Friday, October 15, 2010

Manga: Chapter 600 (SPOILERS)

Winner by a goat! I mean reindeer....or boob. Now go out there and buy One Piece manga from Viz!

200 chapters ago, the Straw Hats stormed Enies Lobby to fight for the keys to Robin's freedom from the World Government.

213 chapters ago was when Luffy said," I've got to be stronger then everyone or I'll lose them all!...So no one has to go away." Then showed us his solution to protect his crew by entering Second Gear.

300 chapters ago was when a golden bell in the sky was rang to announce the defeat of Eneru by the hands of Luffy.

500 chapters ago, the original five members of the StrawHats had set their eyes upon the gateway to the greatest sea in the world, The Grand Line.

599 chapters ago a young boy named Luffy left his hometown to set out on a grand adventure to gather a crew and become the next Pirate King.

Now this young boy is a man with a crew full of friends and power about ready to set off into the New World.

Just some numbers to think about. Amazing how far this manga series has came along judging by it's humble roots. It started off as some crazy rubber freak who had a wild dream and now he is a wanted man by a powerful government. During this whole time we watch him and his friends befriend people of all kinds from a clown, a royal family, sky people, a crazy cyborg, mad shipwrights, and deadly villains. Tears have been shed for a dying man with a dream for cheery blossoms, promises fulfilled, best friends arguing, a noble boat, happy pirates that sing, and for a brother. Moments of shock were felt as friends were separated. Lastly smiles and laughs were shared as we watch the antics of a crazy crew meeting crazy people.

Now we are 'halfway' though this story as the StrawHats are coming very close to reunited after almost two years (in both real time and storywise) from being separated. 600 chapters and going strong with more story to come. Damn.....haha

So chapter 600 has finally came out and really there wasn't anything super cool like what everybody was predicting. No epic Luffy attack. No crazy fight. No StrawHats reuniting. Though this was a freakin great chapter. haha There was a lot of small moments that made this chapter interesting and awesome to read though. Myself and many I have heard can't stop ourselves from rereading it.

The moments like in the image above really do impress me as we see how much Chopper has changed in the last two years. Walk Point Chopper looks great and so much different compare to how he as two years ago. He looks like an awesome reindeer and so tall. Lots of good detail here to help Chopper look mature compare to his Brain Point.
"I bet you're even easier to ride now, huh?"
Damn....I so want to ride Chopper too. It looks like it would be an awesome ride! Still I think what a lot of people liked was (sexy and older) Nami hugging the now much more fluffier Chopper. haha That I admit looked pretty cool. Also what was cool was seeing these three reunited after being away for so long. Really amazing and touches a part of the heart as these friends are now back together.

Add happiness to see Chopper realizing that there are fake StrawHats posing as them. Thank goodness that has been cleared up.

Words fail to be of any use for this.

So this is chapter 600 and we see that Luffy is greeting us with a fake mustache to disguise himself. The lamest of all disguises and this is the best that he could do after 600 chapters. Yep....welcome back One Piece. I hope you never change and keep on being this awesome. haha Still I have no idea who this mustache man could be! haha

Is anybody surprise that Luffy has mistaken the fake Zoro and Sanji for the real ones? If anything this should have been foreseeable since Luffy still hasn't figure out who SniperKing is and Chopper did fall for the fakes. Though what is bad is that Luffy may end up actually believe that the fakes are the real ones as long as Fake Luffy doesn't say anything to make him think other wise. Then when his friends do come, Luffy may end up attacking them thinking they are the fakes. That may not happen but I think it be a bit funny to see that happen. haha Still this may not end well for somebody.

Sir, I believe there is a lizard on your head.

So it seems like Fake Luffy has gather a few good men according to the Marines. All of them just as ugly and brutal looking as the last. There even seems to be a fishman among the group. Interesting bunch but it looks like our eyes should be focus on two certain characters: "Wet Hair" Karibou and "Blood Splattered" Coribou AKA Dude with Lizard on Head.

These two men may become a big deal in the future judging by how much focus they are getting in this chapter. Very violent and so soon into this new part of One Piece. (Stabbing a Marine in the chest shouldn't be taken lightly.) They kind of remind me a bit like Bellamy but to a much more higher extreme. If anything I am more scared of Coribou/Dude with Lizard on Head then Karibou. Dude with Lizard on Head doesn't seem too bright but he is giving off the feel that he has some great power there in comparison to Coribou. Though both men I wouldn't belittle since they seem very violent.

Just an interesting thought and me thinking too much but how many of these pirates do you think could be escaped Level Six Impel Down prisoners from two years ago? Both Coribou and Dude with Lizard on Head both seem to have a different kind of straight-out brutality that hasn't been seen in the series before. If they had to deal with the harshness of Impel Down then this could explain a few things.

This moment at the concert hall I really want to see animated! It looks like it would look so awesome with the dim lights and crazy backdrop on the stage. Then standing in the middle of it would be a colorful dress Brook with specs of people yelling out his name. Sounds so great in my head.

So the Marines have finally figure out that a pirate from fifty years ago has been restructured and joined the StrawHat Pirates. I have been waiting for this moment ever since Brook joined the crew since I been wondering how Oda will handle this. Turns out that Brook told his managers his plan to call it quits and rejoin Luffy along with his past life. Though these guys didn't take it too kindly and reported Brook to the Marines. In the end I like how this little piece of information was revealed and how things seem to be playing out.
"Back band...Chorus! Dancers! Just one more song...Please, I request that you accompany me! It's alright. My music has 'power' now!"
So this kind of proves or points to that Brook has found a way to make his music into some sort of fighting style or has expanded upon this. Still this was a very cool speech that would be awesome once animated with this scene. He using his position to announce to the world that Luffy is not only alive but going to make sure that Luffy's departure isn't going to be 'peace and quiet". (Great...I can see Sabaody being a blaze as Sunny is leaving it. haha)

Though it was awesome to see Brook's fans rally up and wanting to hear his last song as 'Soul King' Brook. Very cool to see as everything is unfolding here to be something very impressive.

The hair is back and better then ever. SUPPPPAAA~!

Why did we doubt that Franky's hair was gone? This was just plain crazy to see happen as Franky's hair was brought back in a manner of seconds with a press of a....nose.

Though it sucks that he can retracted it to be shaved but still cool. Maybe we will see the awesome hair again later on during fight scenes. Similar to how Zoro takes out his bandanna for serious fights.

Though looks like things are slowly coming together as Raleigh and Shakky tells the StrawHats about what is going on at Grove 46. Sanji and Zoro are on their way there while Brook is making sure to play up a storm on his way there with Chopper, Franky, Nami, Usopp and Robin on their way there with Sunny.

Chapter 600 didn't have anything super awesome and impressive but it had many great moments that felt what One Piece is as in humor and amazement. Hopefully this is a sign of the series staying true to it's roots while still being awesome because so far all sails are set and the wind is feeling fine. Now if only we can get to some of the awesome stuff. haha

So stay on course and let keep heading forward to awesomeness!

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  1. Nice/..
    By the way, for anyone who likes text based one piece roleplays;;

  2. Personally the best part of this chapter for me was seeing that Franky's hair is back.

  3. "Is anybody surprise that Luffy has mistaken the fake Zoro and Sanji for the real ones?"
    I am, especially since he haki'd fake nami, franky, and sogeking in 599.

  4. @Anomymous
    That was pretty funny. Only Franky would have a button that makes his hair pops up like that. haha

    Meh. haha Well Luffy hasn't always been the sharpest knife in the toolshed when it came to people. If anything it should be funny later on.
