Monday, March 14, 2011

One Piece More: With the Pokey and the Man

So I think I may have a problem. My mind can't focus and it has been on my mind all week. I want to stop doing what I have been doing but I can't. I believe I am addict to it. I try to pull away but I just keep finding myself going back to it. Then sometimes I decide that I just take it for a bit. Only a few minutes. Fifteen or thirty minutes tops but then I find myself an hour later still doing it. I really don't know what is going on here and it is scaring me. Even right now my hand is shivering since I am not on it right now.

That is right guys....I think I am hooked on Pokemon Black.


Mikey's Note: A majority of this post was written before the events of the earthquake in Japan

Anime Matsuri
by Mikey
AnimeMatsuri is less then a week away (March 18th-20th) and I am getting excited for it. This con is going to have some kick butt voice talent such as Stephine Young (Nico Robin) , J. Micehal Tatum (Eneru, Dalton, Pearl) , Luci Christian (Nami) , Mike McFarland (ADR Director, Buggy) and Kyle Hebert (King Cobra). Then there will be a cool One Piece panel hosted by the blog.

Nothing yet as in interviews but I hope for the chance to at least interview Luci Christian. She is a voice actress veteran who been in the business since ADV. She has done voices for Duck (Princess Tutu) and Mako (Nerima Daikon Brothers) but for One Piece fans you know her best as our favorite navigator, Nami. Other interviews that would be cool is one with Stephanie Young and J. Micheal Tatum where I hope to interview them at the same time. That should be fun and even better if was done where I can get the audio on the site. Mike Mcfarland would be nice seeing that I never got the interview approved from last year's AnimeMatsuri. If you have any questions you want me to ask then please post it in the comments for this post.

As of right now, the panel will be on Friday, March 18th at 9pm in Panel Room 3. I am hoping for a bigger crowd then OniCon and that this panel will be better then the one at OniCon. This time we have a backup incase we can't get the powerpoint up on the projector so at least that has been figured out. Expect some free stuff as well. If anybody remember how the last panel was then just pray it be better then that one. haha

AnimeMatsuri seems like it will be fun. I had a blast at last year's AM since there was so many One Piece fans there and I hoping for the same this year.

Pokemon Black and White
by Mikey, SuperNeku
Mikey: If you haven't notice from the opening comments for this post, I have been playing Pokemon Black. Since Sunday I been finding time to play the game and for good reasons to. This game is freakin addicting! haha

These games have a fresh feel to them that I haven't felt from a Pokemon game in ages. It has been very fun so far trying out different pokemon and for the first time in a long time I actually feel like catching every pokemon I see. I surely won't use them but it is cool to try to 'catch'em all'. haha

One thing that I don't like is that a good chunk of this game involves WiFi which I don't have. I am hoping to take care of this soon since I really want to get back into Pokemon battling. Still the game has been fun so far.

Superneku: Like poor Mikey, I too am suffering like a Poke Zombie ever since Red and Blue on the Gameboy many years ago. Although my infection is limited to the main games, the much newly discovered Black virus has take over my central nervous system and I find myself playing the game almost every second (when I'm not at work at least). I may have beaten the main story, but there is still a LOT of stuff to do in order to resume my life as normal (at least until the Nintendo 3DS comes out in a couple of weeks). In all seriousness, due to the fact that theres more Pokemon to capture, trade, battle as well as more interesting locales and more streamlined wifi for people both across the room or across the world, this has to be the best game in the series in my opinion. I say you should get this game if you have a DS, and if not buy one and get Black or White with it. Its one of the most fun games you'll ever play but be prepared as it may take over your soul...

Next Episode Previews
by Superneku
As some of you may have noticed we now have a link on the side to the current episode previews. Since Funimation doesn't host them on their simulcasts we've decided to link to the ones from the official One Piece page on Fuji TV's website. These will change each week as the episodes progress, to watch the preview simply click on the preview picture and the link will open in another tab. Please take notice that since they will be previewing the next episode in the current storyline in the anime, there will DEFINITELY be spoilers. Heres hopin' it shall be please you guys and enjoy the anticipation for the next episode each week.

Nothing more happy then seeing Moria laugh. That is how I want to end this post. Recently some horrible things have been happening in Japan, the place where the wonderful show that we all know and love is made. Japan as been hit with earthquakes, tsunamis and nuclear plant related troubles. Not just Japan but many Pacific region islands that are worst off then Japan economically and structurally. This is a time where we need to care for all of these places. If you haven't donated and are able then please. I have complied a few sites where you can. That post will be updated as I keep finding other sources to donate. This weekend will be a 24 hour podcast that will try to raise funds. I suggest you all take a listen to it if you can. This is now the time where we need to give back to our fellow human beings.

Now to end this post on a happy note. Here is a clip from The Simpsons which will explain the title of this post if you haven't gotten it already. haha

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