Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Anime; Marineford Arc- Episode 469

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First Thoughts
There was a lot of boobs in this episode. So many boob shots! So many. Maybe I was bored or something but I did notice the boob shots. Though this should be normal but in reality due to Nami and Robin not appearing in the last twenty or so episode then we have actually been in a drought from boobs. Wait...that makes me sound like some sort of perv! Oh well, Oda would say something that I am just a healthy young man or something. So Oda has my back! haha

Though this was a kind of lackluster episode. The first half wasn't that great and if it means anything there was a lot more boob shots in it. Picked up in the second half which is good.

Hancock gives Luffy the key to Ace's handcuffs.

Doflamingo reveals that Kuma has been made into a full pacifista and has 'died'. Ivankov attacks Kuma to allow Luffy to move ahead.

Luffy ends up in front of Mihawk who is preparing to attack the young pirate.

I have no idea what was the point of this scene. One moment we see Hancock preparing her Mero Mero Beam then we see it die down. We don't even see the beam fire. It just dies down as Hancock bends down. Clearly it was just there to kill time which a good point of Marineford has been so far but really it made no sense. Maybe they were trying to show that Hancock was going after Luffy which was why she attack Smoker but it really wasn't executed correctly. This so looked much cooler in the preview of this episode.

I present you with Boob Moment #1!

This surely explain where Hancock pulled out the key since it was never explained in the manga. The girl just pulled it out of thin air from what I remember. Though it was a nice moment if you care about a female's upper chest. Though it seems like that one piece dress doesn't cover all of Hancock's upper body which is a good thing for her I guess by looking at her power and how it works.

These were some interesting faces and responds from Hancock. That blush was a bit too red and that breathing was a bit too heavy. Though I had to laugh when Luffy was hanging on to Hancock. He seem to have a lot of practice seeing that he did that to sneak upon the Marine ship not too long ago. That explains how he hid so well under that clock. haha

There were two boob moments in the block of images above. Can you find them?

Boob Moment #4

I usually love Hancock's fantasies since they are always so much fun to watch but this one lasted a bit too long. If it was a few seconds shorter and didn't have that part with the red snake then this dream sequence would have been perfect. Though both times while watching this I was in pain watching this wanting it to be done so we can get back to the battle field.

Though Luffy in a suit is nice. Heard the ladies love a man in a suit. haha Is that true?

Boob Moment #5 and #6

This would have been a perfect place to have ended the last episode. That is if we didn't have so much (great) filler in it. Then again this moment would have been perfect a few minutes ago in this episode.

With all complains aside, this was a good little moment between Boa and Smoker. The results of this battle surely will be interesting since it would show how much power Smoker has within the Marines. He could always report what Hancock did during the war as in protecting Luffy and attack him. Still that would depends if the Marines and the World Government believe him.

Also it was really cook to see how Hancock was able to hold off Smoker while breaking his jutte. In the manga it looked like she broke the jutte with just her bare kick but here she was able to turn it into stone and use the force of her kick to break it. Very nicely done. Wished this fight had lasted longer since it looked really good from what we got of it.

So Luffy has the key to Ace's freedom in his hands. Literally. So this would be interesting to watch. Will Luffy have the chance to use the key to save Ace or will it all go to waste. Hancock must have worked really hard to get this key. Keys like this must not be laying around just anywhere for anybody to get. Then again Hancock must have used her charms to get the key or something. If anything maybe while she was Impel Down. Who knows. The big money question is if Luffy will be able to use it.

Now we finally understand what has been going on with Kuma. The guy has been experimented by Vegapunk to be the ultimate human weapon. The guy gave up his humanity for some unknown reason. Though Ivankov finds this strange since Kuma doesn't like the World Government. Very interesting and makes one wonder why Kuma would agree to such a thing.
Sora: I need to add my 3 cents for a moment, at least when it comes in regards to Doflamingo. I think that his entire narration here of what Kuma has done is very sketchy, and knowing Doflamingo, undoubtedly he knows way more than even he's letting on. This is so definitely interesting, I really enjoyed this part coming to life in the anime. What really interested me was how he was more of the informative type, and no one really challenged him to fight, or vice versa. This, to me, says an interesting perk about his character. It isn't easy to tell yet, but assuredly he is fascinating to watch his schemes play out. Taking delight in informing Ivankov that his long-time friend was now a mindless, practically dead robot was so twisted...

