Monday, October 18, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 471

Please wait a moment for your regularly scheduled episode at We shall return after this episode’s dose of hilarity has concluded.

First Thoughts

Sora here. I'm taking over this week, and probably switching on-off with Mikey again. Ooh, that gives me the Halloween episode! Sweet.

I really liked how this episode played out, and what they managed to fit in there at the ending surprised me. There was a lot of action, which kinda stalled for Luffy again, but still they zoomed on a lot of really interesting battles. For instance, Vista and Mihawk’s battle was again brought up, although nothing of important consequence occurred.

At the end of the episode though, I think that Ace about near had a fit. Heck, I was shocked, and I already knew what was coming! Yeah, it was rather…interesting, to say.


The Pacifistas dominate the outer bay as inexperienced allies fall to their powerful, and deadly, beams. Whitebeard holds his ground however, as others realize he has narrowly foiled Sengoku’s plan to lure all the pirates into the bay by ordering the allied captains to keep destroying Marine ships outside.

Luffy continues his stretch forward, and gets the division commanders to help him get through Kizaru for now. Each of the Marines and the Warlords is forced back to allow their plan into action, some abandoning battles while others eagerly continue regardless. Surprisingly, Squard reappears on the bow of the Moby Dick, and Whitebeard talks with him for a moment, until the captain suddenly thrusts his huge sword into the pirate leader, shocking everyone in a horrified daze.


I am rather interested to know exactly what this reaction is having, to the Pacifistas’ entrance. They are either horrified and shocked at such killing machines (even killing “just pirates” oh my!) or…they are horrified that their Government could have such abominations under their control. The people never like to think that their free will COULD be taken away by a too strong government…which is totally ironic here.

Now Ivankov is still duke-ing it out with Kuma, but the main thing here is that the word is getting around, or at least it is dawning upon everyone, that Whitebeard totally saved them by keeping them out of the bay. Great for the old geezer!

But now…things are getting serious. Sengoku really wants this to end soon, so he’s called up what I presume to be his major trump card. Knowing how irritating the Marines can be, there may be another trick or two up their sleeves, but this is a huge beneficial factor to their side.

I must point out that I totally believe that Sentomaru or whatever his name is totally sounds like a girl. A very large…ugly girl. But still. It is so…FREAKY, every time he talks!

It is moments like these that I am pleased and proud to award this post with a “loser Kizaru” tag. Oh yes, how I despise this man. I do hope that sometime in the future, possibly Blackbeard will swallow him up or something. Oh, heck, I even like that megalomaniac Teach better than Kizaru, and that is saying a Lot! I mean seriously, they really need a new dude (or dudette) in charge here if they are always so freakin’ willing to sacrifice their own people! This is ridiculous, what a ridiculous government! I don’t care if it is for “the greater good”, that is just wrong!

Haha, my ranting reminded me of something I joked about with my friend after reading a certain fanfiction. I support the theory that Coby should run the Marines, and not get bossed around by the Elders or anyone. That would be something…hahaha! Anyway, back to the war, and the annihilation.

Totally a scene from a science-fiction movie. A really scary one at that.

I feel bad for this dude, really. He is a plum-bellied fool, but still, he has a great haircut. It reminds me of this one dude I know at school, he’s pretty cool. Too bad about this crazed guy though, but oh well.

I feel so bad for this dude. Look at his face!

This sudden burst of violence and wreckage by Kuma’s clone-cyborg-copies is making me wonder something. Since Kuma only had like what, one more “adjustment” until he was done?...then what was the original Kuma like? How did he act? Did he always look tall and imposing like a war machine? What did he wear, since his outfit now is of the World Government’s symbol (and he supposedly hated the WG)?

Especially this one: What made the man change? What made him let Vegapunk experiment on him, turn him into…this.

I do love my totally serious, psychological/historically inquisitive rants, don’t you?

This truly is…extermination. They are all going to be literally annihilated if this keeps up, even for an hour. This is…horrifying…

The Marines’ own cruelty and violence only brings out more anger and violence in retaliation…it is a horribly process to watch…yet still, great battle scenes. Glad to see Marco working out as well, I was worried that he wouldn’t get to see much action.

Hey cool! A lightning blade, that is great to fit his awesome ‘stashe! Haha, but I also like the Monkey-man too! I hope they are going to be alright…

I really like that close up of the electricity sparking on the sword though, it is a great effect.

