Thursday, September 10, 2009

One Piece More: Gear Second Vs Second Gear and Hulu Love

One Piece More will be my way to just talk about anything I want from One Piece to my life. This is my blog after all so I have a right to rant about junk. It be a little something extra that I will try to do each week. I may not do it every week but I do it every so often. Maybe I will show some of my One Piece junk I have collected or something.

Also these may be shorter post.

Well there is a con coming up soon. I am sure that I am going to go but I am not sure if I am going to pay for a ticket or volunteer so I can get in for free. My friends are going to volunteer and I usually hang out with them. They have been volunteering for the past few cons we been to and I just go wherever they are even if they are on volunteering duty. I was able to go to some places where normal people don't get to go like the volunteer room and stuff since nobody notice me and even help with set up for some stuff. Still I am not sure if I would like volunteering or not. I like to take pictures of cosplayers and I am afraid that I will miss chances of catching pictures of great cosplays.

Also people from Funi usually attend the cons I go to but so far the guest list doesn't interest me. Wendy Powell (Miss Merry Christmas) is up to be there but nobody else. Maybe more people from Funi will be announced later but so far nobody I am willing to go fanatical about.

I am going to cosplay for this con like I do all the time but I haven't decided on my cosplay line up. Since it is Halloween weekend my friends want to do a vampire group cosplay (not Twilight vampires) so that leave me with two days to do my cosplays. I am trying to decide between my Luffy, Sanji or Ikuto (Shugo Chara!) cosplay (There is another one but I don't want to mention it here....). People say I do a great Luffy cosplay and I get glomps for my Ikuto one. So it is a hard choice on the days and if I am going to do them.

Also I am going to try to Tweet stuff from the con. We see how that works.

Gear Second Vs Second Gear
So while I was roaming the web in an attempt to make myself part of the One Piece community, I notice people were talking about how Funi decided to sub Gear Second in Episode 414. I didn't know they did this since I was getting my subs from other places who used the normal 'Gear Second'. So I decided to go to Funi and see if it was true about them subbing Gear Second as Second Gear. While I was there I also saw the fight between Luffy and the Snake Sisters for the tenth time. haha

Seems like they were right. Funi did subbed Gear Second as Second Gear. Now I know that some people may be upset because Funi did this since it means they changed something from the original and also I am guessing these subs will be a good indication of how Funi will dub these episodes. Still I have no problem with this change. When I first saw Luffy use Gear Second for the first time I thought it was so awesome! I looked at Luffy going Gear Second and thought, "WOW! COOL! HE IS SMOKING! AND SO FAST! AWESOME!". Then when I when I see Luffy doing it again I always read and thought of it as Luffy going Second Gear. After awhile I realize that it was actually Gear Second.

So yeah, for a while I called it Second Gear because that is how I read and process it. I don't see the Second before the Gear. I don't know why. Maybe because I am just so whipped by the English language that I read it like that. When Luffy says "Gear Second", it sounds cool and all but I read it as Luffy going as "Second Gear". Even right now in this blog post I am feeling the urge to type 'Second Gear' instead of 'Gear Second'.

Really, I have no problem with Funi if they dub and/or subbing Gear Second as Second Gear. I been thinking that for a long time and I guessed that they were going to do that either way. Either them or 4Kids if they still had the rights. It sounds cool either way. Looks even cooler.

Hulu Love
Did anybody knew that Hulu is also streaming One Piece? Well they are. I thought Hulu pulled out after the whole incident that happen in Late May/Early June. Still it looks like they are streaming One Piece now with Funi. Not sure when they will update with the new episode but they are streaming it and you can comment about the episode.

I looked at some of the comments the other day and the ones I read all seem positive. A lot of people are glad that Hulu is steaming One Piece and want to see more. Nice to seem that the 'general public' is taking One Piece with open arms.

Pimp the Tweet!
If you haven't notice, I also have a Twitter for this Blog. One Piece at a Time is on Twitter too! If you search out for MikeyDPirate then you can find me. Also if you type in 'One Piece Blog' then there is a good chance you can pick me out from there.

That is a good way to keep up with me concerning this blog and anything else I say on Twitter. I tend to talk about about how I feel on there. School and junk. I try to personalize it.

So if you are on Twitter or something. Then please follow me! I have a goal. To have ten followers. So please. Help me reach that goal. Already following me? Then tell your other friends to follow me too! Three people away from my goal! haha

YAY! The weekend! Thank goodness! It is finally here! Now I can relax a bit! Well not too much...there is something called school work but meh. Tomorrow is Friday and I LOVE Fridays! So with this, I wish that everybody have a good Friday and weekend. Later.