Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Manga: Chapter 723 (SPOILERS!)


But theres no rush Doflamingo! You can read One Piece each week in Weekly Shonen Jump!
Outside of the Corrida Colosseum, Zoro recalls a conversation with Sanji about how he and Kin'emon were given a map to find where the other samurai Kanjuro was and a transponder snail to keep in contact once they meet Luffy. In the meantime, Sanji is heading off to the Sunny because of course, he is worried about Nami.

Because the two swordsmen don't actually know where Luffy is in the Colosseum, they figure that simply waiting is good enough because they don't want to draw attention to themselves. Although someone has spotted them bickering; its Bartolomeo who as we find out is not only a Luffy fanboy but a Zoro fanboy too. Which makes me wonder if hes a fan of the entire crew or just specific members.

 No wonder Bartolomeo is fanboying, this is hilarious

Meanwhile at the Dressrosa Palace, Gladius vents his frustrations to Baby 5 over Violet's betrayal. He is so mad in fact that he goes Super Saiyan 3 on us. By the way I really like this guys design, very steampunk-like.

Speaking of which, we then see Violet and Sanji riding a toy horse towards the Sunny because the harbor is packed with Marines. How does Violet know this? She has the power of clairvoyance so she is able to see things from a very long distance. She suddenly gets a vision of the Sunny getting struck by lightning! Oh no!

 I predict that this arc may turn out to be the best, post-timeskip

But luckily the lightning only came from Nami's Sorcery Climatact as we see that back on the Sunny, the gang have managed to defeat Giolla. They seem confused over Law's order to retrieve Caesar because they still think that Doflamingo stepped down as a Warlord of the Sea, but Giolla laughs and informs them of the truth which was pretty dumb if you ask me.

Back on Greenbit, Doflamingo continues his conversation from last time by saying he is specifically an ex-Celestial Dragon but not for very long because he needs to take care of the Straw Hats. Caesar asks Doflamingo for his heart back but hes not so lucky as the heart that Doflamingo took from Law actually belongs to one of Fujitora's men. Quickly while they're distracted, Law uses Shambles to escape to the Sunny while dragging Caesar with him but Doflamingo chases him.

The crew on the Sunny, keep an eye out for Law but are suddenly attacked by Fighting Fish! This gains Doflamingo's attention and he flies towards the Sunny, getting ready to kill them all, but the chapter ends with the crew being saved by our very own Mr. Prince, Sanji!

Seriously, one of the best moments of this arc

Phew! A very packed chapter I'd say, but still awesome. Very funny moments particularly with Bartolomeo and Caesar as well as great suspense and action involving Doflamingo and Sanji. Seriously guys, I'm really excited for this fight. Of course this was a very well drawn chapter, as I said before I particularly liked the design of Gladius and the action going on when Law escapes and Sanji saves the crew are specific standouts to me.

At the same time, I'm still wanting everyone to come together already but maybe I'm wrong and things could turn out differently (eg. one group attacks the factory below the colosseum and another attacks Doflamingo) but who knows? We could know by next time so I'm very excited to see how this all turns out. Until next time, I'll try not to get too distracted by Pokemon Y.

 Does anyone remember that this doofus was the main villain last arc?

1 comment:

  1. Completely agree. An excellent chapter.

    As badass as that was for Sanji, everyones quick to assume he wont stand a chance in a strait up fight with Doflamingo. To be fair though, I don't really want to count Sanji out just yet. As one of Luffy's strongest crewmembers, he needs to be strong enough to take on a Warlord on his own. They can't always rely on Luffy to fight everyone. In fact Zoro himself seeks to defeat a Warlord in battle himself, so why shouldn't Sanji be expected to do the same?
