Thursday, March 8, 2012

Manga: Chapter 656 (SPOILERS)

Don't fall asleep! Read your One Piece on Shonen Jump Alpha!

A second sea-train was built at Water 7 by Galley La Company.

Luffy, Usopp, Robin and Zoro battle the dragon. The battle ends with Zoro slicing the dragon's head off.

A pair of legs is recovered from the dragon. It then proceeds to run away from Luffy's group.

The Sunny is infiltrated by a group of mysterious men. Chopper, Franky, Nami and Sanji are put to sleep by knock-out gas.

 Luffy and Usopp's faces are priceless in this panel

The most important information in this chapter is the inference that the Seven Warlords positions have been replaced.  It is most important to note that the samurai looks as if he was attacked with by somebody who wasn't a Warlord prior to the Time-skip.

Why am I bringing this up? It is because I believe that the Warlord that attacked the samurai is actually somebody you may already know. The character in question who accepted the invitation for Warlord-ship could be Trafalgar Law. His unique ability, “Room,” which allows him to 'slice' his opponents and then rearrange them to his liking is similar to what has happen to the samurai. Also, when we saw Law display his power back at Sabaody, one of the Marines that were affected by the Shambles technique stated that they can feel his other body parts even though it wasn't attached to his half of the body. The samurai did mention that he felt cool all of a sudden while Luffy was on the dragon’s hot scales.

As to why the legs were talking? You may remember that Law is known for his cruelty which is reflected in his bounty and epithet: 'Surgeon of Death'. It would be rather cruel to 'cut' off a person's mouth and then place it on their legs. He can then reattach those legs to a dragon while the upper body is fixed to something roaming on the arctic side of the island.

The question that lies before us is why would Law join the Warlords? Certainly this benefits his laid back style of pirating. He doesn't seem like one to get involved unless it benefits himself. The last time we saw Law was when he was laying against a sleeping Bepo saying that they will enter the New World while everybody else exhausted themselves. Being a Warlord could allow him the chance to just sit back and watch from the sidelines without interference. He would also gain access to whatever the World Government has to offer.

Another part of me thinks Buggy is involved just because the samurai called the Warlord in question a 'buffoon'. There is no proof that Buggy has become a Warlord but it has been foreshadowed as likelihood. One thing is for certain though Buggy could be described as a buffoon.

Samurai seem to make it a hobby to hunt dragons which could be in honor of the famous swordsman, Ryuuma. You can assume that this is because the pair of legs is garbed in samurai clothing and the World Government is fearful of entering Punk Hazard’s waters due to samurai who may roam there.

The fact that Zoro is wielding a blade that a dragon slayer once wielded left me with an eerie feeling as Zoro challenged the dragon. Both Younger Ryuma and Zoro look similar in appearance so watching a fight like this left me awestruck. What leaves me more impressed was how similar Zoro's final blow to the dragon was to Ryuma's: A slice to the neck to behead the dragon. The very same way Ryuma defeated his fire breathing opponent. The only difference was that Zoro received assistance from Usopp to perform the high attitude fatal slice.

Too similar don't you think?

While one group celebrates victory, the other group on the Sunny is in trouble as they have been knocked out by an unknown foe. This will cause trouble for the hazmat suit wearing men once Luffy finds out because these men don't seem to know they are on the Straw Hats’ ship. Fortunate for them, Luffy and his group are busy chasing after a pair of legs.

It will be interesting to see what will happen next week. We may find out who the Warlord. Then again, we could find out who else may be the master of the gas masked soldiers. Maybe more questions will arise.

This chapter made me excited for what is to come. My mind can’t help speculating because of all the information we have received and I can’t wait to see how all of this will piece together in the end. Funny how this chapter didn’t end in a cliffhanger situatiton but I am just as excited for next week's chapter.

Until next time true believers!


  1. I think you hit the nail on the head, when I first saw the samurai severed like that, I immediately thought of Law.

    However there is one thing I wouldn't get about this new development. Why would the World Government agree to give the title of Shichibukai to someone who assisted in Luffy's escape during the war 2 years ago. I think it would be pretty clear about to the Marines that he was the number one culprit that let the son of Dragon get away. If anything, I'd think he'd now be one of the top members of the Marines hit list.

    I'm actually kind of sad to see the Dragon get killed so quickly. I waited Hundreds of chapters to finally see a cannon dragon in the series, and he gets killed in a single chapter. Lame.

    Still, awesome job catching the Zoro/Ryuma parallel.

    1. I thought the same thing too as I was writing this review. It may not make too much sense why the World Government would give an invitation to Law. The only thing I could think of was that the WG wants to keep an eye on Law and knew that he would be the most likely to join the Warlords. Keep your allies close and your enemies closer as they would say. After all, it is the WG that chooses the Warlords, not the Marines.

      I thought the same thing too about the Dragon being killed. Still, I was just loving Zoro/Ryuma parallels to be too upset about it.

      Thanks, I did a lot of research for this review to double check the Zoro/Ryuma parallels. I came really close to say that Zoro was using the same sword that Ryuma used to kill his dragon. That in fact isn't the case.
