Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Manga: Chapter 670 (SPOILERS!)

It's easy to get sucked into One Piece. Check it out each week on SJAlpha!
At the start of the chapter Luffy, Franky and Robin have all arrived at the site of the battle between the G5 Marines and Clown's henchmen. Tashigi attempts fighting Luffy with Smoker's devil fruit powers but because Luffy has mastered Haki, he pins Tashigi with ease. Smoker attacks Luffy with his Jutte but despite his confusion; Luffy manages to dodge the attacks easily. Once he puts the pieces together, Luffy has a good chuckle and refuses to further engage. Franky blasts the lab door open and heads for the entrance. As they head inside, everyone pauses in shock to watch Slime covering the Marine's ship.

You have every right to laugh Luffy!

The little blobs of Slime combine into a greater menace. Even though it is clearly lethal, an idiotic soldier attempts to grab the Slime and ends up suffering. The soldiers then decide to try and burn it which appears to work at first, but the Marine ship explodes, killing all of the soldiers aboard. The Slime isn't dead however, as more blobs rain down. Suddenly, Caesar Clown is sitting atop the sunken Marine ship much to the shock of Smoker and Luffy.

The reason that the Slime has scattered across the lake is that it can’t swim. We then see Zoro, Sanji and Brook come in contact with the Slime spitting out blobs. Caesar claims that once all of the pieces of Slime have arrived, another poisonous gas incident is going to occur. The chapter ends as Luffy grabs Caesar much to his shock.

Alright! We're finally getting the main battle next week!

This was a great chapter. We managed to see a funny and active confrontation between Luffy and Smoker, the artwork was as wonderful as ever. We also finally saw Luffy in a fight with his antagonist, although that won't begin until next time. My only real complaint is that it felt too short, but then again, maybe the pacing was just that good. Of course I need to ask; how are they going to deal with this slime? How will Luffy fare against Caesar's poison gas attacks? Will everyone be back to normal? Hopefully we should get some answers next chapter. So until then, watch out for slime and have a good week!

Michael Bay would be proud.