Thursday, March 15, 2012

Manga: Chapter 657 (SPOILERS!)

To err is human. To One Piece fans, is Shonen Jump Alpha
Hey everyone, it's that time of the week again! Last time, Zoro killed a dragon, the rest of the Straw Hats have been captured by unknown assailants and we've also found a pair of legs that can walk on its own. One Piece is kind of weird sometimes. But that’s one reason I love it so much; it’s unexpected in a good way. On that note, let us begin.

Luffy goofs around with the legs for a bit, when Zoro tells him and the others to come up to a ledge. What do we see? A mountain range made of ice. Whoa, this island is wonderfully bizarre. Usopp figures out that this is what the mystery person over the Transponder Snail was talking about, so naturally the Samurai and mystery person must be on this frozen half of the island. While the others are willing to go over to the other side and explore, Usopp is not as optimistic of course. Not only that, but he spots a creepy harpy lady spying on them from afar, then she flies away. I guess we'll see her again later.

We need centaurs in One!

We then see Franky asleep on a floor, he wakes up to the sound of Sanji’s yells as he seems to have been kicking something. Franky, Sanji, Chopper and Nami are all stuck in a prison cell and Sanji was trying to kick the door down. But wait, where's Brook? Guess the kidnappers wouldn't want to kidnap a skeleton.

They suddenly hear a voice in the room asking if they liked puzzles, it’s revealed to be a head but chopped into pieces, which seems familiar somehow. In any case the person asks to piece his head back together; this is done after a few attempts much to our amusement. The bearded man says he was cut but doesn't know who did it.

Nami tries to ask the head where they are but she only gets sexist insults in return. It doesn't help when they are revealed to be pirates as seems to have a grudge against them. He does mention the frozen part of the island, so then at least they now know about the island being half fire and half ice. They say that they need to leave now but the door is too solid even for Sanji, no problem for Franky though as he fires a Radical Beam at the door and now we have an exit.

 Sanji asks the head what he'll do, he doesn't get an answer but we do know this: once Sanji swaps a couple parts, the beard is a topknot making the man a Samurai! Actually he still has a beard but whatever. So now we have a killer amongst us, but who chopped up his body?  I think I may know but we'll see. The Samurai may be a killer, but he doesn't care because he tells Sanji that he needs to save his son.

Now I want to read this guy's backstory. The guards are coming so they need to get going, Sanji decides to take the Samurai with them. The chapter ends on yet another strange note; the Straw Hats are running from the guards and hide in a room. What is in this room? Giant children, what is going on here?

...I need to ask...what?
This was quite a mish mash of material to absorb. We've established that the island is a ravaged by fire and ice; there is a Samurai whose head is imprisoned with his torso half way across this island, and there is also a harpy and a room full of giant children. This is absurd but I like it. I’m excited about the explanations we'll receive. But who is the Warlord? Who are these guards? Why are there giant children here? What is the Samurai's true identity? Who is the Samurai's son? What is wrong with this island? Maybe we'll get answers next week. Until then, I wash my hands of this absurdity. I’ll catch you all later.

Sexism people. It still exists.

1 comment:

  1. I got such a kick out of the part where they kept trying to mix and match all of the samurai's parts, to put his head on properly and coming up with all these unique facial features. That was very clever and I'm sure Oda had a lot of fun with that.

    Besides that, this episode did feel like a mixed bag, simply because we are pretty early in a new arc and there's just so much unexplained. Hopefully things will start to make more sence in the next few weeks.
