Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 441


First Thoughts
Well this was a great episode. I really did like all the moments with Ivankov and Luffy. Those were some great times. This episode gave me a lot of things that I wanted to see like Dragon appearing in the flashback and Luffy finally being up and going. Still this episode seem to just build up upon everything else that was set up from the last episode as I think we are moving to what other people would call the climax.  Things are moving on a thin wire as we see Magellan getting ready to transport Ace while Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma race to beat Magellan.

Luffy convinces Ivankov to help him break out Ace from prison.

Magellan heads down to Level 6 to transfer Ace to Marineford.

Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma head down to Level 6.

So Luffy is finally up and going as everybody is happy to see the guy is alive. I got to say I am happy to because that mean we can get moving again to much more exciting things.  The last few episodes have been nice especially with us being in Level 5.5 but I am so ready for the awesome that will be coming in the rest of this arc. If you been reading the Shonen Jump chapters then you all know what I mean. If you haven't read them (or just been reading scans) then you are in for such an amazing ride and some fanboying from me. haha

Though for now we are getting a flashback!

I hope I am not becoming some guy that hates filler stuff but somehow I am just finding myself being able to tell what was put into an episode just to kill time and what is just there naturally. I need to stop doing that because I don't want to be one of those fans that hate everything. It just that this creates a good talking point. Then again, I don't want to be a fan that just talks about bad things. It sucks and I think it sucks to read about that too if I was reading this.

Still we see where that gets me. I just kind of wish we stop seeing things we saw two episodes ago.

You know, when I first took this image, it was of this guy standing up. That was disturbing.

I am going to miss Level 5.5. We had so many interesting dressed people here. The chicks here, the person in the pink round outfit thing and the guys in the thongs. Yep. Lots and lots of guys in thongs. The girls weren't bad looking but them guys were...interesting. Also as I said before, Level 5.5 gave us girls which we were kind of lacking a bit before and they all had interesting outfits too. NewKama Fashion is just something wonderful isn't it?

Though we see the vivrecard as it is smaller? I am not sure. We haven't seen it in a while but I guess it is the same size since the last time that we saw of it. It looks smaller to me but then again it always looks small to me. Though it looks kind of folded so maybe that is why it looks so small. Though it seems like we are closer to Ace as it is now pointing downward. Still these things got to be rare as said before since that guy didn't know what it was from looking at it.

Though one thing that I notice here beside Luffy's new colored vest was that his hat seemed a bit off colored. I am not sure if it is the lighting or just that it is a bit worn after all that has happen. Just me noticing small things I guess.

Now this is our cool image of the week! I love how we get to see all of the cool people. Shanks there in red. Then Sengoku there with his hat nonetheless and Garp. Then we see Whitebeard in the middle of it all. If you see closely then you will notice Marco and Jozu there with the rest of the Whitebeard commanders. You may not know them all but some of those on the top are pretty cool.

Then wrap outside of all of this was Ivankov talking about Dragon. What a great lead up to it too as it seems like Ivankov was talking about the world and how it is in this stage. The mastermind of the Revolutionaries. That is a great way to describe Dragon but I wish we would get more info on him. Still for now let pretend that Dragon is awesome like that.

I love Ivankov's reaction to Luffy's confession about Dragon being his dad. haha Luffy just said it like it was nothing and then Ivankov keeps on talking like he knew this already.
"Yes. When your father makes a move with his army."
People find it so amazing that Luffy's dad is Dragon and I guess we see it here. I am guessing it is not so common knowledge that Luffy is the son of somebody that is wanted. Still I love how Ivankov just talks to himself and reacts to this. He just flies off and we see his face from different angles. That may explain why Ivankov's reaction is the opener for this post. haha

For some reason I like Dragon. I don't know why. I mean we only seen the guy a few times. Once at LogueTown and then at the end of the CP9 arc and that is about it. He gives off this crazy guy look with him laughing as he saw Luffy's new bounty. Still I don't know. If you go by the fact that he hasn't been a 'normal' dad to Luffy by the idea that he didn't raise him then he sucks as a dad. Still I feel that Dragon is cool since maybe he is making the world better for his son? I don't know. Still this scene here kind of made him look cool and junk. Just looking at nothing as Ivankov points out his little habit.

I can't wait to see more of Dragon.

