Monday, December 1, 2014

Manga: Chapter 768 (SPOILERS)

I said that we should read One Piece on Weekly Shonen Jump!
Jimbei watches a ruin falls from the sky.

Law and Doflamingo continues to fight on top of the royal palace.

Viola recaps to Usopp what is happening around Dressrosa.


This is our recap chapter to catch everybody up on what has happen in the story. I won't say it wasn't needed because a lot of things has been going on in One Piece as of late in Dressrosa. We also been out of the main story for about six chapters. The only gripe I have about this is that we are back in the action but have to deal with a recap and a tease for each fight that is about to come to an end according to Viola.

It was a drag to have a recap chapter but Oda really did make it interesting to watch. We got several little bits from almost each fight. I think one of my favorite moments was how Oda showed off some of Law's fighting prowess in his bout with Doflamingo.

In this moment, you see Law and Doflamingo lock in intense combat. Law simply picks up a rock and throws it behind Doflamingo like nothing. Doflamingo goes in for a strike and Law instantly switches places with the rock he threw behind Doflamingo and goes for an attack. The whole thing was simple but genius! These little moments is what makes me love Oda and One Piece so much! It is fascinating how Oda can come up with creative ways to utilize the abilities that he gives these characters. 

I won't talk about this but this was pretty funny.

Another shining moment from this chapter was the little hints that Oda left for what is about to come for each of these individual battles. Out of these hints, I like the Gladius vs Bartolomeo and Cavendish one. This little line has gotten me excited for what is to come.

"These weak attacks of yours are putting me to sleep!"

If that is true then I have a feeling we may seen an appearance from a certain alter ego of Cavendish. That will be exciting to see if this prediction does come true. This may cause a problem for Bartolomeo who will be a bystander at this point but I am sure he can handle a rampaging sleeping swordsman and a rupture man.

This chapter didn't offer much beside recap but it was filled with little details. We had Doflamingo's reaction to finding out that Law is a D. There was also the reveal of Dellinger's species. So it wasn't a complete waste and I suppose we were long over due for one. Better enjoy this peace as we will be revving up to major and exciting conclusions!

Until next time true believers! 

Lets not forget Fujitora's contribution to this situation!

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