Monday, October 13, 2014

Manga: Chapter 762 (SPOILERS)

Wake up and read One Piece on Weekly Shonen Jump!
Jimbei and the sad Kittenfish goes to the port that was attacked. (Coverstory)

The Doflamingo Pirates recall the history of Flevance while Law remembers what happens in his home kingdom.

Law stabs Corazon and Buffalo witness it.


This was a really deep, heavy and meaty chapter. It was packed with everything that supports the claims that One Piece is more then just a "boys" manga as it had elements of human rights issues, mass genocide, and trauma. Not the type of things you expect when reading manga during your Monday lunch break.

This chapter was a massive info dump of history with bits of fanservice on how the Doflamingo family members all looked like when they were younger. Lets start with the fanservice and then moved into the history dump.

Sixteen years can change a lot concerning how a person looks like. I am not talking about the obvious such as Baby 5, Buffalo and Dellinger. The adults have gone though a lot of changes throughout the years which I love. It makes you wonder what has happen to these guys to make them change so much.

Lao G use to be fit and muscular. You can tell that this man kept his body up until well into his early elderly years. He was built and looked rather like Garp currently does. I am guessing that age eventually caught up to him during the past sixteen years and he just couldn't outrun it. Literally. It is a shame because I am still curious what brought this old man to Doflamingo over sixteen years ago.

Machvise is another character that has gone though a massive change over the years. He is now big but back then he was still big but knew how to carry his weight. You can tell that the guy had some muscles under all that fat back then. Now he looks like to be all fat. An effect from his Devil Fruit ability?

Giola must be a victim of "Only Young Woman Looks Good in One Piece" because she clearly looked good when she was younger. Oda really needs to work on his women as of late but I guess age does take away from one's beauty. Male or female as we saw with Lao G. Unfortunately, there is a little bit of bias here with one of these characters. Either way, Giolla clearly has her place in the Doflamingo Family back in the day.

Senor Pink is somebody who should have stuck with how he looked like sixteen years ago. Senor Pink looked much more handsome and well worth the title of "Oh Senor~". The guy clearly hit the gym a lot and pulled off dashing. What ever happen to him in five years that made him so...ugly? Senor Pink was so much better looking in the past.

Baby Five is a rather unique character. According to this flashback, she has always had this this maid theme. You can tell this by her trait of serving tea which was seen in last week's chapter and this week's. It is curious and I guess she really liked acting like one. It doesn't seem like this trait carries on as she grows up but she sure does like dressing up as one. It also looks like her trait of falling in love with anybody who "needs" her is a recent development. Though, it looks like her and Buffalo have been together for a long time as partners of sorts.

Now time for the history dump. Just like all pieces of history in One Piece, this one isn't pretty.

The story of Law and the land of Flevance isn't a pretty one. The involvement of the World Government in this story paints it as the vile organization that it has been depicted as. It not only knew about the dangers of White Lead but allowed Flevance to continue to mine the mineral and endanger the health of the citizens of Flevance for generations to come. The worst part is that this illness literally plagues the country for generations to come.  Then to make matters worst, the World Government stood by idly and did nothing to help the country even after knowing it isn't contagious.

Just be glad I didn't include the image of the burning hospital.

Law has clearly suffered and has been scared by his childhood. He witness governments and kingdoms turned against him, the death of his own family and friends. It is pretty harsh. What really got me was the fact that the sick nun, kids and Law's sister all died in what could be considered horrible ways. Lammy got burned to death. Law's parents got shot. We can only suspect that the children and nun were either gassed or shot. Either way, those are all graphical ways to die and it felt a bit uncomfortable for a manga aimed at children. Even more, this was all done to rid the world of this infection. The soldiers wearing gas masks used the word "purge". Just take a moment to think about this word and how it was used in reference to a nun, doctors, a hospital of sick patients and children.

This was a pretty dark chapter of One Piece and it is these dark chapters that keep the older fans interesting. It would be really interesting to hear a child's opinion on this chapter. If anything, it sets up an interesting start for next week's chapter.

So what did you guys felt about this chapter? Share your opinions in the comments!

Until next time, true believers!

I don't think he meant alive bodies either.