Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OniCon 2010 Panel Announcement

For the ones attending OniCon or in the Houston area during the weekend of October 29th-31st then this is announcement some special news! The One Piece at a Time Blog has been approved to host a One Piece panel at this year's convention. The panel will be hosted by Mikey.

This panel will go over the latest One Piece news, discussion over the newest One Piece manga chapter, some Q&A, and free stuff will be given out! The panel will try to keep our spoilers to a minimum but no guarantees. Though brush up on your One Piece knowledge since there will be a trivia as well where you can win some great prizes. Some of the prizes and free stuff are uncertain at the moment but I can say that I most likely be giving out One Piece DVDs, mangas volumes and some small figurines.

So if you are in the Houston area, planning to attend OniCon and love One Piece then come on by! No time for the panel as been set yet but I will announce it as soon as the information becomes available.

Come and represent your One Piece love!