Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 422

First Thoughts

Well this was some episode. I mean my main problem is that most of it was just a bunch of screenshots of things that were inside Impel Down. Those shots gave a look into Impel Down's environment of being a harsh place where the prisoners are treated like crud. Still it just felt like they were trying to waste time and try just prolong the episode as much as they can.

Still this episode had it's moments. Once again we get some good music to match the moments in this episode. Then even though the screenshots we got of Impel Down was too much, it gave us an insight into the prison. To tell the truth I am truly scared of what will happen in Impel Down and scared on what has happen so far inside those walls of the 'Great Prison'. Though got to give props with setting up the setting of what will be for the next who knows how many episodes.

Luffy and Hancock finally arrive to Impel Down. Hancock is greeted by Domino and Hannyabal. Hancock is given a small tour and is told to go under a search. Luffy is still hiding in Hancock's robe and Hancock is worry about them finding Luffy.


Don't you think this is an awesome picture? You can see Ace figure being reflected in Garp's eye.You may want to enlarge the image so you can see it but still it looks cool. I guess we can see some sort of regret in Garp where he wishes that Luffy and Ace would become Marines. Still guess that didn't go as planned.

Though it was a bit of a surprise to start the episode with this moment. I mean I was kind of thinking we will start out with Luffy and Hancock just coming into Impel Down. Though it is nice to see more interaction between Ace and Garp. We rarely see Garp anyways so this is nice.

Still Garp is one of the coolest grandpas ever! I mean he goes there talking about all the bad things (from the Marines's point of view) that Luffy has done. Then at the end of the lecture he just laughs about it! So funny! I was right there laughing with Garp the whole way. Though I think Garp told Ace all of those things because he wanted to make Ace feel better. I mean the guy is stuck in a jail ceil all beat up. His death is only in a few days or so. He is in the most horrible place in the world. The world isn't looking nice and sunny for Ace is it? Still here comes his grandpa. Some honored Marine hero in what he thinks will be some sort of lecture about how wrong he is and how he deserves what he is in. Then in the end he just tells you funny stories about what your kid brother did. Got to say that is some pick me up there. Nice to know that my little brother is out there causing heck for the people who put me in jail. haha I'll be proud of Luffy too. haha

I think deep down. Garp is actually really proud of both Luffy and Ace. So they didn't come out as he planned but really he just happy that his grandsons are happy. Which is good for the old man.

And here we have is Ace with a shirt. It seems like Ace knew what was shirt was back before he joined Whitebeard. Good for him! haha

Though I have to say that this scene shows what kind of man Whitebeard is. A smart one. Instead of making enemies out of people who hate him and such. He makes allies with them. For some reason Ace decided to fight Whitebeard but got beat up. Apparently Whitebeard saw something in Ace and didn't want that something to be wasted. So he ask Ace to join his crew and treats the guy as his son. A very valuable skill there. To be able to turn enemies to allies.Guess that is something which is needed when you go into the New World.

Hmm...So far it seems like Luffy has that idea right now. You know since he has ties to Duval and his band of Flying Fish Riders. Not much of an ally since they are not very strong (as we know of yet) but they are smart enough to be able to avoid Kizaru (or we think/hope he did) and noble enough to watch the StrawHats's ship. So that is a good thing to them. All great pirates have to start somewhere with their allies right?

I am really wondering about this biblecard. I mean it keeps getting smaller and smaller and changing shape. What is up with this piece of paper? Now it is just a strip when a few weeks ago it was kind of like a triangle. Ok. Whatever. Just a piece of paper to tell us how Ace is doing.

Then here we are with a little peak of what is going on with the Buggy Band of Pirates. Kind of surprise to see them here but I guess we will get some sort of check up on seeing how Buggy is doing. Too bad the guy on the Marines's ship doesn't remember who Buggy is. haha Don't think many One Piece fans do too. haha

Sigh....Thus that what happens when you become a comic relief character. Aww....

I have the loyalty that Buggy's crew is showing to Buggy. It is really touching to see them crying over their captain. It is moments like these that really you can see the similarities between the StrawHats and Buggy Pirates. I mean they are not exactly the same but the sense of loyalty to both captains are there. Though the Buggy Pirates show it in a...comedic way compare to the StrawHats since I don't think somebody like Zoro or Robin will be on their knees if something like this happen to Buggy.

Though I guess now we know who Buggy was in the newspaper back in Episode 416. Seems like Buggy has been captured by the Marines and sent to Impel Down. A bit harsh but I guess Buggy is that type of pirate to be sent there.

One thing I want to mention is that it seems like Oda has done to redesigns on some of Buggy's pirates. Though this is Mohji here and everytime we see him in an arc his hair always changes. The ram style is a bit strange but ok. I liked the lion one from Loguetown better.

Though I have to say that Buggy has a cool wanted poster. Haven't seen it since after Arlong arc but still cool. Makes him look tough and awesome. Sigh...

And it seems like everybody in the Buggy crew has a copy of Buggy's wanted poster. Strange but okay. I guess they really love Buggy. Aww...

Well it seems like not everybody is as concern with Buggy's capture....Seems like Richie is hungry. Does Mohji feed him or something? Maybe that is why Richie loses a lot. Though why is he crying over Buggy's wanted poster? No idea. I guess to Richie, Buggy looks like food. haha

haha Just the idea of them in a like boat is funny. Then getting eaten by the SeaKing. CHOMP! Wel nice knowing them. haha

Nevermind...I take back what I said about Buggy's crew being loyal. haha

Well you guys know I saw this coming. I am just commenting the scenes as I see them. haha

Still I mean...Well Luffy's crew would try and break out Luffy if they knew he was in Impel Down right? I mean Franky knows that if they line the bottom of the ship with Sea Prism Stone then it would keep sea kings from attacking them. Then with the combine brains of the rest of the StrawHats they could find a way to get in. Of course we have Nami and Usopp scared to death about this since Nami showed discomfort before about Impel Down. So that will happen. Still I think the StrawHats will be up for it.

