Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Anime: Friends' Whereabouts Arc- Episode 456

Don't worry! You can watch One Piece on OnePieceOfficial.com!

First Thoughts
So after a bit of a break from blogging about the anime, I am back....I am sorry. I promise that Sora will be back next week.

This was some episode with the constant running around with Zoro and the pantyshots for Brook. Though I have to say that the Zoro part had something of fanservice from Perona with all the cleavage shots she was giving us. Maybe I was the only one that notice it since I like Perona but there was a good lot of them. There was enough of it where I had to conduct an 'investigation' for it. Due to the time limit, the investigation wasn't through but detectives have to do with what they are given. I can just hope that maybe in the future we can revisit Zoro's predicament in order to continue this investigation.

Zoro gets lost while Perona tries to find him on Kuraigana Island. Eventually the two finds a huge grave and Zoro has to fight off against a group of mysterious men.

Brook is stuck on Namakura Island helping out the people who 'summon' him by writing a song.

This is Halloween! This is Halloween!

Wait...how did The Nightmare Before Christmas got into the Funimation One Piece player thingie? I mean I want to watch my One Piece, not some good Christmas/Halloween movie. Then again all the McDonalds commercials I keep getting is something I would rather not see. So this is better then that. I like the movie anyways.

Okay...I promise to stop using this bad reference. Also I am thinking that this was the only time we get a good look of the mountains. Though that red moon is kind of creepy. Nothing good ever happens on a night of a red moon.

Thus begins this moment of Zoro and his bad sense of direction. The guy is running away from something and I am sure it isn't Perona. Then again...I think it could be Perona seeing how things were left off with the last time we paid Zoro a visit.

And Perona doesn't look too happy with the idea of finding Zoro. Though I don't think we ever had a moment where somebody had to find Zoro so I am guessing this may happen if somebody did. It doesn't look too pleasing seeing that you are looking for a needle that can move in a haystack.

Okay! I go say this out front right now! How old is Perona? Has anybody asked Oda this or something because I can't find an age on this girl. Just look at her up there! (Also Cleavage Shot Number One) She has a very thin waist and a huge chest! I admit that she is damn good looking but I have to wonder how old this girl is. My guess is that she is twenty since Perona been with Moria for ten years and during Hogback's flashback there was a young Perona there. Still what did Perona do to get a good looking body and a big chest? The world may never know....

Thus begins our on going investigation!

*Cue Scooby Doo chase music here*

So it seems like Zoro is looking for his swords that Perona hid from him. I guess that explains why he doesn't have them.

Though the Law of Cartoons Chase Scenes is applied here as we see Zoro run down the top hallway thing and then somehow made his way down to the floor. Zoro's ability to get lost is amazing and never ceases to amaze me. Though I wonder how he did it. Another thing that we may never know.

Cleavage shot number two.

So Zoro has been doing this game for two days. We shouldn't be surprise but then again it makes me wonder what the heck Zoro has been doing for those two days. You think that the big guy would have found them in those two days since he would have gone though the whole castle by then. Though knowing Zoro, he may have just been going in circles this whole time and just got lost. So I can see how come Perona would be bored with watching Zoro getting lost. Sucks for her that Zoro doesn't get hints either since I am sure that is just making matters worse. Clearly Perona doesn't know Zoro since anything involving directions is beyond the guy's head. He is a great swordsman but not a good wander.

You know that things are bad when the girl that was once your enemy is feeling bad for you. haha Perona is crying for your bad sense of direction Zoro. Really....the girl been alone for a good while now and she tried to kill you but now after being with you she understand what kind of person you are. A person that has a bad sense of direction and is only good at cutting things.
"Good things will happen to you someday!"
haha I love Perona. I don't care people hate her laugh or her character but the girl is just so cute and funny. The girl has now wish the best for both Usopp and Zoro now. How can you hate a girl that has such a cute smile and thumbs up? Perona just looks so cute doing that. haha

Surely good things will happen one day for Zoro. Just not today as this episode showed.

Another good Perona moment. This girl has given us so nice faces.

So her plan this whole time was to break Zoro and then use him for her own doing which involved getting back to the now destroyed Thriller Bark. I am guessing Zoro hasn't told Perona what has happen to Moria and Thriller Bark but that is a minor detail right? haha

Though once again, Perona may not have thought this all out seeing that maybe she didn't account for Zoro being an idiot in directions. Surely Zoro can take care of anybody that comes their way with a slash of the sword but Perona can stop people with her Negative Hollow.

