Sunday, March 27, 2011

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 490 *Late*

What a great way to start off…well, anything actually. This type of great “final lines” can only be found at I’m there. Are you?

First Thoughts

Sora back (and late…again) with last week’s episode of One Piece! Hey, think of it this way, skipping a week to get double the episode coverage for the price of one, right?

This was an astounding episode, these whole last few have been a wonderful end to the epic Whitebeard War Saga. Only an episode or two to go until it is over, and from the action on-screen you can definitely tell. The events of this episode where only a bit over half of a surprise, but it was totally worth it. Great episode, and I can tell you, I am stoked for the official end of this Saga-to-end-all-sagas!

Friday, March 25, 2011

One Piece More....IN 3D!!!!!!

3D gaming has been around for a while now, although its either been niche, too expensive or in some cases a complete failure. This week, the Nintendo 3DS (as of this post) has been launched in the UK and will be launched in the US this Sunday. I have mine as well as a copy of Street Fighter and Pilotwings and am enjoying the hell out of it. Also see what I have to say about One Pieces first steps into 3D as well as...shirts!


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Art Piece: Another Side of One Piece

Sora here, and well folks, the second monthly Art Piece is up and open! So soon after the horrific disaster which struck Japan one week ago, as My first post since the disaster, I would like to dedicate this post to the entire Japanese people, and especially to the mangaka authors/writers who lived thru this, and those who lost their lives. But, this post especially proves that even in the wake of terrible catastrophies, people can still remain strong and loyal to their love, even if their love is a Japanese anime/manga! So, please help out to support this post by giving a glance of the effort these artists have put into showing their love for this series into their great works today.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Manga: Anime & Manga Bloggers for Japan

So in the last post I told you about the 24 Hour Podcast that will try to raise funds for those affected by the earthquake and tsunami that has hit Japan. If donating to a podcast cause isn't your thing or if you feel like donating to something more blogging related then Anime & Manga Bloggers for Japan is your thing. If you have already donated and feel to donate some more then that is good too.

By the way,  this week's One Piece manga chapter maybe delay due to Weekly Shonen Jump due to the current events in Japan involving the earthquake and tsunami. Certain parts of Japan may not get it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

One Piece More: With the Pokey and the Man

So I think I may have a problem. My mind can't focus and it has been on my mind all week. I want to stop doing what I have been doing but I can't. I believe I am addict to it. I try to pull away but I just keep finding myself going back to it. Then sometimes I decide that I just take it for a bit. Only a few minutes. Fifteen or thirty minutes tops but then I find myself an hour later still doing it. I really don't know what is going on here and it is scaring me. Even right now my hand is shivering since I am not on it right now.

That is right guys....I think I am hooked on Pokemon Black.


Mikey's Note: A majority of this post was written before the events of the earthquake in Japan

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Anime: Donate to Japan

Due to the earthquake and tsunami that has hit Japan, Hawaii, California and many other locations within the Pacific there will be no new One Piece episode this week.

This is a horrible event that has hit the people of Japan and other places of the world. I am sure that everybody on the blog wishes the people of Japan the best and hope that they are able to stay strong in this moment of pain and suffering. Being in a disaster area is never a good thing and people are suffering. This is the time where we should be coming together to help other people.

Funimation.Com Beta Initial Thoughts

Hey guys, it's me Dragon Piece! You may have saw me around on this blog doing guest posts before every now and then and now I am back because Mikey can't resist me! Anyway, I am here to give you guys a look at the brand new! It is currently a invitational only beta, but will be accessible soon enough for all to enjoy! I am here to give you guys a sneak preview at the awesomeness it is! So without further ado, let's go!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 489

Don't get Bepo mad. Watch your new episodes of One Piece on

First Thoughts
Got to do this fast so I can get back to playing Pokemon Black.

So here comes Shanks to end the war. Got to say that it gave me the same feeling that I got when I saw this in the manga a year ago. Well...that isn't completely true since I did found some parts of the episode exciting but overall it felt the same as it was during the manga.

To tell the truth....I don't have much of first thoughts as I really want to get back to playing Pokemon Black right now. haha Hey! Don't judge me....

By the way....Got so many screencaps of this episode that I literally gave up caring towards the end. Glad the Marineford is over because I hope in the future to take less screencaps.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Question Corner: Anime or Manga?

An age long question that has been asked since the the idea of adopting anime from manga was considered. Sometimes you have people who are completely on the side of the manga. Other times you have people who support the anime. If you look hard enough you find people who enjoy both the anime and the manga. Either way this is something that all series that are based on an manga go though.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011