This does explain why Kuma has been acting a bit colder and lack a personality during the times we have seen him during this war. Doflamingo is right though since you might as well be dead if you have no personality. Some would say that is what holds a person's soul. Kind of scary that Kuma is now just an empty shell with tons of weaponry that can destroy a city block or two.

Best. Attack. Ever.

Maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration but Galaxy Wink was awesome! It is such a crazy attack to use with all the faces of Ivankov just flying around. The lenses in Kuma's eyes that were reflecting Ivankov's images was a nice touch. Then the music that was used made everything so much better. That battle background music is one of my favorites and I was glad it was used here.

A wonderful transition from manga to anime. This was one of the things I was looking forward to in Marineford and it was great to watch animated. Two thumbs up!

Boob Moment #7 (and last)

Then things get serious as Ivankov not only ask his Newkama Army to defend Luffy but going to take on Kuma alone. Now that is a serious order there. He is going to knock some sense into Kuma to make sure the now robotic tyrant will never forget his face. Then again that is a hard face to forget. haha

Though it is amazing that these Newkamas are so willing to help Luffy out. They just met this guy but Luffy's spirit or something is making them follow him. Very interesting.

Buggy....I have no idea what you are planning to do but watching you guys do what you do is making me sigh and laugh at the same time.

Now this is something. Crocodile is still at it trying to get Whitebeard's head. That is really something. He just going around and knocking out Whitebeard Pirates like they are nothing. Then once he has been weaken that doesn't stop the sly sand croc. That is some smooth class there. He just keeps going even though he has Jozu and Whitebeard Pirate on one side and Doflamingo on the other.
Sora: Doflamingo...woah, he just totally HELD BACK the diamond-man...for, Crocodile!? Oh man, this is not good. That freakish bird-man is not a man to make deals with, and apparently Crocodile seems to know this really well. I have a bad feeling that Doflamingo may try and, erm..."help", the Croc-man out with another little problem of his as well, namely one that is tall, scary, and sounds like "Whitebeard". This, Cannot...be good. Not at all. Epic though, very, very epic. Hehe, I really shouldn't be interrupting, but I cannot help it! How can I resist when this great character is making totally evil mayhem?

This is interesting though. It seem like Doflamingo wants to hook up with Crocodile to do something. Two powerful and villainous minds coming together to do some havoc. We all seen what Crocodile can do and who knows what crazy thoughts Doflamingo has in his mind. Still I am hoping that Crocodile doesn't take up Doflamingo on his offer just because I want to see these two guys minds bump against each other. Crocodile seems like a smart guy and know that this pairing may not end up nicely. Can this pink flamingo's string be able to restrain the sandy croc? Who knows. haha

Thus this episode ends with Mihawk taking aim at Luffy. Kind of interesting since we kind of have a feeling that these two guys can't defeat nor kill each other. Everybody is guessing that it will be Zoro who would bring down the great swordmaster Mihawk while it is clear that Luffy needs to well...live. haha So how would these two fight each other without killing each other. If anything Mihawk is planning to beat up Luffy so the question is how will Luffy be able to get away with one piece. haha (Bad Joke!)

Though it was nice of them to reanimate the scene between Zoro and Mihawk all the way back in East Blue. Not sure if they did that for the clip episode ten episodes ago but this was a nice touch to the episode.

Looks like there is going to be a fight between Jimbei, Luffy and Vista against the great swordsman Mihawk. Judging from the preview it seems like Luffy is doing a lot of running and dodging while Mihawk is dominating the battle. Kind of expected since Mihawk was able to stand his own against the famous Emperor, Red Hair Shanks. Though we can guess that Luffy is going to try before getting slice as it looks like he did in the preview. That doesn't look fun or not painful.

Next Episode: Master Swordsman Mihawk- The Black Sword's Slash Draws Near Luffy

So stay tune and come back next week true believers!

1 comment:

  1. MAN IN SUIT? MY KNICKERS JUST SHATTERED AS IF LISTENING TO ALAN'S RICKMAN'S VOICE. Even better? Alan Rickman in a suit! Fortunately this happens so often that... I'm not going to finish that sentence.

    Also, TMI this may be, but the boob area is a very handy place to keep things like keys, cash, cards, and I.D. when there are no pockets available.
