Thursday, February 7, 2013

Manga: Chapter 697 (SPOILERS!)


Just do it. Read One Piece each week in Weekly Shonen Jump!

Following Luffy's proclamation from last chapter concerning take on the Four Emperors, Law tells Luffy not to underestimate their strengths because its very unlikely that they'll be able to take Kaidou on even with their alliance. But Luffy decides to go with the alliance anyway because...heck, he's Luffy. Even with the odds against him, Luffy is still willing to give tasks like this a try. I love it.

Back in the present, Law says to Smoker that he shouldn't look too deep in sparing his life and that he'll be heading to a place called "Greenbit" because he'll have his hands full with the Straw Hats. The children  get on the tanker to leave the island with the G5 Marines.

I think this guy is the tsundere of G5

Speaking of the Marines, they draw a line telling the pirates not to cross because, they are pirates. Nami also reassures Chopper that Dr. Vegapunk will cure the children's side effects of the drugged candy, so they'll be back to normal. As the Straw Hats start to leave, the children get upset because they're the real heroes that saved them. The Marines AIM THEIR GUNS AT THE CHILDREN...okay, in order to shut them up but the children are still wanting to thank the pirates properly because they helped when the kids asked even when no-one else came to save them.

Tashigi demands that the Marines to stop badmouthing the pirates because its disgraceful to prevent the children from thanking them. But the G5 Marines say that if they don't, then they'll end up respecting them instead even if they're pirates. The G5 Marines eventually break down in tears, Tashigi laughs and Smoker facepalms. 

This is G5 everybody.

Deal with it Smoker, you're stuck with them

The children thank the pirates and say their goodbyes, while the Straw Hats do the same with both the children and even the marines. Meanwhile, Doflamingo is on the move towards Punk Hazard and spots a raft carrying the heads of his subordinates, Baby 5 and Buffalo (Law used his powers on them). The two start to apologise but Doflamingo tells them to relax because they were only following orders. A Transponder Snail from Law is also there and tells Doflamingo that they have Caesar Clown and wants to do business with him.

At first Doflamingo doesn't take him seriously, but that quickly changes when Law reminds him that Kaidou is his principle trading partner and he'll be very angry if more Smile isn't produced. Doflamingo's smile turns into a frown and asks Law what he wants for Caesar. Law demands that Doflamingo quits being a Warlord which took him over a decade to maintain.

This will leave Doflamingo as a pirate once again and at the Admirals' mercy. Law also states that if his resignation is reported in the next day's newspaper, then he'll contact again but the deal is off if this doesn't happen. The chapter ends with Law hanging up and Doflamingo is naturally pissed.

Stuff has officially gotten serious guys

Well...damn. Quite a bit happened didn't it? Its a little strange to have a situation like this on the Straw Hat's hands to be honest but this is very pirate-like the more I think about it, because they probably have dealt with hostage situations. In terms of the story itself, while the majority was sort of the typical "Saying goodbye" chapter, the sections with Law and Doflamingo stood out the most to me. Particularly because we've never seen Doflamingo like this before. Its very interesting.

This is another one of those events that will pay off in future chapters, but once again its a little hard to figure out where Oda is going with this and how it will affect the characters and the overall world of One Piece. But thats partly why we keep coming back, so you should all come back next time and see how the finale of this arc plays out and what it could mean for the future of the Straw Hat Pirates. See ya!

Even Law's Transponder Snail is intimidating

1 comment:

  1. Actually the concept of a hero going up against an opponent when the odds are against him is not all that uncommon, especially in anime. I believe Simon from Gurren Lagann summed it up quite beautifully when the antispyral possessing Nia told him that he had a very small percentage of saving her, and he responds by saying that even if there was just the slightest of possibility of success, that's as good as saying to him that it is a %100 guarantee. Luffy feels pretty much the exact same way about every opponent he faces. Even if the odds are one in a million, so long as there is that one chance, he will find it and he WILL win.

    I really don't want to talk about my opinion on the kids and the marines because honestly, I'm tired from the last chapters arguments. So on to Law's deal.

    Basically, it comes down to this? Who does Doflamingo fear more? Kaido or the Admirals? That is the hand he's dealt. Whatever choice he makes is going send one of those two factions breathing down his neck.

    He does however have a third option, which is go for broke and gamble on finding Law and the Straw hats and taking Caesar back himself, but he really only has a day to pull that off.

    Okay, so I lied. There is one more option I could see working, and in fact, would probably be pretty smart on his behalf. Make a deal with the World Government officials where you will "pretend" to give up your role as Shichibukai. Have the paper release a headline saying to the world that he has resigned (which is a lie) so that when Law contacts Don again to meet with him, the Marines can set up a massive trap with everything they have to ambush Law and the Straw Hats. Sure, the Government would be lying to the entire world, but is that really so much of a stretch, considering the hundreds of years of secrets they are keeping from the rest of the world already? Plus they capture Law, Luffy, and the entire Straw Hat crew in the process. Sounds like a good deal.
