Friday, March 25, 2011

One Piece More....IN 3D!!!!!!

3D gaming has been around for a while now, although its either been niche, too expensive or in some cases a complete failure. This week, the Nintendo 3DS (as of this post) has been launched in the UK and will be launched in the US this Sunday. I have mine as well as a copy of Street Fighter and Pilotwings and am enjoying the hell out of it. Also see what I have to say about One Pieces first steps into 3D as well as...shirts!


3 Dimensional Straw Hat
Like any successful franchise, One Piece has begun setting sail off into the wonders of 3D with the release earlier this month of the  film: One Piece 3D Straw Hat Chase. This film is actually a double feature along with Toriko 3D Gourmet Adventure (Toriko is another great series by the way!) which hasn't been done since the 3rd movie. This is also the first One Piece movie to be in full CGI while I traditionally prefer 2D animation, CG is probably the best way to give off a 3D effect in an animation so I can give it a chance. While I haven't seen the movie itself (since its only in Japan) all I really know about it is that it involves the Straw hats trying to retrieve Luffy's beloved treasure of a hat in a feature length adventure. There is more to the story than that but I haven't actually seen it. I would like to see this someday, but of course I would want the full 3D experience in a cinema.

Going back to the Nintendo 3DS,One Piece is also making the jump to this brand new console in the form of One Piece Unlimited Cruise SP. This game is actually an enhanced port of the Unlimited Cruise games on the Nintendo Wii (which were released in Japan and Europe but not the US, the US did get Unlimited Adventure though which is a slightly different game) which not only combines the 2 episodes, but allows for more steamlined controls, 3D visuals, more characters and even an entire story section enturely devoted to the Whitebeard War which recently ended in the anime. So basically having a portable version with 2 games in 1 as well as extra characters and story, makes this a very good purchase indeed (even if you own the 2 games separately already). The game was supposed to launch in Japan on April 7th but it has been delayed due to varying circumstances whether it being the game itself, or possibly even the earthquake incident I'm not enetirely sure. But the game is still coming so don't fret, also do NOT try to import this game because the Nintendo 3DS is region locked meaning it will not work on any other system aside from a Japanese one. While this does suck, I still have hope that this will be released outside of Japan since the Wii games were released in Europe previously as well as the other One Piece game "Gigant Battle" is also coming to Europe this Summer (this WILL be region free by the way). If you want to see more of the game, check out the official website here. Its in Japanese but easy to navigate. Let's hope Luffy and the others will safely make it to the next gen of portable gaming.

Shirts! Shirts! Shirts!

A clothing company named Uniqlo has recently been making t shirts based on popular anime series like Dragonball Z and Naruto, but also they have been making One Piece shirts and they look AWESUUUUM. Theres so many designs to choose from such as the entire Straw Hat crew in gangster garb (like in the image above), Luffy and Ace shirts and even ones with memorable/emotional scenes on them like the Going Merry's funeral and Luffy getting the Straw Hat from Shanks. They look absolutely amazing and I intend to buy some of them and I suggest that you guys do it too. If you live in the UK you can buy the shirts here (they show off more of the designs here by the way) and if you live in the US you can find the shirts here. I personally think that its teasing us UK fans that we get shirts, manga and video games but not the anime. But who knows? if all of these sell well then...maybe.....someday......can't blame a guy for having dreams eh? XD

I guess I'll conclude by saying, PLEASE help Japan and click on the banner on the right of the screen to see how and remember to watch this week's episode. Thanks for reading guys, have a good weekend!

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