Monday, January 18, 2010

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 434

First Thoughts
You know. I was going to put Magellan on the 'throne' but there is a certain charm to Luffy picking his nose for bloody boogers. Don't know what that is but nice to know that Luffy is working on high priority items in times like these.

Still what a dark and grim episode right? Well the beginning of the episode was grim looking. People falling into pits of fire and boiling blood was all over the place for half of he first half of the episode. There was a lot of funny parts though that really help balance out the episode but when I look back at the episode. The funny parts came before the grim parts so I guess the grim was to balance out the happy. Wow...nice. Glad we have Opening 12 to raise my hopes before watching this episode.

Luffy, Mr. 3, Buggy and Bon Clay find themselves falling into Level 4.

Magellan prepares his forces on Level 4.

Marines receive reports that Shanks and Kaikou had intercepted each other. It is said tha Kaikou wanted to stop Whitebeard.

As Luffy was fighting jailers and going to the kitchen, he encounters Magellan.


I have a thing for chibi(s) ok?

Now we return to our happy band of people as they talk about what to do next. Though I find this situation so funny. Here Buggy and Mr. 3 are just trying to tell Luffy that they need to go up and escape but Luffy is just picking his nose like there is nothing important to decide. Then we have Bon Clay just twirling twirling twirling towards the future! Makes me wonder why Mr. 3 and Buggy don't just run off without these two here but oh well. This is proving to be very entertaining to watch. I just wonder which one of these people will just crack from all the pressure though. haha

Hmm....You are all idiots. Every single one of you. Though you are all special idiots. Special idiots. Every single one of you. haha

"Is the ground rising?"

Nah! It isn't! You are all just FALLING!

In all seriousness. I found this just very funny. There guys are just falling and don't even know it. The rocks passing them up wasn't clue enough to tell them that they are falling into what could be a fiery pit of pain and suffering that normally would be unlivable. There reactions to the events were even more funny. Each one of them was taking credit for making the piece of stone that they were standing on falling. haha Like they should be doing that since it means that it is that person's fault for them falling. haha

Still poor Mr. 3 for being in such a spot. haha He is melting due to the heat and then he realized that he didn't do much in taking down that Minotaurus. Poor guy. Still Mr. 3 is underselling himself though. I mean if it wasn't for his wax powers then Luffy would have been unable to knock out that Minotaurus. Don't worry Mr. 3. I am rooting for you.

Welcome to Level 4! A flaming pit where it always burns! If you like it hot then you will love this place! A nice warm fire greets you everyday as you have prisoners keeping the fire going with an ongoing supply of firewood. Clearly a place that is heaven on earth!

Got to say, this really helped answer my question on how things are in Level 4 with the fire and prison cells. There are just a lot of bridges in Level 4 to get to place to place.

Still the main reason why I even talking about this right now (beside wanting to get a good picture of Level 4) is Das Bones AKA Mr. 1. Seems like the guy is doing well in Level 4. I mean the guy looks as if he is just comfortable down there. Keeping warm and licking his own blood up. Nice.

Also I am not sure if you can tell by the picture but it seems like Mr. 1 has a scar there. I wonder where that came from. I am thinking that is maybe a battle scar from the fight that he had with Zoro back in Alabasta. Just me guessing though. I am not sure. If anybody knows where he got that scar from then email me at or leave the information in the comments. Source it too would be nice.

Seems like some funky things are going to happen soon or at least some funky things that may happen soon as a worse case senatorial. News about Shanks and Kaidou bumping heads are making people in the Marines a bit scared too and I am wondering why. I be thinking that if two of the Four Emperors were fighting then that would be a good thing for the Marines. Still clearly not all of the Emperors are on the same side with Whitebeard going in to save Ace. Then again when I think about it, the Emperors want to control the New World so if one of their fellow Emperors uses a top gun in their ranks then that is good for them. Then if one of the Four Emperors seem to get more power then that will upset the balance between the three powers even more. So I am guess that may worry them a bit.

Also don't you think that these are just some awesome scenes here? The red is a nice touch of doom while the shadows were used just nicely. I would love to see textless screencaps of  each one of these but it is a shame. I also love how Doflamingo is just there with his smile. Then there is Hancock just hanging overhead.

