Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Manga: Chapter 665 (SPOILERS)

Doctor orders is to read your One Piece on SJ Alpha!

Magellan was made Vice Warden of Impel Down. (Cover Story)

The children taken from Caesar's lab begin to feel sick.

Luffy and his group decide to seek out Caesar for answers.

Brook, Sanji, and Zoro head out to search for the dismantle samurai only to be defeated by Caesar's Yeti Cool Brothers.


Oda is setting up Caesar as a terrible villain. Any villain can commit genocide off screen. It is when you add child abuse that the reader is horrified. I hope Chopper will grow from this experience. We have seen this side of Chopper during the Thriller Bark arc because of Hogback, but it didn't amount to anything. It is unlikely but I hope that Chopper confronts Caesar.

It will be tough watching these children suffer later. Chopper won’t enjoy this withdrawal either. He will have to act. The main difference between now and the Thriller Bark arc is that Chopper can directly fight illness when he couldn’t stop . The question is: What will Chopper do?


There was exposition about enlarged humans in this chapter. People like Whitebeard, Shirahoshi, Aphelandra, and others are huge for their species but Chopper said that the children’s pituitary glands are abnormal. Caesar may be trying to replicate that effect within these children. Most of these children may still be under observation, which is why they’re hooked.. The bigger children are feeling withdraw which makes them violent.

It will only be a manner of time before the normal sized children start feeling the effects of withdrawal. Then Nami, Franky, and Chopper will be in trouble especially if Franky is the only one who has adapted to his current body.

Anything Robin said in this chapter was pure gold. She not only helped provided comic relief, but she also fostered our surprise. As a result, we were in a lower state of security as we learned about the children's 'illness'.

I deeply appreciate the role Robin fulfilled in this chapter. She was beautifully used in this chapter. This side of her is so rare so I appreciate that this was used so skillfully for what it was used for.

Next week though, the Straw Hats face a challenge in the form of the Yeti Cool Brothers, who made quick work out of Brook, Sanji and Zoro. It is understandable that Sanji couldn’t compete. I am surprised however that Zoro and Brook were so easily defeated.

The Yeti Cool Brothers may be the first real test of the New World for the Straw Hats. They may not be New World Pirates, but the Yeti Cool Brothers must be strong if they are on this side of the New World. They are clearly not like fishmen who haven't seen the outside world. Luffy and his group may have difficulty if they are not careful.

This chapter was amazing. It ingeniously played with our expectations. I am awestruck that we have an antagonist who is vile enough to experiment on children hooking them on drugs in order to ensure they will return to him if they ever escape. Tensions are rising and conflict is inevitable

Until next time true believers!

The joke here is that Sanji doesn't have balls...Right now.


  1. I totally agree with you how disturbing this whole concept of intoxicating kids with these drugs is. Ceaser Clown is indeed turning out to be quite a creep, I just hope we find out more about his end game soon.

    But honestly, what really did stick out for me was Robin's reactions to Franky speaking through Choppers body. That was indeed hilarious, and now, I cant wait until the anime gets to this, so that we can all watch actress Ikue Otani (the Japanese voice of Chopper) attempt to speak like Franky. That I have to hear.

    To comment briefly on the cover story. So Magellan is now the vice warden of Impel Down? That seems kind of odd, seeing as we just found out recently that the former Vice Warden, Hannyabal, was appointed the new Chief Warden. So in essence, did Magellan and Hannyabal just switch positions? It's just a bit peculiar. I figured after what happened Magellan would just retire and someone like Saldeath would have got the job as vice admiral.

    Back to the chapter, I would also like to mention that I thought Usopp's ability to knock out an entire room of giant toddlers with a single sleeping pill impressive. That must be some powerful sleeping gas to pull that off. Though I'd hate to think there will ever be several moments in the future where that technique would be extremely useful, but is completely forgotten about do to convoluted plot points.

    The fact that Zoro, Brook, and Sanji were taken out so quickly and off screen was a bit of a disappointment for me, to be perfectly honest. That said, I'm thinking this may have been do to a gas effect rather than an actual battle. It also kind of bugged me that Zoro ended up being so bitter at the concept of assisting the samurai recover his full body. For once I was looking forward to seeing him a bit more enthused at the concept of confronting more powerful swordsmen.

    1. I have screencaptures of both times where Robin told Franky to never talk in Chopper's body ever again. I wanted to use both but had to choose between one or the other. That was my favorite part of the chapter but this review couldn't have been just that. It would have been an injustice to the rest of the information revealed in this chapter.

      My thoughts about the whole Magellan-Hannyabal thing is that Magellan would have wanted to step down because he feels responsible for everything that happen in Impel Down involving the escape of Luffy's Prison Gang and the Level 6 Prisoners. Remember that Magellan had wanted to take his own life after all of that happen. I am guessing Sengoku or a person from the World Government decided to talk him out of suicide and quitting his job. Then as punishment decided to demote Magellan to Vice Warden while promoting Hannyabal at Megallan's request.

      I am just happy that Usopp still has attacks that are not plant base. I was kind of getting tired of the Green Stars. Still, I can see what you said happening.

      I am disappointed but I am guessing Oda wants to build up these Yuti Cool Brothers up a bit. I am guessing that they are masters of snow combat.

      Zoro, I am sure he rather be sleeping then looking for a farting samurai. haha
