Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Manga: No New Chapter This Week (SPOILERS)

Jimbei says, "Buying some One Piece from Viz helps when there isn't a new manga chapter."

The first break of One Piece after the time skip. This arc kind of started out a bit slow but ever since the crew has been back together it seems like we are moving a bit faster. Every chapter that has has been located underwater has literally been a walk into a brand new world. Every page is like a piece of art as fishes can be seen swimming along with the Thousand Sunny while we are getting information about how such a world under the sea is like. While all this time we get the same humor that we always get with One Piece.

One Piece has seem to have gotten a little bit darker with the talks about killing everybody that can breath from Caribou. Interesting that he got stuck on the ship with the StrawHats and alone. The guy is at least smart enough to know that he most likely can't take on a bunch of strong, famous pirates alone. Most likely after this whole kraken thing has pass he will try to take them out one by one and fail. If anything that should be fun to watch. haha

So this week there is no new One Piece chapter from Japan. We kind of going have to get use to this because it may seem like Weekly Jump will be going on break during December if last year is any indication of how they work. Makes me wonder how Oda will leave us before the Christmas Break but for now let just enjoy what we have and watch as Luffy and crew get kraken on this new adventure under the sea.

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