Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Manga: Chapter 755 (SPOILERS!)


He's recovering from Zoro's coolness last time. Read One Piece in Weekly Shonen Jump
Kicking off this week, Kanjuro (who we finally got to see last time) uses his powers to paint some badly drawn ladders so that the trapped citizens and soldiers can escape the trash heap beneath the underground harbor. Meanwhile in the SMILE factory, the dwarves continues their counterattack against Doflamingo's goons because they were lied to about Princess Mansherry.

One dwarf called Mouji (who is Mansherry's aide) is eager to rescue the princess and accidentally rushes into a room labeled "Keep Out" which was supposed to be the room Mansherry was quarantined in but because her illness was a total lie, the room is just a simple storage room, so they then decide to open the main entrance to the factory. While this is going on, outside Franky hears the dwarves (due to his SUPER hearing) and tricks Senor Pink by saying an old lady is in distress in a nearby alley.

Further proof that Franky is a superhero

Back inside the dwarves are noticed by the boss of the factory, a large woman called Kuween who won't let them go so easily and begins sucking them up with a vacuum cleaner. Suddenly Franky opens the door much to the joy of the dwarves, Kuween figures out who Franky is very quickly and tries to attack him but Franky stops her by grabbing her but the dwarves seem to think that hes suddenly in love and hugging her.

Senor finds out that Franky lied and rushes back to the factory fast, but Franky suplexes Kuween right into Senor. Kuween is of course pissed and wants to tear him to pieces but Franky calms her...by...kissing her? At first Kuween looks flattered but then gets angry because she wants Franky to take responsibility and be her boyfriend...what?

Thats one way to deal with your enemies

Senor tells her to butt out of their fight and that its her own fault for acting that way. Franky pitches in, saying that shes being naive after just being kissed once and they both proclaim that they are true heartbreakers which sends Kuween and Senor's fangirls swooning and so the two continue their manly fight.

Close to the Royal Palace, Pica is mad at Zoro for letting Robin and the others past him and the two proceed with their battle. Speaking of Robin, we see her and the others continue to fly towards the Royal Plateau. Leo gets contacted by the other dwarves, letting him aware that Princess Mansherry isn't in the factory and she could be in the Palace.

At the old Plateau while citizens are heading up to capture Usopp and King Riku, Viola gets contacted by the dwarves regarding Mansherry also. Riku tells Viola to use her ability to locate Mansherry and ensures them that Doflamingo won't hurt Mansherry since she has a mysterious power that he wants and right now, its the kingdom that needs her power. The chapter ends in an unknown room in the Royal Palace, where we see Princess Mansherry in a small cell crying and begging Leo to save her.

Remember, shes supposedly bratty so this probably won't last

Obviously, Franky's side was the main part of this chapter. It certainly was a...creative way of dealing with Kuween because she is not his real target, Senor is. Of course their fight isn't done yet, so who knows what'll happen after that. Aside from that, the stuff regarding Princess Mansherry was the most important because we know why she has been captured by Doflamingo although we still don't know what this "power" of hers is.

We got a few glimpses of Zoro's battle and of Robin's group as well so we'll hopefully see more of them next time as well as continuing Luffy's journey to the top. Its all exciting stuff so keep reading guys, stay tuned for next chapter and I'll see you all then.

Yeah, I'm pretty stunned too

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