Friday, May 20, 2011

Interview Piece: Alexis Kirsch (Part 2)

The most unlikely interview of all continues! PirateBeck discusses future releases, "Paramount War" and other things related to the One Piece manga and more in the US with none other than the editor of the title since the speed-up, Alexis Kirsch!

Hello and welcome back to part 2 of my interview with Alexis Kirsch. Editor of the title since the speed-up, we discussed how he got involved with the title and learnt that 'Haki' was chosen due to not being able to select a word good enough to replace it. However, before we continue on, I want to address something that briefly cropped up in part 1. In it, Alexis mentioned that they have the rights to use Zoro and they would use it if they printed a super special edition of the book. Since I know there are fans out there who would be interested in that specific idea, I questioned him further on it. 

“To settle the Zolo/Zoro debate once and for all, if a petition, via a group on Facebook or a website, was created asking Viz Media to publish a ‘Super Special Edition’ of the manga that used terms like ‘Zoro’, either recreated the SFX similar to that of the later volumes or left the original Japanese SFX alone with translation notes in the back (similar to Excel Saga's release) and contained color pages like the VizBig editions, how many fans would need to sign up/join in order for Viz Media as a company to take the proposal seriously?” 

 To be honest, I don't think it would make any difference. The only way I could see that happening would be the following:
1. They release an awesome special edition of OP in Japan like they did with DB
2. Sales of OP in the US are so good that we'd decide to do the special editions
The first one seems likely but probably not until OP ends in like...10 years? Hopefully the second one can happen and make it worthwhile. We are releasing Death Note special editions and they are selling amazing numbers! We need One Piece to reach that level. 

So a release of One Piece similar to that of what YuGiOh!, Naruto and Bleach received a while back is unlikely at best and won't happen unless you support the title. Regardless, I have started a Facebook group just to see how many fans would seriously consider buying a special edition if one was released. I may not be giving this a huge push but if fans come in droves, nothing in impossible! Now, on to the remaining questions!

“Since other popular titles like Naruto and Bleach have seen their companion books released, could the databooks (Blue, Red, Yellow and Green) be published in English, especially after material from Blue had been previously collected in the monthly Shonen Jump magazine?”

We'd love to do it but it's a very challenging thing. Those types of books typically cost 4~5 times to produce and sell only about 1/4 of a regular volume. So unless the series is a big seller, it's typically not worth doing the companion books. We will be releasing Color Walk 2 at the end of 2011. If sales of that are strong, we will definitely see more companion books in the future

“Through websites like, we have learned that Color Walk 2 has been solicited for a November 2011 release. Is this the last we’ll see of the Walks for a while or are more being planned for US distribution? Will the previous CW be reprinted since it’s been OOP for quite some time?"

As I said above, if they sell we'll do more. We'd love to release all the Color Walks and companion books, we just need to be assured that they will actually sell. Reprints are based on bookstores ordering the books. I have no knowledge about any plans for reprints but they are typically very difficult for art books. Art books are usually too expensive to reprint. So if you really want an art book, you should buy it immediately when it comes out. In most cases there will only be one printing.

“I'm also assuming that same conditions have been placed on the novels (“Stop the Pirate Ganzack” and the one based on the animated adaptation of “Loguetown”)?

They have not been on our radar.

“When the first Color Walk was released, the chapter pages that were contained inside featured recreated SFX to reflect the improved graphics capability of Viz Media during that period. Is it possible, at some point, that the first few volumes will receive a complete design overhaul to match up to the rest of series in SFX and font choices?” 

This is the first I've heard of this issue. Just based on past precedents, I would find this unlikely but I wouldn't say impossible. 

“When the Skypiea arc was being published, Eneru's title was promoted as being 'Kami' of Skypiea yet in the books themselves, it kept flipping between 'Kami' and 'God with him later being referred to as just 'God'. Was censorship the reason behind this change or was it something else?"

When I started working on One Piece, the editor in charge had made the decision to use Kami. I was new to the company and was just following the lead. Plus with five volumes a month, we didn't have much time to argue over minor details. However, I threw in as many "Gods" as I could in the volumes I edited because the whole situation just seemed silly. I think it was more of an editor preference rather than outright "censorship." Also, Viz has become a lot more lax in the two years I've been here. We're even releasing an uncensored Tenjo Tenge omnibus edition and the first volume will be in (some) stores in June!

“How are the titles for each arc decided? Do you pick a term you think that suits it most or use titles similar to the Japanese release/what the fans use? Why was “Paramount War” chosen for the events that take place during “Marineford” for example?” 

Generally, we pick a term and get approval from Japan. However, things were a little different with Paramount War. That title and the one that will start in V61 were chosen by Shueisha or perhaps even Oda himself. Personally, I wanted to just stick with Impel Down since the war is only about 3 volumes. It would have been no less odd than the Foxy Pirate fight being part of Water Seven or the Island of Women part being with Sabaody. We also came up with just "Pirate War." I thought Paramount War was really weird at first but it's grown on me a lot since. Though the Japanese term that the title is derived from was initially translated as "Summit Battle" by our translator so I had to alter that for the GN release. BTW, the new title will be NEW WORLD. Seems like we'll use it for a long while.

