Monday, August 16, 2010

Special Email Post

Send us your emails! Your comments! Your questions! Your theories! We take them all and then post them up here as we will answer your questions!

The anniversary of the blog is coming up soon. In just a matter of weeks this blog will be turning one year old. That is old enough to do....Well not much. Still in part of the blog's celebration, we are going to answer some emails here on the blog.

Feel free to send SuperNeku, Sora, and myself your emails about any question. They could be about our favorite character, our theories or anything else! We will select as many emails as we can to answer and post them in an upcoming post.

Want to get some stuff off your back and have a burning theory you want to share with people then feel free to send us those too! We will be glad to listen and post it up here in this post!  This post will be focus on you the readers! From the ones that been here since the beginning of this blog the ones that found us a week ago! We are taking your emails and posting them here.

You have until August 21st to send us your emails to OnePieceAtATimeblog (At) Gmail (Dot) com. Please make the subject 'Email Post'. Then during that week we will post up your thoughts and question.

We can't wait to hear from you!

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