Saturday, December 1, 2012

Manga: Chapter 687 (SPOILERS!)


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We're kicking off this week with Sanji as he continues to reach the other Straw Hats with the G5 Marines. He states to one of his soldiers that while he welcomes death by a woman due to his chivalrous nature, that Zoro isn't so forgiving. He also believes that Tashigi is in capable hands as long as Zoro is there, I like these moments when Zoro or Sanji respect and trust each other even if they would never admit it.

Back in the Biscuit Room, Zoro and Tashigi continue to bicker because Tashigi believes that Zoro would never kill a woman which is the reason why she stayed behind. Zoro smirks and allows her to attack Monet because all he has to do is not let Monet leave. Speaking of which, Monet (who is looking super creepy right now) attacks Tashigi using her Snow Snow powers and even manages to avoid Tashigi's haki counterattacks since she is so fast. Although Tashigi manages to keep on the defense for a bit, she eventually gets bitten by Monet.

Love subtle moments like these

Tashigi grabs onto Monet so that her shoulder isn't bitten off but Monet continues to bite deeper. Zoro saves Tashigi because he got tired of waiting and even warns Monet not to let her guard down around him. While he does admit that he won't slice certain things, but when you come across a beast then there is no guarantee that  it won't attack you. Zoro draws his sword and runs towards Monet who can't seem to move, then Zoro cuts her in half...yes REALLY.

Zoro badass moment number: 2109817...maybe

Unfortunately, Monet survived due to her snow powers but only manages to pull half of herself together. The chapter ends with Monet preparing to stab Zoro while his back is turned, but Tashigi intervenes and finishing Monet off.

You go girl!

I know this is a pretty short review, but its because this is one of those chapters where you just adore the action drawn in the panels. It was a great fight, with great moments for both Zoro and Tashigi. Oda also did draw the flashback of Zoro and Tashigi in this chapter showing the beginning of their "rivalship" in Logue Town and yet it still makes me ask what kind of relationship these two are going to have since nothing much has come of it since then. I'm sure something will come of it someday, it just makes me wonder.

So in short, nothing much to say but enjoy the action. Hopefully we'll see what the others are up to next time. So cheerio until then!

What a strangely adorable attack


  1. Congrats Oda. It took you 687 chapters to finally show Tashigi do something worth mentioning.

    I have to say, Zoro stuck me as being kind of a dick this episode, saying that he is perfectly capable of striking a woman, but then never does it and just talks his way out of why with excuses.

    That said, the panel of him splitting Monet in 2 was indeed badass. In fact I almost thought it was a bit graphic for Oda's style. But then of course I realize he didn't use any haki in that attack and it was simply a display of something he "could" have done to her, as a way to bestow fear into her.

    The one thing I have to say that kind of bugged me about this chapter was... where did Zoro's sudden hesitation to strike women come from. I thought that was Sanji's shtick, not his. I thought his perception of women was opposite of Sanji's, that women should be treated as equals to men, not as if they have a handicap.
    I'm a bit confused on where Zoro stands on this issue.

  2. Yay Oda! He is showing that women can do something in the New World!

    I really do not understand Zoro and his thing about women based on this chapter. You are right, his past actions would suggest that he believes men and women are equals. The only exception to that rule was Tashigi because she happens to look like Kuina. Still, it is obvious that he got over that block.

    I think it has something to do with that "Beast" comment. I am a bit confused by what that meant. Maybe he didn't see Momet as an opponent because she was acting more beast like until he realize that she was an actual human and 'opponent' like. Maybe? That is the best I can come up with.
