Sunday, February 17, 2013

Manga: Chapter 698 (SPOILERS)

No need to rush! You can read new chapters of One Piece weekly on WEEKLY Shonen Jump!

Caribou heads to the port.

The Straw Hats, Kinemon, and Law head towards Dressrosa.

Doflamingo arrives on Punk Hazard and defeats Smoker only to be stopped by Kuzan.

 Looks like Law is using his Op-op abilities on Luffy's scar.

The party has finally ended and now it is time to set sail for the Straw Hats. They are heading to an interesting location: Dressrosa.

It makes you wonder how much in control of this plan Law has. He suggested that the Straw Hats go there which also happens to be where Doflamingo is. Is he confident in Luffy's abilities or does he need somebody there to be a distraction while he destroy another S.A.D. factory? Doflamingo would be the perfect test for Luffy and crew. They have never been able to take out a Warlord easily. The last one they have faced was Moria and they were bray able to defeat him. The battle will not be easy but it will be harder then Hody and Caesar.

Still, even if he is guiding the Straw Hats, he has to deal with Luffy's antics. I hope he can plan for whatever Luffy's throws out because this is only the beginning. Not even Luffy's crew are use to him even though they should be by now. I guess somethings never change or we just need the straight man.

Back on Punk Hazard, Smoker and the G5 Men are attempting to save their fallen comrades. It is interesting to note that Tashigi and the kids are nowhere to be seen. That is good because Doflamingo has arrived and is wanting to kill everybody on the island.

Judging by this chapter, we know that Doflamingo's ability involves string of some sort. We have seen this back in Marineford but now we can actually see the strings. We also know that he has Conquers Haki as he was able to knock out several of the G5 Marines. Doflamingo is able to hurt Logia users as well but that could be Armament Haki at work. Either way, it took Smoker by surprise.

Doflamingo really wants to find Law and Luffy. This must be his last ditch effort to preserve his title as Warlord and keep his profits with Kaidou.

When I saw the last panel with Smoker on the ground, I felt as if they needed somebody to save them. The question was who. That person has to be strong enough to handle Doflamingo and so far he has been the strongest Warlord in the series. I guess that person has to be an Admiral because it sounds as if the Warlords do not like them. Luckily, Kuzan was formally known as Admiral Aokiji.

Time for Doflamingo to cool off.

Now that you think about it. What kept the Warlords in line? What kept them from banning together to overtake the World Government and the Marines? That counterbalance was the Admirals. Now a former one is the only one to keep Doflamingo going buck wild and to see if this theory has any backing.

This chapter gave us a huge info dump as it explains how things work in the New World when it comes to being a pirate. We were even told how one should travel in the New World as well because you never know when somebody may be on your tail. There was more hints on what Doflamingo's ability could be and what it could do.

Lastly, we have Kuzan appearing at the end. Just leaving us with a lot of questions as in why he is there and if he can be Smoker's saving grace.

Too bad we have a break next week so we won't know until the week after what may happen.

Until next time true believers!


  1. Hey Mike.

    I've tried to be really cool about this in the past, but some of your guy's articles are in serious need of an editor, or at the very least, a good read through before you post anything. A few typos here and there are fine, but some of them are really distracting.

    With that said, great chapter. It's nice to finally have a clear image of Don's powers (Can Don be is abbreviation from now on). So basically he is a Parmithia who can produce a nigh invisible string from each of his fingers, so 10 in total. He can use these strings to either attach to something/someone and take control of them, or cut through them as we saw him do to G5, Smoker, as well as Orz and Crocodile back at the war, though during the war he took Crocodile's entire head off but didn't kill him. Sometimes the way Haki is used and how/when characters turn it on and off is a bit confusing.

    The Warlords banning together, in theory, sounds like a sound debate, but the problem is, and you can't forget this, the seven Warlords are pirates, and not just any Pirates, but big name pirates with huge reputations, and with big reputations come big egos. The World Government is also probably careful to make sure they elect warlords that wont get along too well with one another. Think about it:
    You got Don and Croc, who obviously don't like each other and wouldn't be caught dead working together.
    You got Moria, who's flat out too selfish and lazy to consider going against the world government.
    You got Kuma, a blindly loyal robot.
    Mihawk and Jimbe are pretty level headed and bright enough to consider it, but they have morals that don't mesh well with the other warlords.
    Then you have Hancock, who hates and despises all men, so why would she cooperate with a faction in which all other members are male?

    Nice to see Kuzan come to Smoker's rescue. I'm hoping we can expect something exciting for the 700th chapter (which is two chapters away.) Maybe a fight between Kuzan and Don, or maybe even a revelation to what happened to Law's crew.

    Seeing Kuzan back also reminds me that there are now two open Admiral positions. I'm wondering who has taken the job. I'm trying to think of Marine characters who would be qualified for the job. Perhaps... Hina? I'd like to put Jonathan in the role just so we can see him again, but then I realize his character isn't even cannon, which is a shame because of all the non cannon characters, he was my favorite.

    Stay flamen!

    1. If this is one of them, my fault. Late night typing and forgetting that there is no chapter makes me rush and drop quality.

      All we need now for Doflamingo is a confirmation and explanation of his ability.

      Haki is a bit confusing. Maybe Donflamingo didn't want to hurt Crocodile in hoping to use him later on? Maybe Haki can hurt a Logia user but not kill them? Maybe you need to cut the head off and then burn it before it reattach itself? We will need to look at the Zoro and Tashigi vs Momet fight to get a better idea and hope more Haki User vs Logia user battles happen in the future.

      Your idea on why the Warlords do not come together is good too. That could be a reason why and maybe even a fail-safe that the World Government uses as well. They do not even get together unless force to for their meetings to fill up spots.

      It does look as if Oda is building up something for Chapter 700. I wonder why seeing that we got nothing for 600. Then again, I am getting excited about it.

  2. Which scan did you read and where can I read it? I only know of Mangapanda and Mangastream, and I'm curious as to how this compares to them (Mangapanda tends to be kind of awkward).
