Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 450

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First Thoughts
This episode really made me look back to the chapters in Shonen Jump to make sure that everything was done right. I know that the anime has mostly been loyal to the manga but some parts made me wonder if it really happen like it was. I only read the manga for this part once but some things felt a bit off like the final blow and where it happen. Still all was right in this episode as being loyal to the source. Not sure if that is a good thing but at least I know that all is correct.

This has to be one of the better episodes that we have gotten. Everything was nicely paced and the filler was good. What more could we ask for during an important part in the arc. Where the episode ended was just perfect too since it wasn't just rushed and cut off. The only thing I am wondering about is where will the next episode end on but that is something that can be talked about later on in this post.

Crocodile, Jimbei, and Daz Bones work to secure an escape ship. After fighting the Marines on the ship, they were able to get a ship. Buggy was passed out for most of the fight.

Luffy, Mr. 3 and some of the prisoners continue to fight Magellan. The warden then unleash his most powerful technique that makes the band of prisoners run away.

Luffy with Mr. 3's help attempt to do one final attack to push back Magellan which was able to knock back the poisonous warden. Then Ivankov used a Hell Wink to fly the prisoners out of Impel Down and into a sea filled with whale sharks summoned by Jimibei.

It is alive!

So it seems like this is how Ivankov will survive the poison shower of Magellan. Just some hormones and he will be back and running in no time. Still I wonder if these are the same hormones that he gave Luffy to fight the intense poison or just some Energy Hormones.

Either way the guy doesn't look too good.

Poor Buggy, I know he can do something awesome if he tries. It just that it won't happen. Oh well....He tried but at least we are getting some cool Daz Bones and Crocodile action. Still the two look damn awesome as they stare down the Marines. I really wonder if they think they have a chance against these two. I mean don't they know that these two have awesome Devil Fruit powers that make guns and blades useless against them. I can understand them not knowing about Das Bones but Croc was part of the Warlords for goodness sakes. haha

Well this was an interesting fight either way. haha

Jimbei used Whirlpool!

It's Super Effective!

Yeah...I been playing a lot of Pokemon HeartGold recently. Just because I was able to make a Pokemon reference doesn't mean I have a problem...Really!

I never understood how water can make things explode but I am not complaining. It just looks so damn cool. haha Still I liked how Crocodile just looked at Jimbei and said, "Hey boy," as if he was some sort of pimp. Finally the guy is acting the part that he is dressed as. He doesn't want Jimbei to ruin his ride since it is hard to go pimping. Clothes can only make half the man, the ride also matters too.

Still I don't think it is a good idea to have a piece of your ship gone like that and I would be thinking they would try to get another ship but whatever. It still floating so that means the ship is able bodied to do whatever they need to do.

This looked so cool. This was everything that the last Luffy versus Magellan fight needed. Something to make Luffy have some sort of edge on the poison man so it won't be so one sided. The Champion Gatling Gun also looked cool since you could see where each punch was going. Not sure if it was filler but it was good filler. (Sorry but I only checked certain parts of the chapter and this wasn't one of them.)

I know this isn't good a one sided fight leads to a boring fight but meh. I think this is well deserved after the last fight Luffy had with Magellan. The guy was just pounding the kid with attack after attack while Luffy was bray about to do anything back. Now the kid is able to do something about this and I approve.

Also I know that something is coming up soon that will make this fight not one sided anymore. It is clearly coming.

Still seems like Magellan has gone terminator as he just came out of that attack and smoke like it was nothing.  Then he goes off and uses Leer on Luffy to weaken his defenses but I think it was more like an Intimidate or something because now Luffy's attacks are now weaker.

And there I go making more Pokemon references. Really...does anybody get these or has it been that long since most people has touched a Pokemon game? Still maybe I do have a problem....MAYBE!

Now Magellan has taken out a new brand of poison as this one is able to not only effect the wax but the stone walls and floors of the prison. Now here I think is one thing that the anime failed to mention which is that Magellan saying that he isn't allow to use this technique because it can destroy the prison itself. I know this was in there because I was walking around reading this part when I got my Shonen Jump. I was kind of looking forward to this line in the anime so I was disappointed when it wasn't used. It kind of showed  the seriousness of the situation as Magellan is force to unleash his most powerful attack. Big Poison Skull Magellan AKA Poison Demon, Hell's Judgement!

