Tuesday, July 5, 2016

History Of One Piece: Captain Buggy Overview (Part 6)

It's finally here. The Captain Buggy overview. With this, we can finally move past the Buggy arc and onto bigger and better story arcs. This video has been split into multiple parts due to a copyright strike.

1 comment:

  1. Great job! I agree with a lot of the things you've mentioned in this arc. And I'm very glad to see you back.

    Looking forward to the next video (the OVA) and I'm really glad that you are going to be doing the movies and things too! Can't wait to see your thoughts on Alabasta and Enies Lobby, my favorite arcs and on Movie 6, my favorite movie.

    Will you be doing anything like this with the Dub?

    Keep up the great work!
