Friday, November 5, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 473

It’s the END OF THE WORLD!! Oh, no it’s not, it’s just Marineford. Find more action at, and see some crazy stunts like this one!

First Thoughts

If (by self proclamation) last episode (472) was the best of the year, then this episode is surely within the top 5, if not in second place for the title. It was beautifully done, wonderfully drawn, the scenes went quickly and smoothly, the action was well done, it was surprising and terrifying, awesome and amazing, and it just plain kicked Beep. Oh yeah. I loved what everybody’s actions where, and what each of them separately did/how they reacted in the episode. Gorgeous scenes.


Whitebeard joins the fray as countless pirates’ morale soars and he shows great initiative to finally act on the battlefield himself. The Marines have other plans, however, as they prepare yet another trap for the pirates. Unaware of the trick, the pirates press forward.

Because their plan has found some technical “icy” difficulties, one of the giant Vice-Admirals attempts to slow the pirates rampage down, only to be thwarted by an immensely powerful display of might from Whitebeard. The old pirate tears the oceans apart, and literally tilts them and the whole island, upsetting everything and everyone in the huge display of power.

The Marines plan is activated finally, and they haul up a huge ring of walls which keeps the pirates out of the main plaza, and traps them in the icy field, also firing upon the pirates below with cannons.

Oars Jr. blocks one wall however, but as they madly dash for the opening Akainu steps up and delivers a flaming fist of lava-y goodness to the skies, and they spew hot lava as it rains down onto the ice, melting it and wiping away tons of pirates. Luffy stares in shock and horror at the devastation surrounding him and bombarding him from above as Whitebeard looks on.


First I must whine a bit and say that I am majorly jealous that I agreed to trade off again because last week’s episode was AWESOME! So yes. DEMO, this episode totally follows the last one up PERFECTLY, so I am quite pacified by it.

I have to admit, this episode is Amazing so far. I mean really, only about 30 seconds past the episode title and already it is kick-butt Awesome. Wowza.

The Epicness of this picture knows no bounds.

I love how Whitebeard has this great swirly-landing thing around him when he hops down from his high perch. Very powerful-appearing and sweet. I mean, look at how deadly serious he looks now! Sengoku really made a serious blow to Whitebeard internally when he tried to claim that the old man sold out his own sons.

I love how serious this moment is for all of the Marines too. It isn’t everyday that not only do get to see a living legend, but you get to fight one too. Yay! …or not, haha!

When he stuck out his spear-thing in this scene…whewww, it was pretty epic! He still is totally chiseled and ripped (chest and abs), even with a bleeding hole in his chest. For an old codger, it is.

Whitebeard’s look to Sengoku makes the Fleet Admiral himself seem almost scared. Awesome, he should be, the Beep. This could be a good time to mention that when I first saw Sengoku, I really couldn’t tell if he would be a possible ally or a foe, since he seemed to have a good, lesser-than-corrupt head on his shoulders. Of course, after seeing what poor decisions he has made “for the betterment of society” and “for Ultimate Justice”…I think I may be leaning towards “Sengoku sucks” now. Too bad, I did initially like him. Oh well, so much for my great judge of character skills, haha!

I love how Whitebeard can send the cannonballs hurtling back at the Marines, just like Luffy with the effect of his Devil Fruit, wicked. The resulting explosions where rather nicely drawn as well, I was impressed. Most everything in this episode was through the roof though, so how can I say it was bad?

Hahaha! I laugh at the Marines, their great plan of encircling the pirates isn’t working out too well. I think I still remember what occurs, but not totally sure. It’s getting fuzzy, which is better for me since things will shock and surprise me (again) soon. Yay! Anyway…haha, Aokiji’s ice turned out to be a pain after all! …I don’t really get why they don’t just get Akainu to melt it though…I bet that they could torch some pirates in the magma-process as well…

I want to say three things about Sqaud right now. 1) I kinda feel bad for the guy, having an emotional breakdown like that 2) Does he really believe everything he is told? 3) Marco is right. Also, Marco is awesome, but that comes later.

Ok, now I feel REALLY bad for the guy…

Another mentionable aspect of this episode: the angles and zooms in this episode are really interesting, and rather unusual. Especially this shot on the left above, I like how it isn’t the more normal ‘from under looking up’ shot like on the right, but it is close and personal from the side, like another person leaning in close to take a look at his face. It looks really realistic, and that is a good effect. His anguished wailing really did the trick too, it was very saddening.

I like when Luffy says that thing about how great Whitebeard is, how “he can still fight after being stabbed”. This is interesting, considering how many, many times Luffy himself, his fellow comrades, and his friends have been able to constantly get back up after being stabbed, shot at, and pierced in all their battles. Of course, it could actually be more in-depth than that, and he could be commenting on how Whitebeard’s resolve to save his son is driving him to continue after just getting stabbed in the back (figuratively) by one of his own comrades…but, it is Luffy after all, and I doubt he would think of something like that right now… …maybe...

Man, Sengoku looks PO’d. I mean, not as much as a few episodes ago, nor as much as at Garp, but still. Really, Really ticked off.

