Thursday, July 12, 2012

Manga: Chapter 671 (SPOILERS)


Make sure you get your One Piece from SJ Alpha!

Sanji decides to go into the toxic infested lake to look for Kinemon's torso.

Chopper infiltrates Caesar's lab with the help of Law.

Luffy confronts Caesar in battle resulting with Luffy passing out.

A mysterious figure approaches Law and Momet.

Another jab at Sanji's current lack of manhood.

This chapter begins with Team Zoro stuck between a toxic infested lake and a toxic Slime monster. Things do look a bit dire because getting Kinemon's torso has become a bit harder. What is worse? A lake filled with toxic or angry fish? Well, Sanji is going to learn that pretty soon.

I have to admit, Sanji has began to step up to the plate in this arc. Previously he has been neglected by Oda when it comes to having impressive scenes. The last two times he had the chance to look impressive was at the end of Thriller Bark and the Battle at Fishman Island. Thebattle doesn't really matter because that when he suppose to look cool and his moment at Thriller Bark ended prematurely via a knockout from Zoro. So will we see a return of the Sanji of the past? It does look as if we will and I am happy because he has always been one of my favorites behind Usopp. Though, does it count as irony that it is mostly happening in Nami's body?

Meanwhile, Law and Chopper's ploy is slowly going into motion as Law was able to lure Momet out of the lab and leaving Chopper behind. That was a very sly move on Law's behalf in leaving Chopper behind. Still, is Momet the sly one here? She does not sound too worry at all concerning Law's invitation.

To tell the truth, I have not been too concern with Momet. Still, I am minding her a bit more as we get deeper into this arc. Caesar must have a reason to keep her close and she seems to have a lot of freedom compare to the rest of the subordinates under him. Then Law mention Momet's powers. Is she a result of Law's Op-Op ability or is she actually a special Zoan Type user similar to Marco and Lafitte? The girl is certainly somebody to keep an eye on.

Hopefully Chopper won't have any trouble while Law and Momet are out. Momet looks as if she is smart enough to tell that something amiss. If Chopper isn't careful, he may find it harder getting the information he wants.

Caesar looks to be sporting the latest fashion from Whoville.

We finally got our first real fight against a Logia user using Haki. It does help to have Armaments Haki against a Logia but you still have to deal with their fluid-like body. Luffy is learning that as he battles against Caesar on top of his Gas-Gas attacks. It was an impressive battle as Luffy one upped Caesar after each attack. He either took the hit and then fired another or simply countered the attack with his own.

Luffy doesn't look too good though considering that he was on top during the majority of the battle. As funny as it was to watch Luffy sprout out smoke from his ears, that still may not have been the best idea. He may have developed some immunity to poison but it still may not be wise to take so much in.

The chapter ends with a pained Law on the ground and a figure walking towards him. Momet looks as if she knows who this is and so does Law. Maybe this was the person that Law was referring to a few chapters back.

Luffy and Law seem to be suffering from similar conditions. It makes you wonder if Caesar's attack has some sort of trigger affect where everybody affected by it is in pain.

We are going have to wait two weeks for the next One Piece chapter due to One Piece being on break for next week's Shonen Jump Alpha. Our heroes are in a troubling spot as Caesar has gained the upper hand. It looks as if Momet knew about this figure and I won't be surprise if Caesar did as well. It will be a long two weeks but we are making our ways to some big reveals.

Until next time true believers!

1 comment:

  1. I will agree with you that Sanji does seem to be getting better in this arc, which is good because he was starting to get on my nerves. For one, all his scenes on Okama Island were the most tedious of all the Straw-hats, simply because the whole conflict came from him being so phodic of a couple crossdressers. And the fact that he kept refering to the place as "Hell" over and over and over again throughout the following arc was so obnixtious, I just wnated to be like "Dude, get over yourself."

    All that said, Sanji seems to finally be back to his old self, Nami's body not whistanding. And to be perfectly honest, he developed one of the coolest abilities post time skip, and that was his skywalk/bluewalk powers, which was awesome and is going to come in so much handy later on.
