Monday, October 17, 2011

Manga: Chapter 642 (SPOILERS!)

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Hey everyone, time for another great chapter as we dive back under the sea to the battle against Hody! But first we flashback to a few minutes ago whereupon we see Den, Keimi and Hachi in the Sea Forest alone as all the whales and other fish have fled. Hachi knows what’s going on as he states that Fisher Tiger feared this would've happened eventually. Meanwhile, chaos ensues all over Fishman Island as citizens flee from the gigantic ark heading towards them. The Minister of the Left finds Neptune wounded from his hostage situation. They lament that it could prove disastrous if Princess Shirahoshi and Noah collided with each other.

The Minister of the Left suggests the king should evacuate if his people have, but Neptune chooses to stay behind and wait for his sons. On the outer rim of the plaza, the Minister of the Right witnesses the horrific battles that the Straw Hats and Jinbei are participating in, as Brook is fighting Zeo and Nami and Jinbei are fending off several pirates.

The Right Minister realizes what is going on and orders the troops of royal guards into the plaza because they can't exactly let their island be saved by a group of pirates alone, can they? He tries to order the citizen bystanders to flee the scene, but they are reluctant to do so because they want to help defend the island, he gives in and simply tells them to do what they feel is right as he too charges into battle.

We see the return of another douchey character named Hammond (last time we saw him Luffy pretty much defeated him no problem several chapters ago) who comes in the plaza on his "Slave Tank" being carried by human slaves, even Robin thinks it’s cruel. An angry Wadatsumi starts puffing himself up which apparently makes him stronger (he's a tiger blowfish fishman by the way,) Wadatsumi additionally speaks fast while covering his mouth so that the air doesn't escape. Sanji isn't very impressed by this, saying the Kraken was still bigger than him, Wadatsumi responds by blowing up further and crushing pirates around him. Even after that, Sanji continues with the same provocation.

We cut to Jinbei asking Robin to release the human slaves, Robin says that they may have a grudge against Fishman Island after this but Jinbei says that any pirate would bear a grudge but because he won't allow Hody and his pirates to be like the Celestial Dragons. Robin agrees and we close the scene watching Wadatsumi growing. Ikaros attacks General Franky by spitting ink at him so Franky punches a squid ink clone. So how does Franky retaliate? Franky attacks Ikaros Much with a FIREBALL!

Amusingly, Franky spat out the fireball himself not through the mecha (I guess it’s the replacement of his Fresh Fire breath). Dossun attacks Chopper with his hammer but Chopper blocks it with a Heavy Point punch. Zoro notices this and points out that he still looks like a monster, but Chopper says that he doesn't care anymore because all he wanted was friends and he'll become a monster as long as he helps Luffy. Chopper, you are awesome. Hyozo prepares to attack Zoro but he blocks without any intimidation. The chapter ends with Zoro telling Hyozo to bring him the strongest swordsman of Fishman Island because he couldn't even kill Zoro's boredom. Zoro, you are awesome.

Look how small Sanji is! Aww! He is cute!

So what did I think of this chapter? I liked how we visited the whole island; it shows how far we’ve come. I liked the action and fight scenes as well as the character development we got in both small and big scenes. We should still ask; will Luffy and the gang stop Hody and the Fishman Pirates? Will peace ever come between the fishpeople and the humans?  Well I think we'll get the answers to these pretty soon. We should get these fights out of the way first. Until then, sayonara!

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