Now the title choice has for volumes 57 to 60 has been revealed, will fans accept it?

“From what I can gather, the One Piece and Dragon Ball Z OVAs that were animated by Toei Animation in 2009 are owned by Sheuisha Japan. Since you have previously worked with both Sheuisha Japan and FUNimation Entertainment to bring content to the USA, is there any chance Viz could team up with both to release these, possibly in a double pack to interest fans of one series in the other?” 

I'm not involved with anime acquisition. If it hasn't been released so far then it seems unlikely. I think we mostly work with ShoPro shows, not Toei.

“You also edit the Toriko manga series and the two have recently crossed-over in both an animated adaptation and through their original creators. Since you work on both series, is there a good chance the manga cross-over chapter will see print in the monthly Shonen Jump magazine?” 

I'm pushing for it!

“Since you and I are both fans of Kinnikuman (shonen wrestling manga series), if you had a super power, what would it be and how would you incorporate it into a finishing move?” 

I used to practice my original finishing moves on my little brother when I was a kid. Thanks to Kinnikuman, he still hates me...

“Speaking of Kinnikuman, Kinnikuman Nesei (Ultimate Muscle) is nearing the end of its original 29 volume run. Is there any chance that the arc currently being published through the Japanese Playboy magazine will see print in the USA or could Viz turn to the original series since they have dealt with the license before internationally?” 

I don't think so. The series has some passionate fans but it is a very small group, unfortunately.

“Many titles such as REBORN! and Zatch Bell have been on a hiatus for quite some time and fans are worried that these series have been canceled. Do you know if there are plans to continue the US publication of these series or have they been canceled midway through their run, similar to Gin Tama?” 

We can't continue Zatch Bell due to some contractual issues between the author and Japanese publisher. For REBORN! and Gin Tama, it's up in the air. We'd need to see more fan support. People really need to support the series they like. The creators and tons of others work their butts off to produce the books and they deserve support. Imagine what awesome releases/projects we could do if people spent even 5 cents on manga each time they complained about how the latest chapter of whatever hadn't been scanlated yet.
Titles like Gintama have seen sales increase since fans learned the above volume was the last to be printed but would they need to rush to their rescue if they supported it from day one?

“While some titles have to keep a fair distance away from catching up to the Japanese release, such as Naruto and One Piece, why is it that other titles have wildly different release rates? For example, Ouran HSHC has been pretty close to its Japanese counterpart throughout, while Bleach is 10 volumes behind and Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo has yet to pass 5 volumes in print (has that been put on a hiatus too by the way?)”

Each title has it's own issues. I can only say that in general, release frequency is based on how well the series sells. If we thought there was fan support for 10 volumes of Bobobo-bo a month, we'd do it. But one issue that people don't seem to understand is that we are very hamstrung in how fast we can release a volume vis-a-vis the Japanese release. The thing is, unless it's a special circumstance, we must schedule a book about 9 months after the moment we say "Let's publish it!" This is due to distribution/bookstore/licensing issues. So it's not really possible to just release One Piece 60 or whatever a month after it was released in Japan unless it's a very special situation. 

“Over the last few years, Viz Media’s interaction with the fan community has shrunk considerably, appearing at fewer conventions per year and announcing less, like the cancellation of several titles. What can fans do get their views and thoughts across to Viz Media?”

That's a good question. I'm not involved in our marketing/PR departments but fans have to understand that in this bad economy, many companies can't have people on Staff who's job is simply to answer fan questions. We're doing the best we can. I know we have a Twitter account and maybe Facebook as well so I would suggest checking there. We are usually at SDCC so people can engage with us there at the booth and at our panels.

“Do you have any other titles to work on lined up in the near future or are you going to keep to One Piece for the time being?” 

I work on One Piece, Toriko, Bleach, Bakuman, FMA, and Maoh: Juvenile Remix. Those keep me pretty busy but I look forward to something new when those last two end in the next 6 months or so.

I would like to thank Alexis personally for being such a great guy and allowing me this one in a life chance to discuss his work. Other individuals I would like to thank are Mikey-san and firecrouch for their question ideas and Demon Rin for her Zolo question. We here at the blog hope you enjoyed this interview and hope you’ll enjoy seeing more posts from PirateBeck in the near future!


  1. ...well, about Reborn, no one wants to support a badly translated manga. Saying they put effort into something like that is laughable. I'm sorry, as much as the fans love to support it, we won't support a manga that has laughable translations such as "holy ham on rye with kraut." Unless this changes, no one will buy it.

  2. ^This is why you supporting by sending in letters saying you want that changed.


  4. Bloody mature, Anon. How are theys upposed to keep printing manga if nobody is paying for it? please think before you talk.
