Monday, January 26, 2015

Manga: Chapter 772 & 773 (SPOILERS)


Jimbei finds Wadatsumi who explains how he brought the undersea temple to the surface as thanks for the food.

Bartolomeo and Cavendish continue their fight with Gladius. In the end, Dellinger and Gladius are knocked out.

Robin arrives to the 4th Step where Rebecca and Kyros are battling Diamante.

If I was going to do a double review then it is a good thing it was these two. Chapter 772 and 773 tie together perfectly as it ends the battle between Bartolomeo and Cavendish versus Doflamingo combatant Gladius. Dellinger was also taken out as a result of this battle and as an example of Hakuba's strength.

When you read these two chapters together, the story flows much better. If anybody wanted to argue reading One Piece week to week versus volume format then this would be the chapters to do it with. Though, that isn't to say that these two chapters were weak on their own. I felt excited after reading both of them but it was that I just didn't have the chance to write a few review about them until this week. That said, it was nice to see a conclusion to a fight that has been going on for months now with two characters that we have invested quite a lot of time into. It wasn't painful either as they play off each other quite well. This reminds me of the time where Zoro and Sanji fought together during the Davy Back Fight. They got the job done but they fought the whole time.

It was nice to see that Hakuba got use again. We saw hints of him coming out earlier in the battle with Gladius where Cavendish was getting sleepy. The amazing part was how it was pulled off. In what felt like a minute in manga-time, Cavendish had fallen asleep and suddenly we see Hakuba come in to sliced Dellinger! Even better was the back and forth between Hakuba and Cavendish as the two argue the whole time for control of the body.

 Does anybody else hears Master Hand laughing when Hakuba appears?

Though, in the end it was Cavendish who prevailed as he injured his hand to stop the blade that was being controlled by Hakuba. That was pretty impressive how Oda pulled off such a feat with the half darken face of Hakuba with Cavendish's normal appearance. Beautifully done as they used the speed factor to help get Robin to the final step.

Bartolomeo was no slacker either as he put some work in to create a resolution for this battle. He is quite creative in using his Barrier-bilities to good use. A great skill to have is to be able to switch easily between attack and defense. Something that Bartolomeo has mastered by the looks from these chapters. Though, the icing on the cake was his final blow to Gladius. Homage Holy Fist: Barrier Barrier Pistol. Now that was just amazing as it is obvious who Bartolomeo is paying homage to. Luffy would have no idea what this attack is alluding to but I am proud that a fellow Straw Hat fan has done to pay a nod to his hero. It isn't anything like the original but Bartolomeo made it work. I am excited to see more of Bartolomeo in the future.

Last piece to notice was Robin finally making it to the top step. Just in time to save Rebecca from Diamante's blade.

So now we have to deal with the issues on the top step where Rebecca isn't allowed to fight because Kyros won't let her. I can see why based on what Kyros has said but I can't help but seeing this as Oda recently bias towards woman and fighting. It has gotten slightly better but it seems like Oda is just battle blocking Rebecca and Robin in a way. It is a too early to say what Robin will be doing in this battle but it does look like she will be there just to protect Rebecca from Diamante's attacks. We have seen Rebecca hold her own as she was one of the few people to avoid Hakuba's attacks which is a feat in it's own.

 How to Look Like a D-Bag by Diamante

Hopefully things will change where Rebecca can prove her strength by assisting to bring down Diamante with Kyros. After all, this is a personal battle between Kyros and Rebecca against Diamante. So I can see why Robin won't interfere. As much as this is Kyros's battle, it is also Rebecca's. Diamante may have ruin Kyros's family but it also ruined Rebecca's. So she has a right to fight just as much as Kyros and hopefully the conclusion of this battle will reflect that.

These passed two chapters have been great and hopefully the rest of the battles to conclude the Doflamingo's family will be just as great as we cover more personal battles. We still have to look forward to Zoro and Pica's fight which is going to be fun.

Until next time, true believers!

 More Robin please!

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