Saturday, March 19, 2011

Art Piece: Another Side of One Piece

Sora here, and well folks, the second monthly Art Piece is up and open! So soon after the horrific disaster which struck Japan one week ago, as My first post since the disaster, I would like to dedicate this post to the entire Japanese people, and especially to the mangaka authors/writers who lived thru this, and those who lost their lives. But, this post especially proves that even in the wake of terrible catastrophies, people can still remain strong and loyal to their love, even if their love is a Japanese anime/manga! So, please help out to support this post by giving a glance of the effort these artists have put into showing their love for this series into their great works today.

Not as many people submitted as did last time, but we were very grateful for those who did. All are appreciated and shall be enjoyed for all to see and/or comment on. Anyway, these works of artistry are here to brighten your day, as well as give you hope to the next generation of mangaka (or at least, just very enthusiastic fanatics!). Here is, The Art Piece (II)!

Once again please note that this is Extremely Un-Professionally commented-upon and that any comments noted here are my own personal opinions, nothing more. So, once more, Please Do Not KILL ME! For anything said in this post today regarding artwork. Everyone is an equal artist in the world. There is no such thing as “bad” art.

Pen Name: MacKenzie :)
Location: Texas

Ah, what to say on such a fine work! The face is quite unique and shows the personal style of the author charmingly; I can’t say I’ve ever seen anything quite like it. From the smaller picture on the computer screen it looks like just a typical picture of Luffy in his Arabasta dressing, but the true picture is only noticed upon closer inspection. When seeing the drawing from a smaller scope, you can see the unique shading and exquisite design on the facial expression and design. Luffy really looks very Japanese in his facial feature, which proceeds to create a very realistic quality to the drawing. It is good to see works like this once in a while from the norm. I really enjoyed this one, but what can I say, I seem to have an enjoyment of sketch-drawings!

Pen Name: Allyluvsu13
Location: Texas, USA

Here is another fine work by a prior contributor, Ally. This is a piece with the Strawhats playing on and around a great tree. If you look closely at the detail, you can notice that it is a bit more defined than at first glance. This is one of those lovely works you really do want to take a second, and even third, look at just to see its true value. I especially liked it a lot for each action of the crew. Crew interaction, I believe, are some of my favorite fan-arts, besides just single shots or portraits.

Pen Name: StrawHatPirate9
Location: Los Angeles

Quite honestly, this was such a fun picture to look at. It isn’t often I look at fan-art of self- or OC-inserts into works featuring the whole gang, but it was a really touching and nice picture for their 12 year anniversary of the series. Way to go! When I first looked this up, I said, “Hey, this is great! I wonder if any of their other works are like this one…” I will tell you viewers this: I was not disappointed when I visited their DeviantArt account. A pleasure to see, and such a lovely sight for sore eyes at the end of a dreary day. Brooke is a fun pirate to draw, and so I really like seeing him in pics like this. But, in the end, all of the Strawhats are great to see here.

Well, once again I would like to commend everyone who submitted artwork for this post, and thank you all for the time, effort, and dedication you have shown and given to this wonderful series. Thank you so very much, without fans (and their work), the series would not be able to continue. So, I tip my hat to you, who are all such good artists and proud of your work.
If you want to be part of Art Piece then please send us your fan art to OnePieceAtATimeBlog(at) and the information below:

Pen Name: The name you want to go by.
Location (Optional): Where you from
Website (Optional): The site that host your art if there is a place (EX: DA, Photobucket, Etc...)
Art: Links to your artwork you want to showcase in the monthly Art Piece. Also could attach them to email.

Thanks again for reading, and enjoy One Piece!