That does sound cool.

Yeah...I would have a face like that too if I saw something that is able to corrode stone. I don't think that is normal to tell the truth. The poison is able to spread even by touching something that has been poisoned. So how do you get an antidote to a thing? I know they can give Devil Fruits to things so the same goes for the poison? Either way it doesn't look too good for these guys.

I mean smoke is coming from the ground that is being touched by the poison and the stone walls don't look so pretty....That so can't be good.

Yeah...don't think Crocodile liked the idea of you shooting at his head. I mean he knows that it won't do any good since he can reform his head but I bet it sure gets annoying after awhile. During the time that he was reforming his head, he could have already grabbed your neck and drain the water from you like he is doing right now. haha

Now the Marines realize that it is Daz Bones. Really, do they even know who they are fighting against? It sure looks like they don't even know that they are suppose to be there. I really wonder how Daz Bones does that though. It is a kick based moved or just him spinning his legs like a blender. What is even stranger is that there is no blood or anything. That must be nice for clean up. Can't have blood on the floors if you are going to go pimping later.

The NewKama Fashion never fails to amaze me. I really wonder what goes though their heads when making these outfits.

Still yeah...I can see why they would be so scared after seeing that big things chasing after Luffy and them. I wouldn't want them to be coming anymore. They must be good friends if they are not yelling at Luffy to go the other way or something. haha

The Poison Demon looks freakin scary after all.

Nicely done images here. Well worth the screenshots if I wasn't going to use them for this post. I am not sure if Ivankov was thinking about what was happening or they were showing what was happening but either way I am not complaining.

Ivankov doesn't looks so good either. The guy is about to pass out and he almost does. Well he is laying on the ground and not moving so that isn't a good sign in the least. Still he has Inazuma and that explains what has happen to that guy. Guess he wanted to pick up his right hand man before moving on to see if he can do something to help Luffy.

Now this was the best part of the whole episode! Well this episode had a lot of them but this was one of them! haha Ivankov using Hell Wink to fly up from Level  Two and crashing right into Level One where everybody is at. Crazy luck and crazy introduction into what could be a scary sight for everybody around him. haha It isn't everyday where you see a huge head coming up and busting the floor.

haha Ivankov doesn't look so good and that is saying something since the guy wasn't looking so good before hitting the ceiling.

Click to Enlarge Image

I found PandaMan! I guess the guy was still in prison or something. The guy looks buff too. Guess that what happens when you are in prison. You become buff and huge. The guy looks good for somebody who been though a heckish like prison.

haha The DenDen Mushi has Jimbei's eyebrows. haha Now that is something. Either it is related to Jimbei or just that is how he is. haha The Den Den Mushi has the teeth and eyebrows. Got to say they are getting better and better each time.

Still seems like they got a ship. Not all the guys are in the water but most of them are. Buggy seems fine now but I am not sure if he did anything. haha Crocodile and Daz Bones did a great job in clearing the deck. Now we need to find away to get everybody to the boat. Though jumping into the sea? Not sure if that is a good idea but the again Jimbei is saying it so he knows what he is talking about right? The fishman may look old but he hasn't hit the crazy stage. So I hope. haha

Now here is the moment. Go Time. Live or die. One false move and everything is gone to waste. Luffy goes for Third Gear, Mr. 3 puts up the last of the Candle Walls and Magellan goes in to strike with Hell's Judgment. What attack will give determines who wins.

Now this was just an epic moment. Even though we all had a good idea on who will prevail in this battle, it was still a edge sitting moment as we were thinking how cool this scene was as Luffy pushes back the Candle Wall in attempt to force the Venom Demon back.

This was surely a last ditch effort attack because after Luffy deactivated Third Gear, the kid went flying and was out of commission until he re-inflated himself. It was funny when he was flying around as the air shot out of him but really the kid was screwed if Magellan just got back up after that attack. The guy did get up eventually but it wasn't as fast as all the other time and it seems like he was down for a bit. It took awhile but they got the poisonous warden down for a moment to get something together to make it to sea.

