Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Manga: Chapter 771 (SPOILERS!)


We're in the home stretch of 2014! Read One Piece in Weekly Shonen Jump

Hope you all had a good Christmas Day. Anyhoo lets get on with this chapter! Zoro continues to fight against Pica even refusing King Elizabello's help since he is confident in his strength and Elizabello should save his King Punch for an emergency.

Meanwhile, the old fogies Chin Jao and Lao G face off against each other. Chin Jao also gets into an argument with Sai since hes against his and Baby 5's "marriage". The fight goes on in a pretty bizarre manner as Lao G goes deaf and even dies and immediately comes back to life.

I do actually love this

Baby 5 seems completely loyal to Sai now even though hes against the marriage and even tries to kill herself when Sai tells her to nonchalantly. Sai and Chin Jao gets all flustered and confused and we actually see through a flashback that the reason Baby 5 just wants to be of use is because she was apparently of no use to her mother and a group of people so they just left her all alone in the mountains. What a wonderful influence.

Chin Jao decides to attack both of them but Sai manages to stop him, even bending Chin Jao's drill-shaped head. While you would think this would lead to more fighting, Chin Jao is actually impressed with Sai's strength and even names him the leader of the Happo Navy.


The touching scene is interrupted when Lao G attacks Chin Jao out of nowhere as we see now he has become more muscular with a technique which stored the strength from his youth. Now he goes after Sai since he thinks Baby 5 is "too convenient" which leads to Sai proclaiming that if he wins the fight then he'll make Baby 5 his wife.

The chapter ends with Sai using the Drill Nail technique he inherited from Chin Jao (albeit with a kick rather than a headbutt) to defeat Lao G. So now with this fight as well as Baby 5 being lovestruck and essentially engaged, 2 executives have been taken care of by Don Sai.

Well okay the-wha?!

This chapter was a bit unexpected since it sort of tricks you in the beginning with a brief glimpse of Zoro fighting Pica but the stuff with Sai is obviously the focus. This isn't exactly a bad thing as its nice to see side characters gain some more development and the fact that 2 of the executives are down for the count in the end is something, but I would've preferred more time with the any of the Straw Hats.

On the other hand this did result in a strong amount of humor within the fight since Lao G is such a weird character and Baby 5's crushing on Sai was part humor but also fairly emotional since like a good chunk of OP characters, she seemed to have had a pretty crappy childhood.

At this point, its pretty unpredictable what we're going to be seeing next as there is so much fighting going on but theres clearly still a lot to go before the end of this arc. It is still exciting though so I hope you're looking forward to next time as much as I am. Thats all for now, see you all next time.

Zoro apologises for not being here tonight

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