Still it seems like Zoro doesn't want to find out what Perona wants to do with him since he cut the wall to get out. Seems like Zoro found some sort of direction seeing that he knew the wall that he cut a hole in was the outer wall. Yay Zoro!

I take that back....Maybe Zoro just got lucky with that wall thing...

Though it seems like this episode takes advantage of Zoro's inability with directions thus making it a running joke. That sounds a bit smart from me so maybe I am overthinking this thing a bit too much. Though it provide laughs so the writers did their job. Then the laughs were combo up with Perona's reactions and comments as she had to deal with Zoro's inability with directions.

Cleavage Shot Three and Four

Perona seems pretty well develop for somebody her age. Though it be better to say that Perona has developed well seeing that she is about twenty or so years old though she seems much younger by the way she acts. There needs to be an age on Perona so it won't be too awkward looking at these cleavage shots but then again they are so easy to spot. Maybe I am just looking for them....I am not sure. Still the investigation continues!

Big, shadowy, figure with red eyes is never a good sign. It does prove that people do live on this island but doesn't make a person feel good. When was the last time something with red eyes ever meant something good? Never. Don't think this is one of those rare exceptions.

Cleavage Shoot Number Five. If you made this into a drinking game, are you still sober? 


This was a very cartoony moment I have to say. I can only wonder what the guys at Funimation are going to be thinking by the time they get to this bit in the anime. Only in this show can we have somebody doing a face like that and that is saying a lot since we have a guy who is made out of rubber.

And once again we get a small cleavage shot from Perona. I am thinking her shirt was made to be that low cut on purpose or am I really just trying too hard to find her cleavage? I think Nami does a better job on hiding it then Perona does and that is saying a lot since the redheaded girl got her chest bigger since the beginning of the series!

Damn....There goes the Nightmare Before Christmas again....

Then the episode takes a turn towards the darker side when the tree falls down. No more cleavage shots of Perona (or maybe I just stopped looking for them after this point). Though the reaction to how fast that Zoro got to the scene was funny to watch as she just falls to the ground and points at him as if he was a ghost. haha Must be hard to surprise a ghost girl but Zoro can do it.

So clearly it seems like that the shadowy figure we saw before is behind the smoke that we are seeing. Still it makes one wonder what is going on here since this island seemed abandon. There seem to be a much bigger thing going on here. The question is what is going on here and if Zoro and Perona can handle it.

I was amazed at the information we got about this grave. It appears that it was a huge tree and that it was craved. Could the shadowy figure from before was the one that craved this tombstone? Who is this tombstone for? Was it made to honor more then one person? Just so many questions that could be asked based on this one thing here. It makes me wonder what happen here in this country and what remains from this event.

Then they all come out of the woodwork. Seems like there are a lot of people on this island and it doesn't look like they are too keen on Perona and Zoro being here. I am thinking that they guard this tombstone and only attacking Zoro because they see him as somebody that is disturbing the grave site.

These guys are no push over too as we saw that one of them was able to bounce away Zoro's Phoenix attack easily while they all displayed amazing speed. One of them even got a blow on Zoro. If our three sword wielding swordsman want to take down these men then he will have to tough it through or seek help from Perona and her hallows. Though it seems like this would be a good place for Zoro to get some training. Still if Perona was going to help then she would need a reason. I don't think she would help out willing at first. If we do revisit Zoro and Perona then we may see Perona running away then eventually go back and save Zoro by using several Negative Hallows after realizing that she can't leave Zoro to die.

Though I enjoyed this first part of the episode. Perona is one of my favorite characters that isn't a StrawHat and I liked the interaction she has with Zoro, cleavage shots and all. haha

And thus the panty raiding begins. Satan has spoken!

Really I wonder why these guys are calling Brook Mr. Satan. Are these guys mistaking Brook as Hercule from DBZ because of his fro? They really don't look alike since one of them has something called skin while the other one doesn't. Though I guess it is a common mistake in life.

That girl doesn't look like she appreciates Brook asking to see her bloomers. Apparently not everybody is up for the idea of this whole summoning 'Satan' thing. That or this girl kind of thinks that Satan isn't a skeleton that ask to see the panties of cute girls.


There is so much fanservice in this episode! First we got it from Perona and the shots of her cleavage and now we have it here with the temptation of seeing these men underwear! When will this rein of fanservice end!