When you look at the size of Ivankov's head to Luffy's after-Third-Gear form, there is a huge difference. haha Poor kid being mistaken as his own son. haha The guy must really be out of it. haha Still looks like Magellan is up and there is no signs of bleeding or anything. Either all of the stuff is internal and he is in real pain on the inside or I am going to stick with my idea that Magellan is actually a little guy with a huge head with a body made of poison. haha

Yeah....Ivankov hitting his head on that stone thing can't be good for the major headache the guy was feeling before when crashing into the ceiling before. I am no doctor but that could be a concussion. Not sure if you need another one after crashing into the ceiling.

Still watch them fly! Out to sea! Where they...will...fall....into the sea? That can't be good. haha

Good thing Jimbei suggested this. The guy knows what he is talking about. haha

Magellan's face was kind of mines when I saw all the smiling whale sharks. haha I didn't know that anything with shark in their name were able to smile so wide. haha I mean there was the sharks in Finding Nemo but then again that was Disney and Pixar thing.

Though in the end, our heroes are able to escape from the poisonous grasp of Magellan and Impel Down.

Such a happy moment. Seems like we are finally going to leave Impel Down soon. The prisoners are happy. Luffy is happy and even the whale sharks are happy! Everybody happy minus Magellan. Still what will happen next? Well the big guy in black go after Luffy and try to get to them via Venom Road or will he give up? Who knows but right now the prisoners have their work cut out for them since they still have to get to the Gates of Justice. Though who cares since everybody is happy unless your name is Magellan!

Overall Rating:  I give it two out of one pickles (Feeling silly right now haha).

Seems like the prisoner's troubles aren't over yet as they have to get away from the rest of the Marine's battleships. So it looks like a fight between Marines and Magellan as they try to get the Gates of Justice. If they can get to there then Luffy will be one step closer to saving his brother Ace.

Still it seems like something is going on. I wonder where Bon Clay got his old clothes. Must been from storage or something. I am expecting something huge from Bon Clay seeing that he is in the preview. Wonder what is going on. Guess we have to see next week or something.


  1. Nice episode!
    When Magellan said "Venom Demon" I remembered Moria saying "Shadow Asgardo". Then they both ended up huge! Awesome scenes. But here we only have one - freakin awesome - attack from Luffy. We didn't have a fight. Well, very reasonable because Luffy would, sort of, die... XD
    I will wait an episode or two to make my conclusion about the arc. You know when you watch in the preview magellan running it's sure that he is going to do something. (Well I hope he is not running because he wants to use the toilet... again. XD)
    In general, I liked the arc but it had unbearable moments of "baywatch running" like you said. Oops... I said I'm gonna wait for the arc to end... XD
    Anyway, I have to say that Ivankov is maybe my worst character. Well he is very funny but I just can't stand the fact that he is not just an idiot like Buggy, Mr. 2 etc. He was with Dragon. That means he is an important character. But his "form" is just stupid. I can't watch him. Funny character but very annoying foe your eyes and... your mental health! It's true that as a woman was e better character. XD
    Well enough said for a comment! I look forward for the next episode. But when is its release date? One piece wikia is not updated and they always show you 3-4 future episodes...
    P.S. What the hell hapened to blackbeard? XD Well I'm sure we will know soon in 50-60 episodes maybe... XD

  2. @Kaste

    Yeah, you are right. I guess if this fight was long like a normal fight then something like death was going to happen to Luffy. I also guess that the kid knew that he had to find a way to get out of here quick if he still wanted to save Ace. No time for epic fights here.

    I happen to like Ivankov. It is Hannyabal that I don't like....he annoys me. Still to what we like. haha

    I am wondering that. I thought the anime, like the manga, was going to be off a week due to Golden Week was last week but I guess not. I am guessing the One Piece Wikia is just behind because I notice that it just hasn't been updated with the next few episode titles is all. I am sure that we are getting one next week and if not then oh well. I could use a week off. haha (Not really since that means a week off from the awesomeness of One Piece haha)
