Monday, August 20, 2012

History Of One Piece: Captain Morgan Arc Recap Part 1

Welcome to History Of One Piece where I chronicle, review, debate and analyze the various arcs of One Piece. Today, I recap the first half of the Captain Morgan arc and showcase the introduction of Roronoa Zoro. Hope you enjoy. ^_^


  1. Technically, a lot of us grew up with intense badass levels thanks to Wolverine from X-Men.

    That's how I always classify Zoro. He is the Wolverine of this series. By that I mean they are their shows top badasses and everyone knows it. And much like Wolverine entering his show by getting his ass kicked by a girl (freakin' Jubilee of all people) Zoro enters his tied to a stake, day dreaming about getting his ass kicked by a girl. That's...badass?

    When you said, "this guy needs a smack in the face," I was so expecting you to immediately cut to later in the episode where Luffy does just that, but you would pause the video right as he was charging at him and go "No Luffy! Not yet!" And then when you got to that scene in the diner you could have gone, "Okay Luffy, NOW you can smack him" FALCO PUNCH! Well timed, that would have been comedic gold.

    Going back to this scene, it immediately feels like a direct parallel to Luffy and Zoro's actions toward the Celestial Dragons and Sabaody. Think about it: Helmepo waltzes around like he owns the damn place, everyone kneels to him, but as soon as a couple idiots come into town refusing to take his crap, he goes whining to the higher ups to get revenge. It's exactly the same situation that gets the straw hats in such trouble 400 episodes later.

    Um... isn't the meme technically Over 9000? Just "Saiyan." Hah, see what I did there?

    Well done. Excellent pacing, but there's still room for improvement. When you get to the Buggy Arc, my challenge is for you to cover two episodes in the time span it took you to do this one. You can do it.

  2. That's true. Wolverine was the badass of the 80s and early 90s. There's a reason people love him.

    I totally should have made that gag. Then again, Luffy punches many people in this series, so I may get to use that. Arlong perhaps.

    It is eerily similar to the Celestial Dragon scene. They also have similar animation lines. The only difference is that the latter scene makes the screen go Black and White so it has much more intensity.

    The meme is over 9000 but I was referencing the original cut of DBZ. In the original Japanese, Vegeta actually said that his power level was over 8000. The line was later changed to make it sound more intense. XD

    I'm glad you like the pacing. I feel there are a few clips I could cut a bit shorter and streamline a bit more but overall I'm satisfied with this. I accept your challenge. The only part that will be longer is the Shanks flashback. Everything else will be easier to cover. Next episode will be a tad shorter since not much happens beyond the fight and the Coby/Luffy scene. I should be able to cover the material in half the time.

    Thanks again for watching and offering your opinion. I really do appreciate it.

  3. Zoro really gave me chills when I was still on those early episodes :D Ahhh...great time I am having. I really wondered how can Luffy befriend this slashing beast.

    On the latter part of the episode, we knew that Zoro is a good LOYAL badass. I really like him to be the first crewmate of Luffy :)

    Kanpai! One Piece!

  4. Oh, I almost forgot.
