Thursday, September 3, 2009

Manga: Chapter 556 (SPOILERS!)

Ok, before I start this post. Let me make this fact clear. This post is about events that are currently happening in the MANGA. If you are a person that is only following the anime and don't want to know about events that are going to happen in the future then skip this post. I am going to be talking about things that are happening in the manga. Though if you are like me who like to know what is going on in the manga and still watch the anime. Then feel free to read away. As for myself, I prefer to believe in the idea that it is more fun to be part of the journey then the destination. So I don't care if I get spoilers of events that are to come. Still this post will have potential spoilers for future events.

And one more to make sure the people understand this....


Maybe later I will do another blog post about stuff.

Now to the main post.

Chapter 556

Let me get this out in the open right now. I am not really a big fan of the manga. I mean I love the manga and all but really, I just find it a bit slow. It is a very cruel mistress. The chapters to me feel really short and then they leave you at a cliffhanger. Now I know this only means that Oda is only doing his job but well I kind of want more. Which I guess just proves that our guys are doing their job. It is feels unfulfilled because I finish these things in I think ten minutes and then that is all. With the anime at least I get twenty-two minutes of entertainment.

Still enough about this. I may blog every chapter. I may not. I am not sure how I will handle chapters. I just know that it may be shorter compare to the episodes.

One thing that been on my mind is how many chapters can be fitted into an episode of the anime. I only just started reading the manga because I figured out it is easier to read then search Wiki-s for what is going on. So I am not sure how many chapters can fit in an episode. If anybody know the answer this this question then tell me in the comments or Tweet me.

So here we are, right where we left off last week. Oars/Oz Jr. (however Viz and Funi going to name him) does his thing to try to save Ace. So close, yet so far. Have to say it sucks to be Oz Jr. I mean I guess we all knew that he wouldn't have made it but really it just sucks. He tried so far to save Ace but failed. Then we get the reel of his relationship with Ace in the last chapter and I have to say, I feel sorry for Oz Jr. Ace showed the big guy that he cared and all Oz Jr wanted to do was return the favor. Kind of hoping that this won't be the end of Oz Jr. and that Oda does what he does best which is not kill characters. haha We can only hope.

Then we see the might of Whitebeard. And what power does he has. Though I can truly said I can't wait to see this animated. Because I really want to know what the heck he did. Another reason why I don't like reading the manga is because it is hard to follow what is going on. Details to me come out a bit blurry. So I am wondering if what Whitebeard did was because of his abilities in Haki or his Gura Gura. Still it does look powerful.

Doflamingo, what a guy. Another person who I can't wait to see what he can does and what his weakness is. I can only take a guess that his weakness is projectile related. I mean if the person he is fighting is able to shot projectiles then it doesn't matter if Doflamingo can control their bodies because the bullet is going to hit him anyways. So far it seems like Doflamingo can only control the body and that is all. If he can control things then that is a whole new ballgame.

In other thoughts: Doflamingo vs Crocodile? Eh eh?

Doflamingo seems to like to talk right? Thought he does make sense. Winners do write history. Losers just lose. Personality I am going for the pirates. haha

And hero enters stage left!

haha Damn it Luffy. Damn it! You are such an idiot! haha Coming from the sky. Falling on the battlefield. What the heck. haha Only you would do something as stupid as that. Still I will bet that the Marines are going to think that this is some genius plan that Luffy has came up with to rescue Ace and over think it. Sigh. Way to go Luffy. Way to go. Only you can make this chapter go from serious to awesome in one page. haha

For real? What the heck? Did Luffy asked Iva to do his wink thing to make the ship fly like the Sunny does? If so then smart thinking Luffy...But then again. Nevermind. This is Luffy here...

Well right now I can't wait till next week. I can already tell that this battle is going to get screwy now that Luffy is there. I just hope they don't spend like three pages where they do a flashback where Luffy is telling Iva to make the ship fly with his wink attack. I just want pure action. haha And also Luffy's craziness. haha

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