Sunday, November 24, 2013

Manga: Chapter 728 (Spoilers)

Robin shock-faced! You better be when you read Weekly Shonen Jump!

Old Lady gives Caribou her last meat pie.

Lightning Solider finish his story on how Dressrosa was taken over by Doflamingo.

Most of the fighters from Block C have been turned into toys.

Luffy finds Zoro and Kinemon. Bellamy located Luffy.

This is something big.

This may have been one of the grimmest and disturbing chapter of One Piece. That is saying a lot after a series that has done plenty of things in the last fifteen years. Oda has introduce an ability or combination of abilities that has some of the most horrifying effects on the people around the user. Oda is really making the dark underbelly of Dressrosa look terrifying with this toy aspect. The worst part is that Oda actually shown the effects of this abilitiy(/ies) of this not long after he explained it. The man did this in a way to leave us with a horrifying and surprising cliffhanger. I don't think anybody saw this coming after the reveal on how they make the toys two weeks ago.

We are now looking at an ability that can change a person into a toy and obedient to another person. Then with the effect or another ability that wipes that person from everybody's memory. This is intense and could have some massive effects as we have seen so far. Imagine if this happens to somebody big like maybe King Riku or, even worst, Luffy. The memory of King Riku sounds to be an important part of some characters in this arc like Violet and the Tontatta. If he was wiped from their memories then would Violet still stay loyal to her people or will she fall into Doflamingo's loyalty. This could very much happen soon seeing the position that King Riku is in. Then, if Luffy finds himself becoming a toy, will his own crew remember him? Surely, it looks like some willpower is needed to break this spell but it looks pretty hard to break it upon the person who lost their memories.

We have a lot of things coming up. Oda is a master at the cliffhanger and I wonder what he has plans for us before taking a break for Christmas. We are raising to something big and Oda keeps putting more on the story. He even made Robin upset using her love of history. An ability that can make people forget about the past? Of course she is going to be willing to fight with the Tontatta against Doflamingo.

The action is rising and we are about to hit the December break. Knowing out luck, Oda is going to make it look like we are going to have a huge battle next chapter right when the break comes up. How many want to bet that Oda is going to leave us with a mean cliffhanger before leaving us with no One Piece for two weeks?

Until next time true believers!