Mr. John. Though I never seen Giant John till they did the whole 'Marines on Parade' back in Marineford a few episodes back so maybe I just haven't seen him in action before to better measure his power.


Which is what Whitebeard d oes to Giant John to make the big guy fall! Which is funny since I was discussing Whitebeard's Gura Gura to him when it was revealed he had a Devil Fruit Power. He mention that it would be cool that Whitebeard would punch somebody and then cause an earthquake. Though he didn't say Quake Punch but still it sounded cool when we were talking about it. It seems like Oda was thinking the same thing and drew that out for us. Thank you Oda. You are awesome. haha

Oh yeah...I guess it was kind of cool to see the sea and the island being tilted a bit to force Giant John to tip over. Still it isn't as cool as....


Then we have the Admirals doing something strange. They are all just standing there with their arms stretch like they are using the force or something. Or maybe Haki! OHHH!!! I hope it isn't Haki. Still I don't know. Either way Akainu looks pissed at Aokiji for freezing everything over. I don't care, what Aokiji did was awesome! It gave us Mountain Slice from Mihawk so it is all cool. haha Though it doesn't look like Luffy is having fun with it seeing that Whitebeard's attack made him have to watch for random earthquakes. haha But look who is behind Luffy right now! Jimbei! It seems like Jimbei is doing better job in covering Luffy's back then a certain flaming phoenix is. haha

Then we finally get this Siege Wall come up and I am impress. Very impress. It seems like this way can do a lot. It keeps people out while allowing them to attack. There are cannons on it! Though one thing that got me a bit confuse is why wasn't Luffy able to hold on to the wall? Was it because it was moving so fast up that he couldn't get a good grip on it? Maybe. Still I am hoping we find away around it. Or maybe Oars Jr. is the key to get around it.

Which is surprising since Oars Jr. made another appearance here and did something that kind of helped. It seems like him falling a few chapters back is keeping the Seige Wall from going up because the part that he fell on isn't strong enough to lift him up and his blood is seem to be damaging the levees and such. Which is kind of cool but sad. Sucks that the only way that Oars Jr. can be useful is by not doing anything. Sigh...Way to go Oars Jr.

Then the chapter ends with literally a rain of flaming fist coming from the sky! Hitting what looks like everything that is in the bay. Several people seem to be on fire as the Moby Dick is on fire. Makes me a bit sad since the Moby Dick kind of looks like Wailmer, a cute pokemon that I would love to lay down on. The ship looks so happy and such as a big whale. Though I am also thinking about Inazuma. Isn't he still on the ship that Luffy and the group came on from Impel Down? Isn't that ship still in the bay? We saw that Ivankov's face was shocked so maybe he realized that Inazuma is still on the ship. I am hoping that he got away from the attack some how because it doesn't look pretty for anybody that is in the bay right now. Also I swear that it looks like Whitebeard is about to shed a tear as he watched the guys in the bay and his ship on fire. I would too. It seems really sad.

This chapter came out really early. Earlier in the week I was so happy I got the anime post up early because that meant I get two days to relax before I had to get to this post. Then I got all sad because this chapter came out and I knew if I wanted to make this post cool that I had to post within 24 hours. Sigh... Still we got our One Piece chapter and it seems like we are getting a bit more of what Sengoku wanted to do. This chapter really lay the groundwork for something bigger and I am sure we are going to see more up ahead. So hold on to your boots and let see what happens next week.

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