Thursday, April 1, 2010

Shugo Chara! Party!- Episode 113

First Thoughts
Well this was an episode about Rikka. If it wasn't for a certain person then it would have been kind of pointless in watching. Still it was a good episode. It had it's touching moments.

Puchi Puchi
Sorry El and Il. I love you both but I didn't really laugh too much. Got me giggles from me but that is it. Still cute. Very cute. haha

Ran has a point. It is completely the same. Still it was funny to see that a big deal was made about it. I wonder if they really do use those chairs or are they just painted on? That is a good question.

Though this is Shugo Chara Bomber so you know that it just going to get sillier!

And it did! haha

The typical Super Sentai power up thing. Happens in all Super Sentai series. I didn't think these outfits could have gotten even worse but it is possible! Hurray!

Professor Miki. haha Aww I love you Miki! Just another thing to boost that ego of yours! I am sure you are loving this even if you had to turn coat on Ran. Well anything is better then wearing those outfits right?

Doki Doki
Hikaru, you are the reason why this was a good episode of Doki Doki. I get to that later but still you are such a great addition to this cast. I mean your grandfather gifts you a nice pen and you just think of it as if it was nothing since you don't need it. Aww...Kid. You have a long way to go. Just because you have a heard egg doesn't mean you know how to use it.

So this whole episode was about how Rikka loses her gift from her parents. It is a bit touching but I kind of don't care much for Rikka. I am hoping as the series goes on that she will grow on me but really we see. At least we know she has parents with faces. Still not like it would matter since we may never see them ever.

Really? This girl can go places. I mean it only has been the morning but you are saying you been to all of these places so early in the morning? Where does this girl get the energy from? I can bray get out of my bed in the morning and here is this girl who is at all engines. Where does this girl go to get her coffee and I get it because I want some of that stuff.

The planetarium! The place where anybody who is lost goes to! They can find a way to get lost but they can find this place easily. I guess that is the magic of this place even for filler characters.

Then when Amu open the door, that looked pretty cool. Haven't seen this side of her in a long time. I love cool Amu.

Really? You think after the first time that Rikka would learn her lesson. I guess thinking that was too much on her. Oh well. Maybe this time after loosing her necklace she will get the point.

Really? Did we really needed a Character Transformation for this? I mean it made the crow drop the necklace but this transformation just felt tacked on to pass some time.

Epic jump into the water!

And this moment with Rikka ends with Hikaru mentioning that the necklace has no worth. Well duh! It doesn't mean anything money wise. Still it was good that the kid learned this. It is all about the love.

Aww! How sweet! He is wearing the pen that his grandfather gave him. I guess he did get the touching lesson after all. Now this was the best part of the episode. Nice.

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