So it seems like Brook has given them the idea that he likes to see underwear no matter who it belongs too. That explain the "WOW!" that he gave us at the end of the last visit. Either he saw something that he didn't want to see or he actually saw some panties from a young maiden.

So it seems like the Long Arm Tribe that Apoo came from is somewhere on this island. That is nice though I have to say that Apoo is the better looking out of the men from this island. Though his outfit looks similar to what these guys are wearing but more fashionable. I know nothing about fashion but if I had to pick between these men and Apoo then the 'Roar of the Sea' takes the prize as Best Dressed.

Though I am getting the feeling that we are missing a piece of this puzzle here. These guys been taking people from this village for who knows how long. The thing is that we don't know why they are doing this and how it benefits them. I am getting the feeling that the people from the Long Arm Tribe are doing some sort of rescue mission to help these people out and the people of this country is misunderstanding what they are doing. I would too since it looks like they are kidnapping these people from their homes. haha

I can see it now, Brook goes over there to rescue the girl and it turns out that the she doesn't want to leave because she is being well taken care of and the quality of life is much better then the place she came from. Since this country is basically in poverty and anything has to be better then this place. Well maybe not everything but most places have to be. I won't be surprise if this happens but I think I would laugh if this was true. haha

 Boo hoo hoo hoo....

These people didn't look too eager to go help out the lady nor bother to tell Brook what they wanted him to do. They really didn't do nothing at all which makes me thinking that they have done this before. No wonder the Long Arm Tribe people kidnap people from them. It is just too easy. I could just easily go in there, pick up a little kid and go along my merry way. I would never do that but it sure sounds easy.

Poor Brook. It seems like he got his work cut out for him with these people. They clearly depend on other people way too much. There was one guy that looked happy as the Long Arm Tribe people took that girl. That was kind or worrying since it gave the impression that he didn't care. There are some mess up people here.

Did Brook get to see any panties while he was here or are we to guess that he did and be happy with that? I am not sure....If Brook didn't and all he got to see was men underwear then I say he owes them just for the food. I mean no matter what, men boxers are not worth seeing for a guy. Though I guess this is suppose to be fanservice for the female fans of One Piece. There are girls that like One Piece and they deserve some fanservice too.

So my guess is that Brook is writing a piece that will either make these guys stand up for themselves similar to his Lullaby Flanc that he used on the Flying Fish Riders to put them to sleep. I am thinking that if he plays this piece that it would make these guy toughen up kind of like Jango and his hypnotism on the Black Cat Pirates. Either that or he is making an attack that is more longer range then the Lullaby Flanc so he put the whole tribe to sleep then run in and rescue the people. Brook seems like a smart guy so I think the first idea is what he is trying to do. I just hope that this works.

Back at the farm....

Seems like people are getting a bit restless as Jimbei doesn't like that idea that of killing Whitebeard from Crocodile. The fight from the two would be nice but I think Crocodile would lose this one since I notice that Jimbei's fist were a bit wet. I am sure that Crocodile could dry Jimbei up but would he be fast enough. I am not sure.

Luffy is beginning to annoy me right now. For the last few episodes, all this kid been doing was sitting on those cannons and watch the sea as he says, "I'm on my way Ace! Wait for me!" or something like that. I understand that he cares for Ace and such but at least do something else more. It is kind or boring if you ask me. This could be because I am not much of a fan of super serious Luffy but I would like to see some emotion being shown from Luffy. Kind of hoping that this will change soon.

So it seems like serious, quiet Luffy is hear to stay for a bit longer. This time it would feature the return of the vivrecard that may or may not get bigger or smaller. People were at first thinking that this episode would begin a series of flashback episodes featuring the crew but it seems like it may be something completely different.

Looks like we will be getting flashbacks going back to the childhood of Ace and Luffy. Get a bit of details on the many fights that the two had where Luffy was never able to beat his older brother. Though I can see why since it looks like Luffy was trying to figure out his powers. Then Ace just would grab his stretched out arm and flip the poor kid over. Poor Luffy.

I am a bit concern about this episode because of the title since it sounds like this episode may cover things that are happening right now in the manga. This episode may be a bit filler but it is hard to tell.

Next Episode: Flashback Special Before Marineford- The Brothers' Oath!

Till then let hope for some good stuff! Next time true believers!

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