The fight between each swordsman is really cool, and I seriously hope that it ends in a draw, or that one of them backs down. Most likely Mihawk, hopefully.

Eergg…Sengoku…taking down the cameras so that the “naïve public” cannot witness the final horror you have planned. What is it? Probably just the slaughter of all the rest of the pirates, no doubt. Of course, this raises the question…didn’t one of those Video Den Den Mushi get stolen just last episode…?

Wow, Luffy finally came in. It took him long enough, haha! He is getting some good, old-fashioned action in too, so that is fun to watch.

AH! Kizaru…beep him!

Okay, I officially HATE the Marines. Or…at least the idea that they instill into everyone that all pirates are BAD. Ugg…hate someone because of their own actions, not because of their job, title, or family! Especially family. So glad this guy got wacked.

Ugg…this is the part where all of the individual (but lesser) battles are being glimpsed at again. Ugg…Moria…

I know that it was during a rather…erm…”unserious” moment and all, but still…Hancock has some big problems now. I mean, she totally is going to relinquish her Warlord of the Sea title if Smoker says anything. …of course, this assumption is very much up-in-the-air, who knows what anyone will do at this point…

…oh…Mein Gott ...that is apparently German for “oh my gods”. Oh gods…Buggy…wow. This is too much epicness. Oh gods…hahahaha! Oh the hilarity! Where did they get all of this beeping film and TV equipment? Wow…

(Face-palm) This is me, almost-but-not-quite hitting my head on the wall. Almost. Lipstick on the freakin’ red nose…
This is what you call BAD reality TV. Of course, this brings into question...what is GOOD reality TV...?

Oh Buggy…I just loved the random peoples’ expressions when he turned around and had such a…oh, how do I describe it? A totally un-cool, very freaky face. Oh yeah…the awesomeness was rather over-powering.

Oh yeah…what an amazing scene right here. Sengoku is probably the most PO’d I’ve ever seen, although that one time with Garp comes pretty close, this is probably the most irate I’ve ever seen him…and it’s Freakin’ Hysterical! I LOVE this!

This is just too much fun. Oh jeez Buggy…oh man, why does everything he does on ACCIDENT actually have some method for being kinda…important? Wow…

Wow. Sengoku looks even MORE PO’d than he did like 2 minutes ago! I’m totally impressed.

Well, there is the single funny thing in this episode. This is such a serious episode…I’m glad that such a, well, shot of comic relief there was well appreciated. …and kinda unavoidable, I guess, haha! Who can outrun that much idiocy anyway?

Back to the real serious fighting now. Pardon me, it is more like…a massacre. It is really scary, how terrifying these things could really be. How much damage they could cause.

This entire last scene…well, it rather unnerved me. The whole thing, and then that end…well, I must say that I half-way forgot it, but that guy…it wasn’t friendly at all, and it freaked me out.

I wonder how he could do something like that…or especially, why? That horrified, realization moment for everyone…

…and Akainu was the only Marine shown in it. What the flip did you do, Akainu…?


I don’t know why, but the animation and drawings in the next episode look better than this one. I really hope so, but I wonder why? Haha, maybe I’ve just been to absorbed with Birth by Sleep on my PSP this week and my eyes are already failing me! But…the reasons behind Squard’s unprecedented assult on Whitebeard shall be made clear. Was it a scheme from Akainu? What did he say to the captain to betray Whitebeard, who his loyalty is indebted to?

Whitebeard may look like he has abs of steel, but he is really old, he's lived his era and is watching the new generation go now, and behind that tall and well muscled body, he still has an air of fraility to him which one cannot ignore. This is probably why he is not on the front lines. Along as being their commander-and-chief like Sengoku is to the Marines, Whitebeard is old. Really, really old. And he is weighed down by disease and illness. Simple old age. An injury like this…is not easy. Luffy may be able to hold a hit like this, but he is young, and supple. But Whitebeard…I just hope that he is going to be alright…

Next Episode: Akainu’s Scheme! Ensnared Whitebeard!

Hope you enjoyed this week's edition of OnePieceAtATime. Chat it up all about One Piece appearing weekly (and legally) at, and whatnot?

Hahaha, anyway, enjoy and come back again!


  1. I laughed the loudest during the Buggy scene! I'm amazed that he still have time for takes during a war.

  2. @Melgyp

    That was freakin funny. I couldn't believe that he even thought of doing that in the middle of a huge fight. haha
