Thursday, December 29, 2011

One Piece More: Closing Out 2011

One of the worst things about a year ending is trying to remember everything that has happened in the last 364 days. So much has happened in a year that it feels like not much has happened. Then you try to remember it all and things get even more confusing. Why do people even try to remember everything that has happened in the last year when it is hard enough to do that in our own life?

Whatever, let’s get into this.


Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Review Piece: Haibane Renmei (Secret Santa)

In the Beginning
…There were angels born from giant cocoons. Imagine my surprise when the series Haibane Renmei begins with no apparent conflict. Mystery and secrets abound, but they aren’t serious plot devices, and so the viewer begins to wonder where the conflict lies. This is the central idea of the series: it has no larger conflict; the conflict is only revealed in the concluding episode of the series. A few minor conflicts occur, which deeply affect the plot and drastically change the tone of the anime in a short period of time, but the tender message of the story does not change as a result, but is rather strengthened as more truth comes to light.

This series is Haibane Renmei, an anime based on a doujinshi comic series created by Abe Yoshitoshi in 1998. The series débuted and ended in 2002 with 13 episodes, categorized as drama/fantasy. For the Reverse Thieves’ annual ‘Secret Santa’ project, this is the anime I chose to review for the end of the year.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Anime: Straw Hat Reunion Arc- Episode 521

The face of the next King of the pirates is only on

First Thoughts
One of the most enjoyable parts of the episode is the Marines. Though they brought Pacifistas, which I do not support; this was one of the few times the Marines fight truly “bad” pirates. Another memorable scene I enjoyed was of Sentomaru’s speech about Luffy. I didn’t expect that he would defend Luffy’s honor as he did, because he is Luffy’s foe. Because of this action, Sentomaru reminds me of Smoker.
The idiocy of the fake Straw Hats is frustrating, and I am certainly glad to be rid of them. Another excellent scene of the episode was when Sentomaru called out the imposter, and everyone was shocked. Sentomaru is no fool, and I should have expected no less from his sharp mind. He has fought Luffy before.