Tuesday, August 31, 2010

One Piece More: One Year Anniversary- We Are!

~"Come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams. Together we will find everything that we're looking for...."

So about a year ago, a small blog was created to help spread the word about One Piece. It's job was to provide recaps for One Piece fans to look over and enjoy and even comment about the series themselves. Basically to be a fanblog for the fans to enjoy and an outlet for the creator. A place where all that is One Piece from the anime to the manga to be covered, one piece at a time.

That is the basic story behind this blog and now it has been one year.

One Year Anniversary
By One Piece at a Time Crew

Mikey: So it has been one year now. Boy, it's astonishing how fast the time fleets. A year ago I wasn't sure on what I will be posting about and now I have so many things to post about that I am not sure how I want to post them. haha

Though a lot of things have changed since when I started this blog a year ago. One of the things that I joked around a lot is the fact that this blog has had many changes in design. In the last year this site has gone though at least five design changes before settling on this one. There are times when I do want to change the design but then remember what my friends will say. Still that is only one change that has happen. The other change is the type of fan I am. I have become a bit more involve in the One Piece fandom now. Before I didn't know many One Piece fans since I had no friends that liked One Piece. Since then I have met many different One Piece fans due to conventions and on the internet. Ranging from the One Piece Podcast to the friends I made via AnimeMatsuri and AKon. One of the reasons why I started this blog was so I can have a way to express my One Piece love but I never knew that it would open up the chance for me to meet so many great people.

Still this has been a busy year for me when you think about it. At this moment we have one hundred fifty-three posts made with a hundred of them made just this year. Though not all of them were made by me which I would like to thank SuperNeku and Sora for since I think I would have gone crazy by now. haha Though one of the most amazing and fun posts that this blog has the honor to host are the interview posts. Those posts have so much work behind them since they are face to face. Then most of them I had to hunt down (for a lack of a better word) these people and I always glad that they gave me just a minute of their time so I can talk to them. This allow you guys the chance to hear from the voice actors that work on One Piece in a way you may not have heard from them before. Then there is all the work to transcribing the interview which is a monster in itself. Though at the end of the day when the interview is posted, I am happy that I did it and hope that you guys enjoy them. Still don't get me wrong since I do love doing the all the other things but it just that the interviews and the conventions post touch a special spot in me since I don't get to do them as often.

Since starting this blog a year ago, many people have came along and blessed this place with a view. Some I think have stayed and enjoyed it while others have left. I would like to take this chance to thank you all for just coming and I am hoping that the ones that stay are enjoying their time here. It has been very fun.

Sora: Well said Mikey, and I know for sure that I am here for some great fun. One Piece is such a great anime, it brings you an experience not quite like other shows like it. I won't say much, for there is little left to be said after all of the greatness you have spilled out, but here is my piece. I enjoyed every minute of One Piece not just over the past year, but over every year I have been with it. Discovering the wide fandom online brought a whole world of possibilities, the likes of which I had never seen before, but am so proud and happy to be a part of today. I hope that for the future, we all can remain just like this: filled with joy and enthusiasm for this great series, and especially this blog. Thank you all so much out there for following us, and to those of you who watch this wonderful series.

~ "The world...what a glorious place! If the endless dream guides your restless spirit...seize it! Raise your flag and stand tall!"

Superneku: Its been a roller coaster of awesomeness so far and I know for sure that as long as the series still exists, its won't be stopping any time sooner. Its been over a year since I truly got into One Piece and I do not regret it at all. It has truly become my favorite anime/manga series...ever. Not only is the series itself awesome, but its fans are some of the most dedicated I've see in the anime community. Even though its only a few months since I started contributing to this awesome blog and I hope that I will continue to helping out the crew and see all your wonderful comments/opinions that brings the fans together. Thank you all for being the greatest fans ever and thank you for reading our posts. We all truly appreciate it.

~ "Destiny, fate, dreams...these  unstoppable ideals are held deep in the heart of man. As long as there are people who seek freedom in this life...these things shall not vanish from the earth!"

Mikey: One of the things I find fun to do is just type 'One Piece blog' into Google and see where the site is on the results page. Right now we are ninth result on the first page which makes me happy since a majority of the other sites are 'blogs' that provide people illegal ways to view the anime or manga. When I did this a year ago, those sites were the results that I got and it made me upset. I really wanted to read a good blog talking about One Piece just like I can do with my shojo love. Now there is a good One Piece blog for anybody searching for it via Google. Though I am saying this right now that I want this site to be the NUMBER TWO search result when you google 'One Piece blog' and that they enjoy what they see and that we are enjoying what we are doing here on the blog. That is all I want. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So thank you everybody for coming to this blog and reading the rambling of a crazy One Piece fan and two great One Piece fans. I hope you have all enjoyed this cruise so far because there is going to be more for many years as long as there is One Piece. Because in the end, who are One Piece fans?

~"We are...we are...on the cruise.....WE ARE!"

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