Thursday, March 18, 2010

Manga: Chapter 578 (SPOILERS!)


The gateway to Oda's mind is hard to figure out. You think you know what is going to happen but then you get something completely out there that you so didn't see coming. Still with this chapter you get something so awesome that you don't know what to say about it. That is how I felt when I read this chapter. I was awestruck for many different reasons. When I was trying to say what I thought about this chapter on Twitter, I didn't know what to say. It was hard to describe what happen in this chapter without saying too much to spoil anything but still express how awesome it is.
"Too much to talk about, the human brain is too small to process all Oda's work.."
-KoRnpedo from Twitter
Yes, that is exactly how I feel. We can make predictions all we want but it is just too damn hard to figure out what will happen. haha Apparently our minds are just too small to process Mr. Oda's work or at least mines haha. Still several including me are going to try and maybe fail. Still how about we get to this chapter eh? 

Marineford. Blackbeard. Marineford. Blackbeard.

Where to start? Marineford itself has taken such a beating that I am surprise it is still standing even after all that has happen. Blackbeard's attack may have seem like the final straw but really I think we can get more poundings into Marineford before this arc is done. Yep. Still it seems like Blackbeard has gone mad with power and is crazy (or at least crazier then he was before). haha Heck the people at Sabaody are still scared at what is happening at Marineford. Smart people there because I am guessing they know what this means for them.

When Blackbeard said that he wanted to sink Marineford, it made me think that the guy has gone mad with power and mostly overestimating what he  can do. I believe he is as powerful as he thinks he is but the guy still needs to focus his power. You don't just get into a mecha for the first time and go running around beating people up and destroying buildings. You need to learn how to use that mecha. The same thing here with Blackbeard and his new Quake Quake powers. He maybe be able to pound things around with his new Quake Quake powers but when it comes to using it against another person then that may be a different story.

And I think Sengoku is going to be that person. Seems like the great Fleet Admiral has gone SuperAfro on Blackbeard. I really wish they would go into detail about Sengoku's ability so we can understand how is Sengoku able to shoot that shockwave. I want to say haki due to the look of his eyes but I don't think so. Maybe. Who knows.

Though I like what Sengoku said though. That Marine HQ may be torn apart but it can be rebuilt. It can be made...Smarter! Better! Faster! Stronger!

Well not like that but everybody gets the point right? Apparently the island itself is more important then the building and for once I have to agree with Sengoku. The building is just a building. It may symbolize the power of the Marines but it isn't the Marines. The people and the idea of 'Justice' (whatever that may be) is the Marines. Now as in helping people, I am not sure but I am sure they have the right idea...just not implementing it correctly to how others may think.

Still seems like Blackbeard may get a taste of that justice as SuperAfro Sengoku provide a beatdown on him. This will be a real test to see if Blackbeard can master the powers of the Quake Quake in the little time that he has had it. This will be interesting.

Now we are hitting the best part of this chapter. Amazing how everybody came together to help out Luffy. May it be by accident or just by choice, we have the Whitebeard Pirates, Crocodile and Jinbei trying to protect just one kid. Why? Because they want to make sure he will make it into the New Era. Now that is awesome. A present to the new age.

Small notes that I notice before I move on:
-Inazuma- Apparently he could be seen in this chapter. I had no idea why somebody was yelling his name. I thought Ivankov was yelling his name but apparently Inazuma joined to help Ivankov to fight Akainu. Still that didn't go too well as we see his small body not too far away from Ivankov's as I noticed in the second read though. I almost missed that and thought it was a mistake.
-Luffy's hat- Where is it? I noticed that it wasn't on Luffy when we last see him clearly. The last time we see the hat itself, it was on the ice before Crocodile shoots Jinbei and Luffy into the air using Sables. It avoided being burned by the manga fist of Akainu but that is it. Did it get shot up with Jinbei and Luffy? Will it be miracle saved by somebody later and appear out of nowhere? Maybe a small detail to think about but I am kind of worry about the hat since I love that straw hat and I don't think this is the safest place for the hat to just be on the ground. Let just hope it will be okay.

Back to the program....
"Akainu...! The 'Potential Danger' he possesses that you're trying to kill him for right now, and the great 'Exceptions' that we want to keep alive are the same, aren't they?"
So very true. As I said before, when Whitebeard told Marco to watch out for Luffy, we knew that Luffy would be okay. Clearly he isn't alright at this moment and Marco himself hasn't done that much of a good job in watching out for Luffy but here is proof. Luffy is going to be okay. I also said that Whitebeard's Pirates will be able to leave safety but it doesn't seem like it right now. Still I am hoping for that too. haha

Still it was very cool to see all of the Whitebeard Pirates and Crocodile just standing there before Akainu. I am sure that the admiral is a powerful person but can he really take care of all those people there? I mean Croc just sliced the guy there not too long ago and I am sure that it is annoying even if it didn't damage him. (Still was awesome haha) Then it was even funny to see Buggy there flying in the air as he accidently caught Jinbei and Luffy. Good old Buggy, can depend on him to just pop out of nowhere to help. haha

Now here at the end of the chapter where the best comes. Out of nowhere we see Law coming out in his fancy submarine. This was surely a surprise and it took me a while to figure out who the sub belonged to. haha I thought the chapter was going to end there but the surprise was on use as there was one more page! Yay! Still I guess that the Supernova's purposes are going to appear now since Law is here. I was wondering what the purpose of the Supernovas when they first appeared and I guess we are beginning to see this here. Law is a doctor so he can do more then just make sure that Luffy escapes. He can also heal Luffy too. I am sure that the 'Surgeon of Death' is more then just a name after all.

The Surgeon of Death is here. haha Now this is going to be cool. I want to say that Law will be the one to make Luffy escape but I don't want to make any predictions. (I prefer to get the dart board and see where the dart lands.) There are several unknowns to consider as in where the heck is Kizaru. We haven't see that 'monkey wrench' since he shot the key in Luffy's hands. If Sengoku is taking care of Blackbeard then what is Kizaru doing? I am guessing he will appear sometime soon to screw up (or try to at least) Law's plan. Kizaru doesn't seem to like Luffy too much so I can see him troll the kid again.

I am wondering if it is possible for other Supernovas to appear. Just an idea but it be interesting. At least we know where Law went off too when he told his crew that they were leaving Sabaody. This can only lead to interesting things though now that another player has arrive on the field. Strange though since it seems like the Marines are not good at securing from things that come from above or below seeing that is where Luffy, Whitebeard and now Law have been able to come from. haha

Intresting things are coming. And one more thing......


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