Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Manga: Chapter 676 (SPOILERS!)

Are you brazen enough? Read One Piece each week on SJAlpha!

Picking up from last week, Smiley the Slime ate the giant piece of candy laid out by Caesar Clown. Smiley then begins to be "reborn". Bubbles and gas shed from Smiley, so naturally Zoro, Sanji, Brook, and Kinemon (as well as some of Caesar's men) begin to run away from it. On the abandoned sled is a bag of apples. As Smiley's gas envelops the apples, one of them...turns into a Devil Fruit.

WOW! I really didn't see this coming! Oda, what are you up to? Smiley absorbs the bag and turns into a massive cloud of toxic gas. One unlucky guy gets caught by the gas and is encased in something that looks like ashes. Needless to say, it is terrifying. Caesar yucks it up some more because his weapon 'Land of the Dead', is considered a success. The prisoners, as well as the brokers, witness all of Caesar's men being petrified by the gas. Again, very creepy.

Seriously, my jaw dropped when this happened!

In front of Caesar's lab, the G5 marines notice the gas approaching them and realize it would soon envelop the whole island. Meanwhile, Zoro and the others continue to run like the wind from the gas. They spot the dragon that was carrying the sled from before. Zoro wants to catch it because they could use it to get away from the gas. 

Back in the cage, Luffy and the others watch Zoro's group run away on the monitor. Caesar takes this moment to gloat, claiming that no-one will survive and literally become a land of the dead. The cage starts tipping backwards. Chopper watches from a distance and wants to help but a piece of paper gets thrown at him from somewhere telling him not to do anything. I have no idea who could've thrown the message but for some reason, my money is on Monet redeeming herself. Just a guess mind you.


We see that the cage was being carried outside by a crane. Everyone pretty much in doubt that they'll escape from the cage but Law isn't giving up that easily. The chapter ends with him saying to Luffy that they're going to launch a counter attack. 

Obviously, the big revelation in this chapter is the idea of Devil Fruit regeneration since Smiley died to become the gas weapon 'Land of the Dead'. I really like this idea and it makes me wonder who will show up with Devil Fruit powers the same as characters who have died in the series. Aside from this revelation, the rest of the chapter was just okay. Although it was very well drawn as always, it felt like another chapter where it was setting up for the inevitable counterattack against Caesar.

Badass Law moment #74

That about wraps up all I have to say this week. I'm fairly certain that the story will pick up again once the counter attack commences, as well as other points like switching hearts back and the business with Kinemon's son. I'm looking forward to all of it. Remember, an apple a day keeps the...ah, never mind.

Cue the Benny Hill theme!

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