First: I really randomly find that I like this dude, John Giant. Second: Is it just me, or does it totally look like something is seriously wrong with Whitebeard’s abs to have them extend That far out?

I really, really liked this part. Whitebeard just concentrates a slight effort to throw this giant off and then just says “you’re in my way”. Wow.

This part totally freaked me out. A lot. I mean seriously…this kind of power is totally intense…Whitebeard is pretty scary of a pirate.

AAAAHHHHH! It’s Doflamingo! Ugg…he’s being creepy again…but isn’t he always…? I like how his evil, crazed, and totally (wickedly) maniacal laughter continues to grow in length and volume as they switch to the entire scene of all the ocean around Marineford and the island itself being affected. A nice touch, I do say.

Some pretty epic Doflamingo laughter, if I do say so myself.

I have to admit that I kinda freaked out when Luffy’s hand didn’t grab hold of anything for a moment there. ‘Bout near scared myself for a sec, but then Jimbei came and everything was good again.

And…the seas are calm again. Whew! What a roaring time!

I do feel sorry for this guy, John Giant, but you did totally see it coming. After all, it was Whitebeard he charged in at. But…I’m more interested in this giant shockwave now. Will it break the scaffold? Let’s see…

Nope! But why…? Oh fudge.

It kinda looks like they’re pantomiming…huh.

Oh fudge-cakes and watermelon, the Beeping admirals are protecting it. Dang it. This means that one of them is going to go all out in a moment…I hope its not Akainu, let it not be Akainu…

Still, I liked their random banter back-and-fourth beforehand. It was mildly amusing. You know, in the midst of this horrific and danger-prone war, it’s totally good to have an annoyed conversation with a guy who just bugs you at work over his elemental powers. Definitely normal. NOT.

Again, more of these great views and angles from the camera. I really like this style, zooming starting upside-down and now rotating. Very unique, exciting effects these animators have.

Oh! He has his grip on the stone, he’s so close! Of course, I know that the wall will totally work right…

For some reason, this makes me think of Humpty Dumpty randomly…he sat on a wall, had a great fall, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men, couldn’t put Luffy together again…foreshadowing much? *Gulp* Hopefully not!

…now. Oh well. Sorry Luffy!

For that dude’s spiked club to smash against that wall, it is either Really solid steel, or something harder. I’d bet a pretty penny that it is infused with a bit of Seastone. And for the record dude-with-bazooka, the wall DID have a scratch on it. See? There:

Point: They don’t have to fight them, they just have to destroy them or deter them ‘til they give up and go away. So no buddy, they Don’t have to fight you. They can just shoot cannons at you.

This part is funny, if only the beginning instance of it, because I saw this gap at the initial zoom-out of the walls when they were done raising up. Oars Jr. blocks that one wall, although…I thought it was because of his immense body weight, not from his blood…that is really sad…and kinda creepy…but mostly sad…okay, Very depressing…

Well beep, my earlier plea from when the Admirals where lined up went ignored by the awesome might of Oda-sama.

It’s Akainu.

Beep him. Beep him, with his awesome Hawaiian shirt that looks like one my dad has. Beep. Him (Akainu, that is).

Man, what a hot-head. He is really irritating, for sure. I think that Akainu bugs me in a difference sense than Kizaru though, so I really don’t hate him more than the Light user. Oh well.
Looks like Fireworks, Stings like a Volcano/Meteor blast.

I like the coloring on this scene with an awe-struck Luffy. The purples, blues, and reds mix well together, like a real volcano is erupting. Wicked coloring.

Silence. Silence. Silence.
What is that popping noise…

It does actually look like the Apocalypse.

I have to admit, it was pretty terrifying watching flaming fists of fury descending from the sky like they erupted from a fiery volcano.

This entire last scene was insane. I mean really…it really was terrifying to watch. I can’t imagine how much fun it was to color in, and even draw the shock and awe on their faces. Whooooo. Horrific, yet amazing, episode end.


Well, it looks like it will detail what the end of this episode was; just Luffy and company trying to get up to Ace using the opening Oars Jr. provided, while attempting to avoid the large, continuous cannon-fire and also flaming molten balls from the sky. Fun. Luffy looks pretty freaked though. I hope he'll be okay.

Of course, it also looks like Ace has officially been announced to be executed, so that is really, Really bad for Luffy. And, on another note, it looks like Whitebeard’s faithful ship the Moby Dick is going to get destroyed by a fire blast, much to his entire crew’s shock (and there is a LOT of crewmembers).

Next episode proves to be exciting, none-the-less! Also, nice visuals I’m seeing here. A lot of pretty pictures, color-wise. I’m looking forward to it. The Moby Dick picture here is making me sad, it’s reminding me of the Going Merry! Aww…

Next Episode: The Order to Perform the Execution is Given. Break Through the Encircling Wall!

Return next week to see the thrilling tale: Will they make it out of the fiery inferno? Will Luffy save Ace before the executioner's blade strikes him down? Will Akainu ever cool down? Find out next time (maybe) on One Piece at! Come back again!

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