Thursday, October 28, 2010

Manga: Chapter 602 (SPOILERS)

ATTENTION: The One Piece Panel at Oni-Con
is going to be on Saturday (10/30) at 1pm!

 Be selfish! By as much One Piece manga from Viz as you want!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 472

Don't panic! You can watch the latest One Piece episodes on!

So many face shots in this episode! More face shots then you have toes and fingers. Kind of crazy in the amount of face shots and how long they last. Then again they had to find a way to past time in order to fill a twenty three minutes time slot which they did a good job of since every shot looked really nice.

Also I think with this episode we at the blog have created a new tag featuring the popular Marine admiral Akainu. This would be the moment where I mention that we need a tag for Aokiji but it seems like somebody went ahead and created one called 'Aokiji Greatness' which is okay with me. haha

Sunday, October 24, 2010

One Piece More: A Storm is Coming

So currently I am facing a storm of stuff from everywhere. There is school work facing me on one side raging for me to get hammering on it while on the other side a storm known as OniCon is slowly brewing. Lots of busy stuff for me but surely it is like this for everybody too. There is always tons of stuff that is raining down and the best we can do is stay strong during the storm until the gray clouds disappear.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 471

Please wait a moment for your regularly scheduled episode at We shall return after this episode’s dose of hilarity has concluded.

First Thoughts

Sora here. I'm taking over this week, and probably switching on-off with Mikey again. Ooh, that gives me the Halloween episode! Sweet.

I really liked how this episode played out, and what they managed to fit in there at the ending surprised me. There was a lot of action, which kinda stalled for Luffy again, but still they zoomed on a lot of really interesting battles. For instance, Vista and Mihawk’s battle was again brought up, although nothing of important consequence occurred.

At the end of the episode though, I think that Ace about near had a fit. Heck, I was shocked, and I already knew what was coming! Yeah, it was rather…interesting, to say.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Manga: Chapter 600 (SPOILERS)

Winner by a goat! I mean reindeer....or boob. Now go out there and buy One Piece manga from Viz!

200 chapters ago, the Straw Hats stormed Enies Lobby to fight for the keys to Robin's freedom from the World Government.

213 chapters ago was when Luffy said," I've got to be stronger then everyone or I'll lose them all!...So no one has to go away." Then showed us his solution to protect his crew by entering Second Gear.

300 chapters ago was when a golden bell in the sky was rang to announce the defeat of Eneru by the hands of Luffy.

500 chapters ago, the original five members of the StrawHats had set their eyes upon the gateway to the greatest sea in the world, The Grand Line.

599 chapters ago a young boy named Luffy left his hometown to set out on a grand adventure to gather a crew and become the next Pirate King.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 470

Has your head been stuck in a hole? Go to to hear all about what you’ve missed!

First Thoughts

I was really surprised, I didn’t expect as much as did happen. Mihawk’s part was great, I loved how serious he is. Haha, he reminded me slightly of that Hawkins guy who is one of the Supernovas with all his talk of fate today. Anyway, I really was glad that they got quickly into the episode too, no long intros or anything this time around.

All-in-all, a really great episode. They showed most all of the people, Luffy was really cool at most times, and the initial scenes went by rather on-time and didn’t dawdle around. The ending was really surprising, and excellent as well. I actually loved Buggy’s little recon-mission thing. …Actually, the whole part with Buggy. Yeah…

Friday, October 8, 2010

Figure Piece: Portrait of Pirates Tashigi

Hello readers, it's Sailorsamus again with a new One Piece figure! To give a little background, I'm a newbie One Piece fan. I've only just finished the East Blue arc in both the anime and manga, and haven't yet reached the point where Chopper joins the crew. To be more specific, the Straw Hats have just landed at Whisky Peak.

Currently, Tashigi is one of my favorite characters. I really enjoyed watching her interactions with Zoro before the crew headed for the Grand Line. When I stumbled across an online sale for the Portrait of Pirates Tashigi figure, of course I jumped at the opportunity to have a high quality figure of a favorite female character.

The Portrait of Pirates line from Megahouse has become well known for high quality and an insane release schedule.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OniCon 2010 Panel Announcement

For the ones attending OniCon or in the Houston area during the weekend of October 29th-31st then this is announcement some special news! The One Piece at a Time Blog has been approved to host a One Piece panel at this year's convention. The panel will be hosted by Mikey.

Anime; Marineford Arc- Episode 469

Keep your eye on because you can watch One Piece there!

First Thoughts
There was a lot of boobs in this episode. So many boob shots! So many. Maybe I was bored or something but I did notice the boob shots. Though this should be normal but in reality due to Nami and Robin not appearing in the last twenty or so episode then we have actually been in a drought from boobs. Wait...that makes me sound like some sort of perv! Oh well, Oda would say something that I am just a healthy young man or something. So Oda has my back! haha

Though this was a kind of lackluster episode. The first half wasn't that great and if it means anything there was a lot more boob shots in it. Picked up in the second half which is good.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

One Piece More: Do We Ever Talk About One Piece Here?

So summer is finally over and by now everybody should be back to the grind of school. May you be rushing to finish last minute assignments or just being the good student by getting your assignments done in time. It seems like the dogdays of summer have clearly ended as the days become cooler and autumn is beginning to set in if you live in the northern hemisphere. The ones in the southern part of the world I am guessing things are getting hotter and I wish I could be there because I surely hate the cold. Still for the ones that are starting school then I wish you all to stay strong because we need to live in a strong world as both One Piece fans and people.
