Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to One Piece at a Time

Welcome to One Piece at a Time, a blog for all that is One Piece from the anime to the manga. I am your host! Mikey-san, the guy who will be conducting this blog.

So I guess this be the part where I tell everybody about myself right? I have been a One Piece fan for about a good 6 years I guess. I don't really remember when I got hook on to it. I just know that some time during high school my cousin showed me One Piece on TV and I fell in love with it. I been with One Piece when it was handled by 4Kids and now I am enjoying this ride that Funimation is give me. I buy the DVD sets that Funimation has made and I continued to show my support by buying the DVDs.

I do enjoy other anime series beside One Piece. Currently I am watching Shugo Chara!, Bleach, Toradora and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. In other words, I enjoy anything that can get a laugh out of me. Though this blog will be mostly focus on One Piece. Maybe I will mention those other series but most likely I won't.

Let take care of a few things in questions:

Why start a blog about One Piece?
Well after looking around the internet, I found out that there is nobody out there blogging about this great series. I mean it been out for like ten years yet nobody is out there blogging about how awesome it is. So I look to myself and say, "Why don't I blog about One Piece?". Now I am going to see why nobody blogs about One Piece.

Who are my favorite One Piece characters?
Now you are asking me to pick between my children. haha I have to say it is a tie between Usopp and Luffy.
Who doesn't like Luffy? He is the world's most loveable idiot and Usopp is just such a great guy. Put these guys together and their fun can never stop. I just put things simply: Luffy is who I want to be but Usopp is who I can be. I love all the things that Usopp can pull out of his bag and you got to admit that he is pretty strong if he could stand in a fight against Luffy. Then there is Luffy, you just got to like the spirit that Luffy emits.

Manga or Anime?
I am a huge fan of the anime and I prefer to watch the anime over reading the manga since I find it much more entertaining and there is more 'bang for my buck'. Twenty minutes of entertainment over ten minutes. Still I do keep up with the manga whenever I get the chance and I been doing a good job now reading it when I can.

I think that is all for now. You can learn more about me as I blog on and on about One Piece.

So where am I going to go with this blog? Well I am hoping to blog about almost every episode of One Piece from here on out starting with Episode 416. Maybe I will post something for Episode 415 but I am not sure. I am a busy person with school and all. Still each post will include my thoughts on the episodes, parts that I liked about the episode, things I didn't like and maybe a litter of screenshots. I may do a few blog post concerning the manga and any news concerning One Piece. As you read earlier, I do buy the Funi's DVDs so I may also do a blog about those and tell you what I thought about what happen in that set in order to cover some old One Piece.

So that is all for now. I hope that you guys will stay for this wonderful ride that I will provide.


  1. I prefer anime over manga's just so much more entertaining :)

  2. Tell me about it. Just look at the last episode we got! More laughs from Luffy hiding then in the manga.

  3. I don't like Luffy.

    Okay I'm lying. I love Luffy.