I wonder what Ivankov is wearing under that cloak. Is it just a striped version of what he is wearing right now? Just wondering is all.

Now this is a cool image too. We are getting a lot of these aren't we? Still it is nice. This is one of those that you can make into a background for your computer.

How big is Ivankov's head? I mean that is freakin huge! It is bigger then Luffy's whole body! At least it looks like it. Must be those crazy hormones or something.

Also I am loving Inazuma's pose here. It is so funny how he just holds that wine glass there.

Also this is a good example of NewKama Fashion. See the girl in pink there? Yeah. What a strange looking outfit. I wonder where they get these clothes from. Then we see a lot of guys in thongs. How nice. Still a lot of nice looking girls there so it balance things out. haha

And now we see the first of the Emporio Energy Hormones. The pumping looks really creepy but then again I guess Ivankov has a creepy power when you think about it. I am thinking we are going to get a lot of this and it is going to screw over Luffy later on in this arc. Just thinking. Though Luffy looks really mess up there. Like he is just ready to bite into something or somebody. That is a look of a crazy man there. haha

"Give me something! I eat it good!"

Though when Luffy's eyes began to glow I was thinking of some sort of old Japanese mecha show where they would do that when they combine. So I was thinking we see something as Luffy's muscles intensify or something. haha At least get some more parts on him. haha

I have mix feelings about Hannyabal's headdress. It looks kind of strange but it looks good too. I mean the guy is an idiot still with it on and especially after we find out that he was planning to start wearing it when he becomes warden. Still it looks really good when he went shockface on us there. Though I guess we are going have a much more serious Hannyabal for a while. That is cool since he will prove his worth.

Yeah...I didn't find this so funny. To tell the truth I was waiting for this to end but I am glad to see that they are doing okay. I hope we get to see them in action soon. I am still a bit sore that we didn't see how Hannyabal beat them up a few episodes back. Though I wonder how they made it into Level 4 without being seen. Guess they got lucky or something.

 I like Domino. She is funny because she is so serious. I don't want to say she is cute but Domino just has this certain charm to her. haha I hope that one day she because warden instead of  some dimwitted idiot that name starts with an 'H'. Still I can dream right? The prison would seem to be in much better shape with her making sure it works like clockwork and being on time. She may have a stick up her butt when it comes to rules but at least she is serious about her job. haha

Also I love how she is just dragging Magellan around like he was nothing. haha

 This chick here is crazy! I have to use the restroom damn it! Please!

Sorry Magenellan. No potty break for you. haha

Luffy just keeps going and going. haha That kid is full of energy. I guess that is what those hormones that Ivankov does. Also it just funny to see the guy move like crazy in the snow acting as if it isn't cold. I am sure the kid feels the cold but it must be nothing if you are running that fast. Maybe that is where he is getting his heat from.

Also I am loving Inazuma if you haven't tell. It is all in that wine glass and how he is always just holding it. Not a single drop of wine is falling out of the glass as he runs and fights. Heck the only thing that moved when he attacked was just his leg as the glass and body didn't move at all. That takes some awesome skill there.

This was maybe one of my favorite parts. It was short but so worth watching. Seeing these fights scenes were great and I wish they were a bit longer but I guess they were long enough. I am sure that next week's will be better if there are any more of them.

And the episode ends here as Ace is facing the warden of the prison. Seems like he will be leaving soon and Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma won't be making it in time. The animators by the way did this scene nicely as I love how Ace looks here. So much detail on the face.

Still I am going say that this episode is only a forthcoming of what we will see next episode. If all goes well then next week will be pretty cool as we see more characters that we been seeing but in the light! haha I am excited to see what happens next week and I hope that we don't get ripped off by the pacing. If so then I will be a bit upset.

Seems like in next week's episode we are going to have some stuff happen. haha Jinbei will meet Luffy. Some sort of gas being spread though Level Six to stop Luffy and the small group. Ace is doing some sort of fighting.

I am not sure if the fight that Ace is in happen in the manga. It is late and I don't feel like checking since I sped a bit as I read my Shonen Jump. So it could happen. Still okay. I go with it. I just excited since we going to maybe see somebody I been expecting for a while. I am sure that must of you can guess who I am talking about. Still I am a bit worry since I don't see him in the preview. I am just going to hope that they will appear. If not then we better have some awesome stuff happen next week then.

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