Thursday, June 21, 2012

Manga: Chapter 668 (SPOILERS!)

Laugh along with One Piece each week on SJAlpha!

Last week, Law proposed to Luffy that they form an alliance to take down one of the Four Emperors. This week, Law explains that they wouldn't rush to attack an emperor, but develop a strategy to stand a chance. Nami tells Luffy not to trust Law, but Luffy ignores her and asks Law who they would be attacking. Whoever Law describes as the target, Luffy gets excited and agrees to join forces. Naturally when we see the trio with the rest of the Straw Hats, they freak out. However Luffy thinks that Law can be trusted and even if he turns on them, the outcome is survivable. Law uses his powers to put Chopper and Franky back in their normal bodies, but because Sanji is with Zoro and Brook, Nami goes from Franky's body to Sanji's body.

Luffy shows Law the giant kids and says that he wants to save them, but Law is against this because the kids may not have homes and they may become giant berserkers. However, because Nami and Chopper are determined to help the kids, Luffy says that he'll help especially because Sanji wants to help Kinemon. Luffy and Law argue over what the situation has to do with the alliance, but Law agrees to help. He asks for the doctor to come with him, but because Chopper can't move due to Franky’s use of the Rumble Ball while in his body, Law has to carry Chopper around in his bag.

Oh Law, what have you gotten yourself into?

Before he leaves, Law warns the others of Caesar Clown’s danger. He has a bounty of 300 million berries and is a Logia Devil Fruit User, so only Luffy, Zoro, Sanji and Law can attack him as they have mastered haki. The objective is to capture Caesar and cause confusion, and that’s all they should focus on for now. At the Research Facility, the Marines are fighting off ex-prisoners while inside Caesar Clown is waiting for a report. However he already predicted this result and says that he'll introduce his visitors to his "pet". On the burning side of the island, the same people reporting to Caesar are on the run from some sort of slime. The chapter ends as the slime envelops the soldiers in a gas that kills them.

The alliance between Luffy and Law is the main focus of this chapter and I never saw this coming. Once again Oda teases us about the identity of the Emperor that the pair could take down. If Luffy was happy to accept, then it couldn't be Shanks unless this is a red herring. It’s also great to see crew back in their original bodies though Nami is now stuck in Sanji's body of all people. I'm just itching to see the next clash. On that note, have a good week!

I'm sure we are all grateful for this Robin.


  1. Okay, THIS was probably my favorite chapter of thriller bark so far. Last chaper, many of us were sceptical that Luffy would refuse Law's alliance on the grounds of not wanting to be tied down. Well, I think we just realized just how Luffy dealed with that little hiccup; he turned the alliance around and was pulling the strings himself in a matter of minutes. Now Law is the one being tied down "Just WHAT in the world am I doing with this crew?"

    There's this one particular scene in this chapter where everyone freaks out at the prospect of an alliance that I found kind of funny.
    Like OMG! We are forming an alliance with... the HeartPirates. Like seriously, don't you realize how intimidating they are. Just look at their name. The HEART Pirates. That's almost as intimidating as The Foxy Pirates, or the Buggy Pirates, or... the Lollipop Chainsaw Pirates.

    Okay, those guys are kind of scary, BUT STILL...
    Then they go on to express their personal fears.
    Usopp: How am I suppose to sleep at night when we're teaming up with that intimidating guy.
    Nami: See Luffy? Everyone is against it.

    ...and by EVERYONE, I of course I mean me and Usopp. And by me and Usopp, I mean the only people on this crew that have any common sence besides Robin who is too laid back to say anything.

    The humor in this episode was great too. I loved Robin telling Franky to never be in Chopper's body again. It's a good closing point to that one joke Oda had a couple chapers ago that was genuinely really clever.

    Also, before this chapter made it clear, I did not know Sanji and Zoro knew Haki. It's not that much of a stretch to me that the two of them could learn it, but this was the first time Oda made it clear that they had. I guess there was that one time on the way to fishman island that Sanji kicked Caribou (a logia user), but I figured it was because Caribou chose to hide his powers at that point.

    And yes, Oda did a good job of teasing us by concealing which Pirate Emperor in particular Law and Luffy are going after, but he also made a note to show us Nami's reaction, which makes me believe, more than likely, it's either Big Mama or Blackbeard. Those are the only ones she has any emotional connection to.

    1. I always thought that Zoro and Sanji had Haki. Just didn't know. It was always suggested because I know that Zoro said that he sense something back in Mermaid Island while as you mention Sanji kicking Caribou. Still, nice that is finally found out.

      After reading this chapter, I am beginning to think that Shanks is the Emperor in question. I still siding with Big Mama or Blackbeard but I won't be surprise if it is actually Shanks. Why keep it a secret if it is Big Mama.

  2. For some reason the link above is not working. Here is the Jolly Roger of the notorious Lollipop Chainsaw Pirates.

    1. Hm... still not working. Well that's lame. And I thought that joke was pretty clever.
