Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 489

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First Thoughts
Got to do this fast so I can get back to playing Pokemon Black.

So here comes Shanks to end the war. Got to say that it gave me the same feeling that I got when I saw this in the manga a year ago. Well...that isn't completely true since I did found some parts of the episode exciting but overall it felt the same as it was during the manga.

To tell the truth....I don't have much of first thoughts as I really want to get back to playing Pokemon Black right now. haha Hey! Don't judge me....

By the way....Got so many screencaps of this episode that I literally gave up caring towards the end. Glad the Marineford is over because I hope in the future to take less screencaps.

Law escapes Marineford with Luffy and Jimbei.

Shanks demands that the Marines and Whitebeard Pirates to stop fighting. Overall the demand was successful.

Aww! Akainu looks like he is going to cry!

So here we are....At the end of the line. Shanks has came in looking all tough and blocking Akainu's magma fist. The guy looks like he is serious about ending the war but the person to note seems to be Akainu since he is frozen stiff. This guy didn't even dare to try to attack Shanks at all. If anything he looks like he is trying to restrain himself from attacking. Judging by his face I would have to say that he wants to attack but knows that Shanks will kick his butt faster then punching an old man in the chest.

Very interesting tidbits we are getting between the people in the Marines. Apparently Shanks was in a fight with Kaidou the other day. A duel between Emperors and it seems like Shanks came out on top since if I remember correctly, Kaidou was trying to stop Shanks from getting involve. Then again maybe I am remembering things incorrectly.

Buggy and Shanks interaction. haha When was the last time we saw these two guys together? In a flashback during the Buggy arc? haha Nice to see that Buggy still hates Shanks to a degree and knows how the guy thinks. Got to love how these two guys interact with each other since Shanks plays it cool while Buggy is all upset.

I wonder who would win in a fight? Shanks or Buggy? Mostly we see Shanks using a sword and Buggy is immune to cutting attacks due to his curse power. Then again Buggy knows most of Shanks's moves but then again Shanks knows Buggy's love of treasure. Hmm...Money is on Shanks since he could just trick Buggy with a treasure map. haha

Speaking about flashbacks. We got so many of them and really they mostly all felt unneeded. We got one of what is seen above, Shanks giving the hat to Luffy, when Buggy ate his Devil Fruit and who knows how many more. Toei was so trying to pad out this episode and felt bad watching.

The flashback where Shanks was giving the straw hat to Luffy I thought was good. It helped set the mood where Shanks was looking back to where he and Luffy promise to meet again once Luffy becomes a great pirate. Then again this flashback made the whole scene drag on too long. The other two flashbacks just felt like they were stuck in there just for the heck of it.

At least we didn't get a flashback within a flashback that was within a dream that was within a flashback. haha

Hard to believe this guy is a doctor with a face like this

Time to operate as it seems like Law is wasting no time getting to work on Luffy and Jimbei. He gets them straight to the operating table and the gloves are on. Got to say that Law is an interesting doctor since he is willing to operate on both of the guys without any painkillers. Then we get a line like this:
"It's gonna be a fun operation!"
Law apparently loves his work. It still strange to see him say that with a face that looks like it belongs to a murder. He looks like he is some sort of kid that is about to cut open a frog just to see what is inside it. Makes you wonder if he really wants to help Luffy or just going to mess up his body. Either way Law seems to be one crazy doctor.

I wonder what job is Bepo's. Is he like the First Mate or something. He seems really on the ball on things and tries to keep things inline. We saw him earlier telling Jean Bart what to do and complimenting him. Training new recruits tends to be the job of the First Mate and I guess being the right hand man of the Captain. Both things that Bepo does. If Bepo is the First Mate then he is maybe the coolest one in the series just because he is a kung fu polar bear in an orange jumpsuit. haha

This was the most exciting scene throughout the whole episode in my opinion. Jean Bart really knows how to speed race that sub since he was able to avoid being frozen by Ice Age and hit by Kizaru's attack. I guess he has to make himself useful seeing that everybody on the ship is a doctor of sorts and somebody has to drive the ship in getaways incase Law and the others are busy working on somebody.

Very cool to see all of this happening on the scene. Toei did a great job in making you feel anxious to see what would happen. Would Law's Yellow Submarine escape the onslaught of attacks? Would Jean Bart be able to guide the ship safety while at the same time making sure to not disturb the people within it?

It was just so exciting to watch since you kind of knew that Law and them would escape. Still it was a great ride to watch.

Look at stupid (loser) Kizaru's face. Looking all smug. You know he was hoping that his attack hit the ship and killed them all. Glad that this maybe the last time we see him in a long time. haha

Crazy Hancock. Those poor fools don't know what awaits them since being with this woman will not be all sunshine and giggles. haha

This I think would count as one of Hancock's cutest moments. Her being all eager to go after Luffy. What a cute little pout face. This woman is crazy! haha This should be fun to watch.

