Thursday, March 10, 2011

Manga: Chapter 617 (SPOILERS)

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Hodi Jones tries to take over the palace. Zoro and Usopp tries to defend against the attack. Zoro stays behind and asks King Neptune to lead Brook and Usopp out. The Neptunium Army are released. Nami disappears.

Luffy finds Chopper, Hatchin and Sanji. Reveals that Shira was within the shark to the Merman Island citizens.

*Insert rant about how scanlators should do what they suppose to and translate every word such as 'Friends'/'crew' and 'Special Attack'*

Now that is done, time to talk about how awesome this chapter was and how much I wish we had more. Things are getting a bit heated in this chapter with all the things that is happening all over the place.

Crazy stuff at the palace as Jones goes on about how he only joined the Neptunium Army just for combat training and becoming Arlong's right hand man. This really gets Nami shaken up due to how similar in beliefs Arlong and Jones have. It sure seems like that since Oda drew Arlong right behind Jones as he was going on about how he is carrying Arlong's will. Who knows how Nami will handle this but I doubt she decided to run away since she did that once already and only came back willing to put her life on the line. Surely talk about how 'Fishman' oppression will want to make her take action against Jones before things get way too out of hand.

Poor Brook. He doesn't understand how serious anything involving Arlong is. Apparently the StrawHats don't share stories of their past adventures. The whole thing with Nami and Arlong was no laughing matter and I can see why Usopp kicked Brook. That was the first serious thing that Luffy and the crew handled and surely it had an effect on everybody that were involved. Still strange that everybody who took part in the Arlong Arc is here minus Luffy and Sanji. Wonder how Luffy would handle this if he heard what Jones was talking about.

Jones himself is a tough customer. He clearly lacks the respect that Neptune and even Arlong had for their people/crew. Arlong was a douche in his own right but he did care when one of his men was defeated by Luffy's crew. Just look back to when Hatchin was defeated by Zoro. Arlong was surprised and concerned as he watched Hatchin fall to the ground from the Dragon Twister attack. Jones just decided to pick up a person and make him take the hit from Zoro's attack. Difference in attitudes and something that I think would bite Jones back later in the arc. He is ruthless but this is an interesting thing since it makes him different compare to Arlong. One treated his men with respect while the other one is willing to use his own men as a scapegoat for attacks.

Speaking about attacks, Usopp's Green Star Rafflesia attack is awesome and a nice relief. Usopp may have gotten a lot of cool attacks but it seems like somethings don't change like his use of attacking somebody senses. haha This attack reminds me of Usopp's Rotten Egg Star from early on in the series except it is a giant plant that looks like the top of Vileplume's head. Then again maybe I been playing too much Pokemon Black.'

By the way, the flower that Usopp used is actually real. It is called the Rafflesia arnoldii (AKA The Corpse Flower) and it stinks really bad. Something I learn why being bored and looking up Pokemon facts.

Then the chapter ends with Princess Shira being discovered. Apparently the shark couldn't hold it in any longer. Poor shark....people were mistaking him for a blowfish. haha

Still the gig is up and everybody knows that Shira is out of the castle. It be hard to try to hide a giant mermaid from the public especially if somebody can see it from their front yard ten blocks away. haha Things surely not going to get better anytime soon since you have the merfolks thinking Luffy and crew are kidnapping mermaids and Decken coming riding a coral reef.

Then something is going on with Sanji. I wonder how he will react to The Mermaid Princess being close by. He doesn't seem to notice her at first but then again maybe he is trying his best to not look? Please play it cool Sanji! Please play it cool! I like your attacks and suit! haha

Still the big thing that most likely was taken from this chapter was the potential Zoro vs. Jones fight. Zoro once again has kicked up the awesome level by challenging Jones to an underwater battle. Clearly the shark fishman has the advantage but Zoro seems confident. Pretty interesting too since Zoro is said to closely resemble a shark and here he is underwater challenging a shark fishman. haha

We didn't get the awesome kick butt fight that was expected but things are quickly heating up. Will Zoro face defeat at the hands of Jones? Will Sanji die just by one look at the beautiful Shira? Where is Nami? Will Decken reach where Luffy and Shira are? Will Mikey stop asking so many question? Come back next week to find out! Till next time true believers!


  1. I thought Zoro jumping into the water was awesome!! especially how during the Arlong arc he told sanji not to go into the water and to fight the fishmen on land. It really shows how far they have come ^.^

  2. THE CHAPTER WAS SO AWESOME XD!!!! Zoro was so freaking BADASS XD!!!! Everything is really heating up now, I can't wait to see what happens next week ^__^! What a great chapter to have read on the day I turned 21, by the way I love how you inserted your pokemon game obsession in this lol!