As for Buggy's Pirates...well. I don't know. They have a good reason why but I don't know. What interest me is that they have made it this far. We have no idea where Impel Down is except it is somewhere in the Calm Belt but it has to be near Enies Lobby. Knowing that it means  that the three  buildings (Enies Lobby, Marineford and Impel Down) are close to Water 7. So best guess is that Buggy's Pirates are somewhere pass or close to Water 7. Not bad I guess. They had their own share of battles or challenges at least. It is a feat to be proud of if they had navigated this far in the Grand Line I think.

Warning...We are going to get a major screenshot parade here. 

Here is where good background music saves the day. To me this episode had a lot of shots of the inside of Impel Down. I mean did you saw my summary for this episode? It was only only a few sentences. Well all my summaries are a few sentences but really this one was much less.

Still the screenshots were needed. They really set up the type of setting Impel Down is. Dark long hallways. Crazy architecture. Torture devices close by to the cells. Guards hurting prisoners with emotionless faces.Camera angles and music was key at these minutes here. I think if the narrator was here telling us what was happen would have ruin the moment. So one moment here that ruin the episode but at the same time made it.
Still I like this moment right here. The moment where the group of prisoners surrounding the new prisoners. This was one of those 'real' moments in One Piece where you can see or know that this is actually happen in real prisons right now. That small gang that is inside the prison that try to rule what small world they have. You know that things like this are happening. All those people that were gangs before going to prison are still running the gangs or forming their own while in prison. Things like this happen where old prisoners would be picking on the new guy.

And here we get the first look at some of the special guards of Impel Down. We don't see their face but we see the fear that they bring to the prisoners. It seems like no matter how tough the prisoners act, when it comes to these creatures of Impel Down they get scared. Surely whatever is in that room is something that will brutally hurt them. I really want to see what was that thing in there. Maybe we will see it soon.

Warning! Another screenshot parade coming again!

And once again we get more of an insight of what Impel Down is all about. This place has many things that clearly keeps the prisoners in line. No wonder this is called the strongest prison in the One Piece world.

Though I wonder. How are the other prisons in the One Piece world are like? Are they this harsh? Hmm....

And here we go back to our power couple Luffy and Hancock. And we get this wonderful screenshot of the front of Impel Down. This came close to being the blog opener picture but I decided against it. Also I think I used it as the preview image in the last anime post.

I love Hancock's face in this scene. haha The look of annoy in it is classic. Also how she just asked if she could turn them into stone.

Still I love Momonga's response to Hancock's question.
Please don't. The Marines can't take any more humiliation.
haha Yeah. Momonga is right. The Marines have faced enough humiliation already. haha Don't need to add more to it. Also I am sure the Marines are going to need all the men that they need so it is a no to turning them to stone. haha Poor Hancock. Can't turn them to stone. haha

Shut up, you idiots!
And those Marines just take the insult like it was honey. haha Stupid Marines. haha

For some reason Hannyabal looks a bit different then when he appeared in the manga. I guess they made his cloth thing longer or something. Or maybe I just didn't pay too much attention to the images I seen from the manga.

I don't care much for Hannyabal really. He doesn't interest me much...So yeah.

Cool images of Jinbei and Crocodile. Though I am seeing that they are not going to show any details of Jinbei's face at all. I can't wait to see how he will look animated.

Though Croc looks like he wants to kill. Scary. haha

Hancock is making a funny face here. Her eyes are like wide open. Maybe it is because she is amazed by how Impel Down is. Or maybe because Luffy is grabbing something while holding on to Hancock. haha

You know....A lot of the guards here at Impel Down are easy pickings for Hancock. If she wanted to then they would all be stone. Sigh....Though it is nice to have Hancock plaster all over the screens.

Then here we get another screenshot parade but I didn't feel like take it. I mean we already got a lot of this already and I feel like we already got the feeling of Impel Down already. Still it is nice. Well this moment. Good way to open Impel Down. Now we just have to kick back and see the show.


Seems like Buggy is going to be in the next episode. haha Awesome. I am happy to see that Buggy is going to be back in the series again. Hopefully he will be able to do some cool things. It saddens me sometimes that Buggy is just refer to be comical and that is all. The guy is a bit serious. It just that he gets pushed to the side easily. I am sure that Buggy is strong in his own sense seeing that he and his crew has made it at least close to Water 7 on their own and were once famous pirates in the East Blue. So maybe the East Blue is the easiest of the four seas but it is still something in it's own right. So I am looking forward to what Buggy has to bring to the table.

And it seems like the preview was a bit short since they wanted to promate the Movie 10: Strong World. I so want to see this movie! Also just looking at this picture makes me want to cosplay this even more! I am so keeping this picture as a reference for cosplay. I mea it doesn't look too hard to do. Red shirt that is a bit torn. Black dress pants. Black tie. Straw hat. I have most of that stuff already so it is all cool. Nice!

Still till next week! Awesome is coming. Are you ready? haha


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If I'm not mistaken, somewhere at the end of Thriller Bark Arc, it is said that the biblecard reveals not only the location but also the condition of the owner. In this case, Ace is dying. Perhaps that is why the biblecard is shrinking.