Speaking about Hancock! Did you guys heard? They are going to make official One Piece mouse pads (Source ANN). As in special I mean your wrist will be resting on the....assets of the lovely ladies from One Piece which includes Robin, Nami and Hancock!

Thought some of you guys may want to know about this incase you haven't heard the buzz from Twitter or keep up with anime news. haha Still back to your regular schedule program.

Which is the Magellan and Hannyabal Show!

Seems like Magellan is gather his people in Level 4 but are a bit surprise at where Luffy and his guys are landing. Apparently he didn't think that Luffy and those guys would be brave (or more like stupid) enough to risk jumping into a pool of boiling blood. haha Seems like Magellan's blood is boiling now.

Though I wonder how good is Magellan if he didn't even think about guarding the vent there incase Luffy and them decided to actually enter Burning Hell from there.

Also to answer a question that I asked last week, the jailers are wearing heat resistant uniforms.

Also I was wondering what the heck that thing was that we saw in the preview. Turns out that it is Magellan's throne. Literally. It takes care of Magellan's needs as in keeping things dark and well...take a dump. haha Wow...So basically it is a port-a-potty. Nice.....You know....I have no words for this.

Well I do. I just know that I don't want to be the person that cleans out that port-a-potty at the end of that day. Yep.

Also the port-a-potty has windows in it which has many functions I think. Besides allowing Magellan to command orders in person, he can also air out the thing incase he let loose something that is very stinky. haha

YAY! About time! We finally get to see the Demon Guards of Impel Down with faces! FACES! We get Minozebra, Minokoala and Minorhino! Aren't they ugly! haha They also don't seem so bright but then again if Minotaurus was that hard to beat then  these won't be  walks in the parks I am sure.

Also turns out that these guys have special traits to them too which I didn't know. Minozebra is shy, Minokoala is hawkish and Minorhino is bashful. No idea what this has to do but it may make sense later on in fighting wish. Which means me wonder what is Minotaurus. Stupid?

So the plan is to break up into three groups. Hannyabal and Sadichan takes up both of the stairs. Avoid Magellan's poison breath. Then let everybody else with no name tags to just look around for Luffy and the guys. Nice. Then what will Magellan do?

Take a dump.

I am really wondering how Magellan got this job as Warden and how he kept it after the whole Shiki thing a good twenty years ago.

This is this week's scene of the week. Well there are others from the beginning but  those had reasons to here. This one is just here because I think it is funny but can't say anything more on it. haha

Love how Bon Clay was just spinning around while everybody was talking and in pain. haha The guy so deserve the slap and stuff. haha I guess it is possible for the heat to get to the Oh Come My Way. haha

Great fight scenes we got this week. I have no idea what was that kicking attack that Luffy did back there but it was cool. Then seeing Gum Gum Fireworks just made my heart race. That attack is one of my favorites of Luffy's (with Gum Gum Storm being number one). Then seeing Bon Clay just run though and made them fly. I mean it is so  corny that he yelled out "OH COME MY WAY!" but still it was just cool. haha

Still looks like some junk is going to go down according to Mr. 3. The guards are not there and it been quiet. Seems like this guy know how things work in Impel Down. Though was anybody disturbed at the flames and the guys hanging above them? Then we also have purple shadowy Magellan there. Nice touch and I don't think we had shadowy Magellan before.

Now this is when crud comes raining down. Literally! Out of nowhere right before Luffy falls Magellan in all hsi poison-y goodness. Purple rain! Not jelly as in Luffy was hoping for. Still things are going to go down as it seems because now Luffy is in a corner that he may not be able to simply beat his way out of. Did you also saw Bon Clay though? That guy looked as if he was scared as heck at the slight of Magellan.

Looks like things are going to get bad next week. Luffy is now facing the head of Impel Down right here and I know I been questioning Magellan's ability as warden but maybe next week will prove why the guy is warden. If not then at least show why he is so feared if we didn't figure it out when Magellan was in Level 6. Let juts hope that things don't go too bad for our rubber bodied hero and his Oh Come My Way friend.


Seems like some junk is going to go down! Luffy and Magellan is going to fight down. Seems like we are going to get a lot of hydra action here. Still looks like Bon Clay is a bit scared. I am guessing we won't see much fighting from him here but who knows. I do know that the guy's name is in the title and I remember hearing the title is about a swan running away. Still I guess we see what happens next week.

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