Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Interview Piece: Chris Patton & Leah Clark (& Introduction)

Hello and welcome to the first of many possible posts by yours truly, the one and only PirateBeck. For those of you who don't know me, I spent a good deal of my time researching and uncovering information about internationally produced dubs of One Piece, ranging from actor information to song dubbing, from across the world. And when I say 'from across the world', I mean that most of my research is of the American and Singapore English dubs. I wish I spoke languages outside of English and even then, I'm nowhere near perfect when it comes to speaking that either!

But, if you have seen my work elsewhere on the internet, you would know that I not only uncover and reveal this information, I also discuss it during interviews with those involved in the industry, usually recording and releasing it to the fans. Now I admit, audio interviews aren't really the best thing to write about over a blog of all things but I like having something to listen to on the go and I hope that the finished product is a good representation of myself and the work of those being interviewed.

However, my most recent interview was with the one and only Brina Palencia (who has personally commented on my youtube channel, informing me of... my transcription mistakes. Happens to the best of us.) which took place during the now well known UK anime/manga/what-have-you convention Kitacon III. So I'm sure some of you eagle eyed viewers may have noticed that the image I posted above has nothing to do with any of those things. Well, in order to tie you over until we post that particular interview (oh a mystery date!), Mikey is letting me post the first ever audio interview I recorded as a placeholder until that one hits the site. This one was recorded during Kitacon II and to be frank, I was a little overexcited at the time but hey, considering I was interviewing two actors at once, it would have been hard to been anything but excited!

So, if you want something to tie you over until I get around to posting articles or just my most recent interview, please enjoy this little piece of history. Feel free to criticize it too since I'd rather have people speak honestly than just inform me that it was either 'good' or 'bad', for lack of a better word.

mp3 downloads (Video coming soon):
PirateBeck Interviews #1 (96 Kbps, Mono, Direct Download)
PirateBeck Interviews #1 (192 Kbps, Stereo, Direct Download)
PirateBeck Interviews #1 (192 Kbps, Stereo, MegaUpload)


  1. Hell yeah, glad to FINALLY see this on the site! :D

  2. WOW! you are going to make a lot of work dude...

    I'm trying to make summaries of one piece or maybe guides...hopefully I can ask you bout something bout it..I haven;t done anything troublesome though..