Now for some reason I want to see somebody draw Mio (K-On!) dressed up as Hancock. If you can make this happen then that would be awesome. haha Artist get on it! haha

These guys be trippin......Having so much faith in Buggy can't be good. Just look at his real crew. haha

Boy if we see these guys again then it surely will be interesting to see how they will be once they have to be with Buggy all the time. This is me guessing that they will stick with Buggy after the war.

Sigh...Buggy...Getting tricked by Shanks. Still got to love how Buggy doesn't care that Shanks is a powerful Emperor since in his mind Shanks is still some punk from twenty years ago.

Still it looks like this war is going to end soon. Mihawk has already walked out seeing that he doesn't want to take on Shanks.

Funny thought. What if Shanks is much more powerful with a sword if he uses his right hand? Would that be the true reason why Mihawk stopped dueling Shanks since that would mean that he would have to fight against a much powerful person? I don't mean that in a bad way but maybe Shanks using his left arm in his duels was a handicap for Mihawk. Clearly Shanks is a force to be reckoned with seeing that the Marines didn't dare challenge Shanks and his crew and Akainu didn't even tried to attack him.

Its like the anime is trying to suggest that the Red Hair Pirates and Blackbeards Pirates will fight one day. They already have the pairings for the matches set up already. Gunners vs Gunners. Heavy eater vs heavy drinker. Crazy hair vs Crazy hair (?), Tattoo guy vs mask guy. Doctor (?) vs doctor (?). Ugly (but has cool monkey vs ugly. Blondy vs whitey. Serious vs serious. Lastly we have red hair vs black beard.

Sounds like an epic match up right? Too bad we won't get it here seeing that Blackbeard called it quits. Apparently after declaring something his age that the next thing you need to do is just walk off. After all that talk he doesn't feel like taking on Shanks. Then again this was the best choice seeing that he can bray control his new powers. Maybe one day we get a Red Hair Pirates vs Blackbeard Pirates battle.

And like that, with a simple request. The war has ended.

Shanks just came in and asked everybody to stop fighting, asked to take Ace's and Whitebeard's body and challenged anybody who wanted to fight to take him and his crew on. Nobody wanted to so that is it. The greatest war since the start of the Great Age of Pirates has ended. Now the world will have to deal with the consequences of Whitebeard's death and the Marines' victory. Whitebeard had control over several places in the world and now those places are open for pirates to take over. Fishman Island is one of those places. Going to be interesting to see how things play out in the next few episodes.

On a kind of less serious note. The montage of everybody after the fighting was interesting. Saw a few people we haven't seen in a while like the Giant Squad who got a beating via Oars Jr. The Whitebeards taking this whole thing hard since they lost the most in this war. Then it looks like some people within the Marines are just now beginning to think about what they have done and what may happen. Crocodile seems to have an interesting face. It is like he is grieving but at the same time conflicted.

Still I think we can all agree that the true winner is Moria here. Just look at the happy face! It looks like he got told that Christmas came early and that he got all the presents he wanted. If laughing from atop of a pile of bodies doesn't mean happiness then I don't want to know what happiness is. haha

Still deep under the ocean is a lone yellow submarine holding our hero. Very ominous. Just going have to wait till next week to find out where they be going.

Seems like everybody is partying over the fact that Whitebeard is dead and the the Marines have won. You have normal folks dancing in the streets and Marines looking happy. Looks like happy times for everybody.

Still not everybody looks happy. Kid looks excited but his other Supernova colleagues seem to be a bit more serious. Going to take a look at what they have all been doing since we last saw them. Some of them look serious while others look down right upset. Looks like Jimbei and Hancock are upset as well.

Next Episode: Powerful Independent Rivals! The Beginning of the 'New Era'!

Till next time. Now time to get back to playing Pokemon Black.


  1. It was a good episode not great but good. Then again for me any time I get to see Shanks in all his super hot awesome glory is good XD!lol, anyway I really did love the whole Shanks and Luffy promise being mentioned once again after so long. Law is awesome but is freaking creepy too, and Hancock is awesome too for following Luffy to make sure he's okay,and I promise to try and draw Mio in the Hancock dress once I get some free time from school ^_^. It was a good episode to watch before I turn 21 the ending mark of my own little Era, *giggles* I can't wait for next weeks episode and your next blog post!

  2. All I want to say is that I'm really glad that the war at marineford finally end.I wonder how Shanks fight i never actually see him fight b4. And If the next ep is about ace & luffy past hope the flashback ain't that too much of details. I really want the anime to get over with ace and fast continue luffy's adventure.

  3. @StrawHatPirate9
    Heck yeah! If you draw that then I don't know what I do! Mio in Hancock outfit! HECK YEAH!

    *After composing self* Yeah. It was an okay episode. I remember the manga being okay too since it was kind of disappointing how the war ended. If anything I kind of wish Sora did this anime episode to get her take since she doesn't read the manga.

    So am I. It didn't felt as long compare to reading the manga but it was long. Still I so can't wait till we get back on track to finding One Piece. Still we in for a good post war ride I think.

  4. The battle took way too long that I nearly quit watching it. I mean, how long does it take Luffy to reach the wall? It's only what, 1000 feet away- 1500 tops? He's been running for half a dozen episodes.
