Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Piece More: One Year Anniversary- We Are!

~"Come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams. Together we will find everything that we're looking for...."

So about a year ago, a small blog was created to help spread the word about One Piece. It's job was to provide recaps for One Piece fans to look over and enjoy and even comment about the series themselves. Basically to be a fanblog for the fans to enjoy and an outlet for the creator. A place where all that is One Piece from the anime to the manga to be covered, one piece at a time.

That is the basic story behind this blog and now it has been one year.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 464

Faster than a speeding Den-Den Mushi, more powerful than Whitebeard, able to jump tall giants in a single bound, its OnePieceOfficial.com! Go there today…or tomorrow.

First Thoughts

I was looking forward to seeing Oars Jr. in this episode, and luckily most of the episode featured him as the ‘main battler’. It was really interesting, seeing the Marines attempt to take down a giant of a giant, so to speak. Especially after seeing his past, I really like Oars Jr. Also, everybody’s reactions to him were great. Kinda scary in some places, but great. Luffy’s ship didn’t make an appearance, surprisingly enough. Perhaps he shall Finally show up soon...

Also, some more on Coby and Helmeppo (Yay! I remembered his name, I’m so proud.) Coby is still having a hard time with how weak he is, poor kid. Well, for once Helmeppo may be right: “Those who chose to run today, can go and fight another day.” Haha.

All-in-all, I’d say that I was quite satisfied with the episode, and I can definitely see how the animators are keeping the plot moving quickly and satisfactory. The ending though…oh man, there was a lot of emotion there. The seriousness of this episode really got to me.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Interview Piece: Stephanie Young

I step into the panel room after a quick dinner with friends. As I open the door, the sound of a sweet voice welcomes me. I looked to the center of the room to see a young lady in a black dress singing while being accompany by a man in glasses with a guitar. I took my seat and listen to the young lady sing in a jazzy tone. When the young lady was done with her musical performance, I walked up to her and that was when the interview with Stephanie Young at AKon began.

Some things to know, this interview was suppose to take ten minutes but Stephanie and I had too much fun here. We were kind of under a time limit since the original time for this interview was earlier but it had to be postpone due to the autograph session lasting longer then it was suppose to. Another thing to know was originally Stephanie didn't allow me to record the interview but I think she pity me or something when she saw my inability to take notes and conduct an interview at the same time. I would like to thank her for that since it really helped make this interview fun. haha Still that will explain why the interview started out with her talking instead of me introducing her similar to past interviews. The question I asked her was the normal one that is always asked, "How much One Piece has she seen?" Her response was very surprising I have to say.

Lastly, I didn't conduct this interview in a skirt! No matter what the pictures say! haha Still to the interview!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

One Piece More: Email Time

So part of our little Anniversary Celebration is going to be some sort of reader feedback post. Basically just answering emails that you the readers have sent us! Still we only got one email but it is one that we treasure. So we are going to answer it to our hearts content and all that all things.

So lets get to our email!


Manga: Chapter 597 (SPOILERS!)

As the new era approaches, buy One Piece from Viz here!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 463

Don't feel alone! You can watch the newest One Piece episodes on OnePieceOfficial.com!

First Thoughts
It seems like everybody was swinging on parade in this episode! We saw everybody from the Whitebeard Pirates to Marines battling it out. This episode had a bit of everything for everybody from a flaming Marco to a stupidly looking Kizaru. Still the main star of this episode was clearly Akainu as he began this heated brand of justice. Looks like things are heating up fast.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Show Me Your One Piece- Winners

Does anybody wear one piece swimsuits in this series?

So after a month of accepting entries and hours of thinking. We finally have two winners from our 'Show Me Your One Piece' contest. I have to say this was pretty fun since we all saw One Piece merchandise that we have never seen before. You can say that there are now things on our 'want' list now. What really got me happy was the fact that people are buying the One Piece DVDs that Funimation has been releasing. Just some proof that people are buying the DVDs and want more of them.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Manga: Chapter 596 (SPOILERS!)

Be cool like Franky! Get some One Piece manga from Viz! The site looks better now!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 462

The waves are getting pretty dangerous, so head over to higher ground at OnePieceOfficial.com to escape their wrath and check out the latest One Piece episode legally.

First Thoughts

This was a great follow-up to last week’s great hoard of insightful information in my opinion. About halfway thru the episode we finally, after ages and ages, get to see the action begin as well! I was so happy and excited when it began finally. I must admit though, as long as they keep the bad animation to a minimum, the animators could really do wonders with this huge scene. Of course, I noticed them using some cheaper animation for a lot of parts, and this is becoming more and more common, but I figure that as long as it is used in moderation, it is alright.

Anyway, they really got through a lot of the plot here. A brief few scenes from Ace’s flashbacks last episode near the beginning, a huge revelation as to Whitebeards extraordinary powers, and one step closer to having Luffy and the escapees arrive at the battle, all in one go! A great episode. I must admit though, I am still very unsure as to when exactly Luffy and them will arrive. The procession has been strange, so I am very in the dark as to a time-episode estimation. The ending to this episode was great, the action between fighters was really exciting. The first big battle we’ve seen since Thriller Bark, and even there is was really just zombies. All-in-all, I was expecting a lot, and I received it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Special Email Post

Send us your emails! Your comments! Your questions! Your theories! We take them all and then post them up here as we will answer your questions!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 461

Get cracking! Watch your One Piece on OnePieceOfficial.com!

First Thoughts
Are you ready for some hot Whitebeard and Ace action? Well this episode had a lot of it here! This episode covered the rocky start that Whitebeard and Ace's relationship had but as we saw it turned out to be completely fine as it blossomed into a loving relationship. 

This wasn't a boring episode and that is saying a lot since most of it was a flashback episode. Though my favorite part was the Shanks part since it is always fun to see Shanks.

What else was awesome about this episode? Whitebeard when it started to punch the air. QUAKEPUNCH! Too soon? Oh well but it is still cool to see Whitebeard do that.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 460

Once again history is about to be made, no matter what the end result is. Head to OnePieceOfficial.com to watch as the heads of the world collide in this epic battle of the ages.

First Thoughts

This was a great episode. Full of new sights, places, and actions. Gosh, it was really good. Of course, I did have high hopes for it to begin with, but still, this was really great in my opinion. They covered a lot more than I thought they would, and we even got to see a detailed Rouge’s face, which I’ve never seen before.

This episode definitely had a great touch to it, even if the whole thing was lined with strong hate towards Ace and lots of sadness and evil Marines. For one of the few (probably only) times in my life, I was glad Buggy was there. Sort of. He is surprisingly good comic relief in an otherwise rather sad-sounding episode.